Published: 2014-01-07 00:45:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 2818; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 6
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Taminki In reply to ??? [2014-01-07 10:34:30 +0000 UTC]
Ahahahahah, well he barely interacted with her so I don't know her personality well enough to determine a relationship. OTL
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ShinjuBread In reply to Taminki [2014-01-07 20:40:29 +0000 UTC]
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yumyumstrawberries In reply to ??? [2014-01-07 02:30:33 +0000 UTC]
good lord he is handsome....
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cixu In reply to ??? [2014-01-07 01:11:40 +0000 UTC]
WAH HKJSHDJK I was going to be like WHY-HOW DID I MISS THIS, but you just uploaded it so don't mind me.
Aosa Just got prettier and maniler after the timeskip. And hella tall. xD
He reminds me of a model. His face structure is so perf. <3
And I always say him as a sensory type, I think that specialty fits him so well.Β
Awhhhh he likes Hima. Himawari feels the same, she'd risk her life to save him, and he can paint her nails anytime.
But I'm curious, why does he hate Kazue? xD
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Taminki In reply to cixu [2014-01-07 10:08:59 +0000 UTC]
Ahahhahahaha, I did. XD
Nawww. <3 Well, he isn't a giant. But he did have quite the growth spurt over timeskip.
I'm glad. Sensory type always seemed so perfect for him, I'm glad it's not only me who thinks that. <3
Well, it's quite impossible to not love little Hima-chan.
Uh, Kazue once had that story, remember? There was an orphan kid who stole bread or something and she scolded him lightly and payed for him and let him get away with stealing more or less. She believed the kid when he said he would never do that agin. Aosa was furious, he is trying to teach his fellow orphans responsibility and facing consequences and then he hears of people like that. He believes she confuses compassion with pity and is overly soft on the kids. Especially over timeskip that is dangerous, because everyone struggles to make a living there and it's not going to get easier for those kids. So... basicly they have a huge disagreement about educational things. XD At least from Aosa's side. He is very strict with people dealing with kids.
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cixu In reply to Taminki [2014-01-11 07:02:52 +0000 UTC]
Mmm, I guess. xD 4 inches just seems like a lot. Hima only grows to like 5'5/5'6 :iconbriggin-plz:
Yea * ^ * Always saw him as one, I don't even know why, I just FEEL IT shkdsh.
Oh I never read it. D; I just thought she rescued him and returned him to his famiry.Β
Oh I see why she did that, but I also see where Aosa is coming from with facing the consequences of your actions.
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Taminki In reply to cixu [2014-01-12 23:33:16 +0000 UTC]
Yea, I was told his weight is too little as well. OTL Probably having to rework that. I just wanted to cheat a few centimeter more into his detection range and thought it would work, since the boys in my class could pull off the growth spurt of 10 centimeters in the course of about a year. <_<
I'll see though. Maybe having to rethink that.
Yeeeah, me too. That's awesome. Can't be explained, it's just somehow very Aosa.
This is.
That was another kid I think.
He is just very responsible. And strict. XD He starts to become more like their sensei.
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cixu In reply to Taminki [2014-01-14 04:48:48 +0000 UTC]
Well I guess it depends on how you want him to look. If he's tall and underweight, he'll look skinner than usually, and vice versa. xD
So it's all about how you want him to look.
Yea, hahaha. xDΒ
I'm having a hard time picking a specialty for Hima, which one do you think would fit her best? o:
no, this is: :iconwoteyesplz:
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Taminki In reply to cixu [2014-01-14 19:06:27 +0000 UTC]
Well, he is quite lean, but as a shinobi he shouldn't be toooo skinny and underweight. OTL I'll see about that.
Uhhhh, difficult!
I think Shikaku Seiei doesn't really fit her but would be funny because of that.
Somehow I can imagine puppeteer.
Elementalist or Kitsune Warrior or Illusionist might fit best....
Hm, did you narrow your choices down yet?
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cixu In reply to Taminki [2014-02-08 23:55:13 +0000 UTC]
Yea, he could be that good kind of lean. or it all could be muscle, and others just don't know. xD
Yea I picked Kitsune Warrior, like why have a Kitsune Oc and a fox if i'm not going to take their specialty. Β
Pft hahaha. xD I love that ming face!
And I think Shinju picked Lantern Sage.
Also, did you have anything special down for Aosa's second and third year?Β
He could help Hima/Hima and Shinju open a shop to help bring in revenue for the village.
And I had put #teambonding for Hima's third year. She spends that whole year molesting hanging out with Aosa.
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Taminki In reply to cixu [2014-02-09 00:28:32 +0000 UTC]
AHAHAHAH, or he just cheated on his results. He is smart enough to pull it off.
Very cool! I'm sure it will fit her awesomely.
Good to know. Did she sign up officially yet? I need to stalk those sign up sheets again.
Actually I didn't plan much except for him getting more involved in politics, forming his own opinion and discussing it more openly. But that's more personality developement and not anything solid. So he is still pretty free. What kind of shop?
Awwwyes, sounds like a plan! Aosa got his own place somewhen around the first year, but spend most of his time with Tsutomu and Tomoyo regardless. So I think he would use his own home more often when he is getting visitors, to not annoy the other two too much (though I'm sure they wouldn't have minded, but Aosa is overly independent). And if they do that shop thing, I imagine them hanging out at that shop an awful lot, making money by sparkling people to death. .... No, by carefully convincing them of their products. OTL Idek, man.
I should just go to bed.
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cixu In reply to Taminki [2014-02-09 00:48:36 +0000 UTC]
He probably did. He's the smartest on on the team. xD
And no not yet. xD I need to stalk them too. e u e I didn't know so many people signed up for the weapon specialist.
Well just letting you know I changed his status to best friend for Himawari. ~
And you know, something useful to the TG people, some kind of food shop, dildo shop, y'know stuff like that.
I honestly don't even know. xD I would say bakery/cake shop, but Rin already does that. Maybe they could help him. x3
Ohhh, O: so who was he living with before? o_o Was he living in the orphanage?Β
Sparkling people to death. They could dress us as maids to attract customers. e w e no. xD
Wahh what time is it for you? o:
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Taminki In reply to cixu [2014-02-09 09:06:18 +0000 UTC]
Well, have you seen the Elite Asukai? Almost every Asukai signed up for it, which is awesome, since I believe such a proud clan would indeed most often choose their own speciality. Martial artist is very popular too.
AWWWYES. Well, I believe she is his best friend too, since he is so horribly attached to her. He didn't really plan on having another best friend after what happened to Usagi, but you don't plan those things.
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Dildo shop. Gawddammit Team 165.
I really don't have much ideas for shops. It would be best to have something they could leave behind when they go on missions, so I don't think food would be a good choice. Maybe something more practical? ....Bird houses or something. X'D Idek.
He lived with Tsutomu, who works in the weapon shop, and his little sister Tomoyo for a few month. Reasons why he has some of the sharpest and best kept Kunai's out there. And before that the orphanage, yes.
AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA oh dear god. I bet they didn't even know what maids were back then.
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cixu In reply to Taminki [2014-02-11 00:39:21 +0000 UTC]
Yea! That gives me a fuzzy feeling inside that so many of them signed up for it! I saw you're going to sign your boy up for it as well.
Yea! xD That would have been one of my options if I didn't make a Kitsune cause I really like Taijutsu and stuff, like I love Rock Lee's fight style and how fast he is.Β
Her dream came true. :iconmingtearplz: She can die in happily now.
xD But she wanted Aosa to like her as a friend and a teammate ever since the beginning. She thought he was cool as ice..now she's know that he's not cool as ice. .
Yea, you can't help friendships. <3
they'll be very help to the people of TG in these desperate times.
Yea! Something that doesn't really require a lot of work, or something they could like pass onto a npc when they have to go onto more missions. xD
A bird house shop would be really cute! x3 Them all making bird houses and setting them up around the village.Β
Maybe even like a seamstress shop would be good too, I feel like a lot of people lost their clothes, I would say like a medical shop but there's already a hospital. Β Or like a trade shop, people trade useful things that they don't want or need and get other stuff, like a thrift shop. Iunno >_< I'll try to think of some other ideas. D;
Ohhh he got that special can he hook Hima up with some.
Bwahahaha xD I know right. So no Aosa in a cute maid outfit. 3
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Taminki In reply to cixu [2014-02-13 16:23:59 +0000 UTC]
Nope, he is probably going Fuinjutsu specialist. Noone picked it yet and it looks so awesome.
Eheheh. XD Well, you can still be fast without martial arts stuff. :3
Ah, the disappointment. I feel for her.
Oh my. Well, did you do the timeskip stuff already?
Ohhh, trade shop sounds cool! Since money is few but everyone has other stuff.
We'll see. And nope, maid outfit is not gonna happen.
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cixu In reply to Taminki [2014-02-14 00:42:32 +0000 UTC]
Ohhhh. plot twist. It does look pretty awesome though.
Yea I guess. xDΒ
I gotta It's all part of my master plan to have her reborn as a god.
Major disappointment. but loves him regardless.
I'm still filling it out sadly. xD I'm trying to make it as detailed as possible. u n u but i hope to have it all done by Saturday or something.
Okay, trade shop it is. :'D
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Taminki In reply to cixu [2014-02-14 09:40:05 +0000 UTC]
You better!
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Shiori92 In reply to ??? [2014-01-07 01:07:39 +0000 UTC]
He looooks soooo awesome!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Plus the cell shading looks amazing!!!
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Jaz-Saxx In reply to ??? [2014-01-07 01:01:16 +0000 UTC]
D'awwww, Aosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~<3 At least Kana has a headstart on the "being girly" thing compared to Miki and Akemi. :'D Aosa just needs to focus on teaching him manners.
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Taminki In reply to Jaz-Saxx [2014-01-07 09:34:53 +0000 UTC]
One of his favourite students then.
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Jaz-Saxx In reply to Taminki [2014-01-07 15:33:23 +0000 UTC]
:'D Aosaaaaaaa you're so cute~<3 And now officially taller than Kana it looks like. :'D
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Taminki In reply to Jaz-Saxx [2014-01-08 10:35:20 +0000 UTC]
He would be too mature to tease Kana about that...too obviously. Though he might make a subtle hint or two that femininity has nothing to do with height and Kana should not be worried about growing too tall.
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Jaz-Saxx In reply to Taminki [2014-01-08 15:20:04 +0000 UTC]
Pfft. It feels good to be taller than Kana, though. Doesn't it, Aosa? XD
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Taminki In reply to Jaz-Saxx [2014-01-08 19:02:24 +0000 UTC]
"Totally. Although I didn't chose my height. It chose me."
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SoulOfPersephone In reply to ??? [2014-01-07 00:58:28 +0000 UTC]
Well his new look it's cool <3
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Taminki In reply to SoulOfPersephone [2014-01-07 09:34:04 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry.
He doesn't hate you, but dislikes Kazue.
Thank you~ >_<
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SoulOfPersephone In reply to Taminki [2014-01-07 10:21:13 +0000 UTC]
AHAHAHAHA i know it don't worry Β
it's ok X'D I think there should be someone who hates her, I find it interesting and great for the plot. :3
and np dear ;3 just how are you? have a good holiday? ;3
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Taminki In reply to SoulOfPersephone [2014-01-07 14:41:01 +0000 UTC]
Well, after timeskip you got almost every Asukai on her throat....at least according to canon. OTL I guess already existing friendships aren't broken up, but the parents and clan leaders probably make it difficult for them.
Aosa just happens to have a very different view on how to treat children and unfortunately he is really strict about that.
I'm good, thanks. Holidays were awesome, but schoon started today and I have so much to do. How about you? How's it going?
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SoulOfPersephone In reply to Taminki [2014-01-07 15:01:48 +0000 UTC]
ahaha it's hard to very hard, but do not give up .
I always hope for a future friendship , w omunque think Aosa not wrong to be severe , Β ^^ indeed just that Kazue is like that is too good and follows his own way for the education of children , and they are the ones that motivate you to strive for peace. but they are also of the view that the turbulence we want ! if not, it's all boring! XD and do more plot! anyway we shall see my friend, everything is in the hands of RP !
Anyway, I 'm glad ! But I'm sorry you have much to do.
Β However, I feel better hahaha are cooled and I cough .
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