teameftiwic β€” Hotter then you

Published: 2013-11-30 07:38:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 4038; Favourites: 54; Downloads: 8
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Description I drew Phobs's Sauron and Melkor for reasons.

I'm not sure if you guys know this, but I am a big Tolkien fan.Β 

Aside from drawing two fab evil dudes, I waste my life on drawing Legolas in dresses.Β 

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Comments: 62

Sketchevrywir [2015-01-23 14:15:54 +0000 UTC]

those smirks whoop there go my emotions

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Sorrowscoldfrost [2014-05-14 02:52:59 +0000 UTC]

The evil guys usually are pretty awesome. (except for a few) Sauron and Melkor are just plain fabulous. Legolas in dresses? Lol, I've got to see that!

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warriors1234567 [2014-01-29 16:27:28 +0000 UTC]

I am a big Tolkien fan, too.( Read all the books, seen all the movies and extended editions, and THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG!!!!!) This is just.... AWESOME!!!And yes, they are fab evil dudes.( I have an EXTREME soft spot for evil dudes.) Like watching Hercules and rooting for Hades.......Wonderful picture, none the less, just going to sit here and hug my Kindle Fire for about 2 hours.

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-01-30 15:06:52 +0000 UTC]


I for some reason have a, what iΒ  like to call "hate spot" for Feanor.
He just annoys me so much, and every time I talk about him I for
one reason or another find ways to make him burn in a fire.

I know how you feel! And Hades was sassy af, I loved him so much.

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-01-30 23:50:08 +0000 UTC]

It's ok, I hated Feanor and cussed him out about 50 times while reading the book.

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-01-31 16:49:08 +0000 UTC]

yeah, Feanor's a little shit, fuck Feanor.

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-01-31 23:40:12 +0000 UTC]

Fuck Feanor forever!!!!(Sauron/Melkor will rule the fucking world!!!!!Yes, I will ship them forever...)

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-01 16:32:51 +0000 UTC]

yea angbang is pm the 2nd most canon ship, after gimli/legolas

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-01 17:38:40 +0000 UTC]

I don't like Gimlas though.....I'm more of an Aragorn/Legolas shipper....(No offense)

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-01 18:24:37 +0000 UTC]

That's cool, but if you'veread the books and the apendixes there's a shit

ton of contant. [[Why would I be offended? You ship what you ship, it's yo thing bro.]]Β 

I cant see Aragorn with anyone but Arwen, because total cuties. ok,i kind of like the idea

of Eomer having a crush on Aragorn, but I blame RotK book.Β 

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-01 18:41:16 +0000 UTC]

There is a shit ton. Yes, I did think of Aragorn and Eomer. The ROTK book hinted it a lot.(I blame my shipping of Legolas and Aragorn on the ROTK movie.The ending......)

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-02 09:55:36 +0000 UTC]

for some reason the whole of the RotK book maade me laugh, and i know

it shouldn't. it's not a funny book[[the end of the film made me think that

leggy is the biggest Aragorn/Arwen shipper, the look he gives is "i know

what's up" and if you really look at the scene where everyone kneels to the

hobbits you can see gandalf being so done with legolas and gimli's shit, because

leggy just goes to stand next to him and they are so adorbs and the biggest idots

know to Middle Earth UwU. I just have a lot of gigolas feels. like, the ship is the mostΒ 

heartwrecking thing ever, because gimli's mortal and they're elf and dwarf and cuz ofΒ 

all the history of elves and dwarves and i just...this is a legit problem]]

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-02 18:37:49 +0000 UTC]

I know, it made me laugh too. Yes, Gandalf is SO done with Leggles and Gimli' s shit.Poor Gandalf, had to deal with them.Yes, it is a legit problem.

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-03 06:44:41 +0000 UTC]

Gandalf is so done with EVERYONE's shit. Like 'Erudamn it Aragorn control your children!

Legolas, put the dwarf down! Pippin get off of Boromir, he is not a tree! Sam, dear old boy,

help Frodo, I'm afraid I can not, because SOMEONE isnt's doing their job."

And Aragorn's all like "Fucking fuck Gandalf can't you see I'm trying??? The hottest babe in

all of Middle Earth and a Kingdom aren't worth this shit"

[[haha, now i made myself sad, because the whole killing

in Doriah....and Thranduil was there and I just....fuck man...]]

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-03 11:52:46 +0000 UTC]

Yes, he was done with everyone's shit during the beginning of the Two Towers. It's ok, Doriath was sad.(I'M GOING TO KILL SOME DWARVES!!!)FUCK, now you got me sad......DAMN IT!!!! IF THERE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ANY BATTLES WE WOULDN'T BE HAVING THIS PROBLEM!!!!!Dear Manwe...what has happened to us......

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-03 21:55:01 +0000 UTC]

Well if Eru wasn't such an asshole this wouldn't have been a problem.

I mean the dude said that anything Melkor made was insteadmade by

himself. So when you think about it it's all his fault, like yea, Melkor was

a huge asshole[[one of the reasons i love him so much]] but Eru let Melkor

do as he pleased and fuck shit up. I mean Eru is pm God and the dude

can't just spot by Ea and tell Melkor to stop? Doesn't seem very....how shall

I put this....logical? to me. I mean he could have destroyed Melkor if he wished

to. Maybe he never did it because Melkor was his firstborn.

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-04 00:09:43 +0000 UTC]

He was a huge fucking asshole.And yes, one of the million reasons wee LOVE Melkor/Morgoth. Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Yah, I think it would be hard to put it logically, but probably he never killed Melkor because of Melkor's fucking hot Maia that would destroy him.....(Yes, Sauron is Melkor's little Maia....GOD DAMN ERU!!!!!)Β 

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-04 00:26:54 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, Eru is such a douche.Β 

I think I talked about this on tumblr with Preda[[beguilingblackness.tumblr.com/…

or with Jessica[[she's sycamoreleaf on dA]] on how like, if it were a modern day au, Melkor

would be a rockstar and like he would have been part of the group the Valar before going

solo and Eru would be his and Manwe's dad and the lebal owner. And Sauron would be

a fan of Melkor's but then one day they meet up and end up a couple and then later work

on getting Sauron a spot in the rock world[[because Melkor would give a big fuck you to his

dad by droping out of the world of music. Eru would still give him money because it's his son]]

and it's very cute.Β 

[[OMG YES. I LOVE when Melkor calles him his little maia, it makes me all happy n stuff. I just love

adorbs dark lords in love UwU]]

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-04 01:42:22 +0000 UTC]

OMG!!!!!!AU MEL AND SAU!!!!!! Fucking LOVE them in AU form.....Yes, Dark Lord Slash.......... Will forever ship it...ANGBAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!!!!!!!!

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-04 08:53:19 +0000 UTC]


But whait if, high school AU? Like Melkor is the rebel, he drinks,

rides a motorbike, always dresses in black, but not goth black,Β 

like really punk like black clothes. And Sauronstarts out as theΒ 

sweet little 1styear who only wants to live out his high school

days working on his art and metal work at his dad's shop[[aka

Aule's shop]] and he meets Melkor and atfirst he's all like "Wtf

is wrong with you? but as they start talking and stuff he foundsΒ 

out that they like the same bands, like the same tv shows etc etc

and so they become bros. And now when you see Melkor pulling

prenks and stuff, you can always kind of see Sauron with him.

Like, Sauron won't do anyof the dirty work, but he'll give MelΒ 

ideas and all the stuff he needs. And Melkor always walks him to

class because some losers from his class made fun of Sauron

"for being a girl"[[stupid af reason i know, 's why it makes Β more

sense]] and he kind of makes them run the fuck away. And like,Β 

once it's prom for Melkor he invites Sauron to go with him, and they've

been bros for a whole year now,so Sauron says "why the fuck not?

we can dick around with people on the dance floor" while in reality

he was pm screaming on the inside, because Melkor asked. MELKOR

ASKED HIM. Sauron pm had the biggest crush on Mel at this point.

And they get to the dance and like y'know for the first 30min fuck arond

with people and then this slow songs starts and it's requested of everyone

to grab their dance partner and so Melkor starts dancing with Sauron

and Sau is shocked af, becase Mel doesn't dance. He said it himself,Β 

he would rather let Manwe be the best in class rather then dance

[[yea i think that mel would be a straight A student, even with all

the bs he pulls cuz the dude's smart af]] and he's dancing with SauronΒ 

now and he starts talking but Sau's lost it, he can't hear anything.

He can only see Melkor and so Mel asks him if he's ok and that kind

pulls Sauron back to the real world. And then Mel says that's going

to UNI next year and that he wants Sauron to come with him, not now ofc,

but once he's done with HS, or at least go to an art school in the sameΒ 

town because Mel doesn't know what he'll do without his little maia

[[both of em are fantasy nerds]] and so Sauron promises he will and

Mel that he'll visit when he can. And he does, he visit's every two weeks,

and then after 3 years, Sauron goes to a art school close to Mel's UNI

and he kind of suprises him, and all Mel can do is pull him in his arms and

kiss him.

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-05 00:48:44 +0000 UTC]

OMFG THAT IS THE BEST IDEA EVER!!!!!(I LOVE your long messages,btw.) I NEED TO MAKE AN ANIME VERSION, ON THAT ANIME MAKER THING, FOR THSES TWO!!!!!!(I'll show them to you somehow....)Never have I had someone love these two like Β I do!!(I WUV YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!) I LOVE THE KID IDEA!!!!! Poor Sau, he may look sort of like a girl, but he's just a very, very, fucking hot and beautiful Maia!!!) I am going to write a whole fanfiction just to please myself..if you don't mind...

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-05 08:42:00 +0000 UTC]

omfg yes do it! DO IT! [[and ty UwU]]

but like, after they kiss they kind of stareat one another

for a few sec like"wtf did we just do?" and sauron asks

melor what that was about nad melkor's looking off to the

side and is keepinf his mouth shut, so sauron pulls his faceΒ 

down to his and kisses him again, slower this time and melkor

kisses him back and they kind of just kiss there in the street.

and when they figure this out they start laughing and they go

to melkor's place to hang and they kiss some more/

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-05 23:28:23 +0000 UTC]

I WILL!!!!!! BEST KISSES EV!!!!(I'm going to write this down so I don't forget it. ) KISSESALLOVERTHEFUCKINGPLACE!!!!!!!!!!! SAUKOR!!!!????(I don't know their ship name...I thought of Moron....that is terrible....)Β 

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-06 23:55:08 +0000 UTC]

omg yes

[[it's angbang btw]]

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-07 02:19:30 +0000 UTC]

I thought so... Hey, I wanted to know if you ship Elrond/Lindir?????

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-07 09:55:49 +0000 UTC]

Well, yes and no. I don'treally otp Elrond with anyone but his wife, but like,

I can tots read fanfiction with them.Β 

Like, I ship Glorifindel and Erestor but I don't really read fics with them that much,

y'know what I mean? I mean they're not like gigolas and Faramir/Eowyn but y'know. Β 

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-07 21:31:23 +0000 UTC]

They're not my OTP, but I do ship them....(Not as hard as Angbang.....) And yeah, I know what you mean. I started to ship Glorfy and Erestor after reading the Silmarillion(don't ask why) but I kinda don't anymore.....

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-08 06:56:58 +0000 UTC]

[[haha, we start shipping a lot of things while reading sil]]

I pm much ship everything canon, aside from Leggy/Tauriel, like

that's a no in my books, Kili/Tauriel on the other hand.Β 

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-08 15:14:18 +0000 UTC]

I will NEVER ship Leggy/Tauriel!!! I HATED her in DOS!!!(Don't judge me, I don't like female characters that date or love my favorite characters...)

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-09 10:39:59 +0000 UTC]

[[why would I judge you for not liking a character? I'm not a person

who hates on others because of the stuff they like, anyone who does is stupid.

if you're gonna hate someone, hate them because you know they're an asshole,

not because they like stuff you don't like]]

I love, love, LOVE Tauriel, she was the most pefr female char ever[[aside from

Eowyn ofc, she gets the 1st place in the most badass in my book, but like,

Varda's right after that with Tau]] UwU Β 

[[dont be hatin on tau, not cool bro, not cool. Peter made her for the gilrs who were

going to watch DoS, to make them feel better and not left out, because of the amount

of males in the cast[[or in my case to lust over]]]]

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-09 18:31:51 +0000 UTC]

I have to admit that she was pretty fucking bad ass. I just didn't like her cause she stole Legolas's shine!(But Thrandy Randy did that too.... but he's Leggles' s dad so.......) I agree with you so much though. (Eowyn was the best fem mortal character EVER!!!) Β 

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-09 19:38:43 +0000 UTC]

No, but she didn't, like Legolas and she had the same amount of screentime.

The only reason she 'stole' his shine is because of her romance with Kili and the

Laketown scene[[that scene made me cry in the cinema, jfc i need help]].

[[IKR? I don't know who I love more anymore. Like, all of them are badass, cute,

hot as hell perfect characters]]

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-09 19:55:27 +0000 UTC]

I cried during the Laketown scene too. (BTW, did you see the pugs???XD)

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-09 23:45:34 +0000 UTC]

[[yep. Melkor's work no doubt. Phob's made a comic about the whole


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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-10 00:08:55 +0000 UTC]

The Lord of Pugs.

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-10 19:20:47 +0000 UTC]

f yeaΒ 

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-11 00:48:17 +0000 UTC]

Because I needed to put this on something: Β and this: Β 

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-11 20:09:17 +0000 UTC]


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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-12 00:24:49 +0000 UTC]


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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-12 21:39:26 +0000 UTC]


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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-12 21:55:03 +0000 UTC]

School has been canceled so it's like a free week.

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-13 07:04:03 +0000 UTC]

lucky you. they wouldn't cancel classes in my school even if something

really bad happened, maybe they would but like for 3 days while other

schools would cancel for a month at least.

art school, wht can you do

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-13 14:44:26 +0000 UTC]

Well, they haven't cancelled school tomorrow but it still snowed here, did it snow there? (The snow reminds me of when I lived in New York )

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-13 20:36:34 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but that was like a week ago, it's wark af now, over 15C.

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-13 22:21:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. Guess what comes out in April?Β 

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-16 12:10:42 +0000 UTC]

4th season of Game of Thrones?Β 

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-16 20:35:56 +0000 UTC]

Well that, and The Lego Hobbit game!(I'm such a fucking nerd......)Β 

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-17 16:08:01 +0000 UTC]

omg omg omg omg that is GOING TO BE PERF. IF ITS LIKE THE
[[dude, that doesnt make you a nerd, it makes you a geek and
theres nothing wrong with geeks, were awesome af]]

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warriors1234567 In reply to teameftiwic [2014-02-17 23:33:19 +0000 UTC]

Yes.(Now they need to make a Silmarillion lego game...am i asking too much?) YES GEEK PEEPS UNIIIITE!!!!

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teameftiwic In reply to warriors1234567 [2014-02-18 07:22:49 +0000 UTC]

[[more like a TV show, cuz that wouldbe awesome.]]

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