makibo031226 — HASUGAKURE OC INFO SHEET: Kohaku

#narutooc #hasugakurenosato
Published: 2016-09-08 14:14:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 3339; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 17
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One more of BlackRoseOfLight97 's Hasugakure characters.


Name: Kohaku
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Blood Type: B
Birthday: 6th of February
Personality: Kohaku is cooperative, organized and responsible which makes him an excellent leader. He's a fast learner and his determination helps him achieve his golas. Although he's very charismatic and people love him he's actually a loner and preferes not to have interactions with other people.

Although he was always introverted it got much worse after he passed into the second stage of Cotard's syndrome. After that he also became somewhat reckless, careless and impulsive. He also tends to get drunk on his days off just because it makes him forget that he's a walking corpse.
Good Trait(s): Independent, intellectual, philosophical, honest, loyal, tactical, charismatic, cooperative, organized, adaptable, friendly, practical, direct, dutiful, strong-willed, responsible.
Bad Trait(s): Unpredictable, detached, loner, stubborn, impulsive, reckless, brutal, tense, depressed, judgemental, sometimes insensitive.
Like(s): storms, rainy days, poetry, graveyards, sweet food, swords, hiking
Dislike(s): crowded places, spicy food, funerals, mornings, high temperatures
Hobby(ies):  collecting swords and knives
Fear(s): Apeirophobia - fear of infinity, as he believes he's dead he's afraid that he'll have to spend infinity as a walking corpse;

 Eisoptrophobia - fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror, one of symptoms of Cotard's delusion is that the patients are sometimes unable to see body parts. For that reason Kohaku is afraid that if he'd look at himself in the mirror he'll se that some parts of his body had disappeared (his left arm tends to disappear every now and then). He's also afraid that he'll se his decomposed body;

Chronophobia - fear of time, same as for Apeirophobia.

Strength(s): Swordmanship
Weakness(es): Seals
Personal Quote: ''It doesn't matter if they cut me, burn me, break me, stub me… I'm a walking corpse. There will never be any pain but it seems I still have tears to shed.''


*Cotard's delusion (also Cotard's syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome ) is a mental illness in which a person holds the delusion that they are dead, figuratively or literally. It's followed by depression, despair, self-loathing and delusion of negation - a person may deny the existence of body parts, organs or basic needs such as hunger, tiredness etc.*

Kohaku was born in Kirigakure where he lived with his parents and older sister. He graduated Academy at the age of 11 and lived a perfectly normal life although ever since he could remember he felt like he was different. He always had that feeling of emptiness and it was common thing for him to just get depressed all of a sudden and stay like that for shorter or longer periods of time. He got used to it later and ignored it most of the time. However, right after he passed chunin exams his team was sent on a mission to Yukigakure. It should have been just a simple escort mission but it went horribly wrong and ended with death of one of his teammates, Tomoe. Tomoe and Kohaku new each other since diapers and Kohaku never forgave himself for letting his best friend be killed. He had almost no memories of the battle but the scene of Tomoe's death was engraved in his memory and it had haunted him in his dreams for years. He could also remember killing one of the shinobi who attacked them but Tomoe's killer escaped. After giving his victim the last deadly stub in the heart, Kohaku passed out and the moment when he woke up was when his life changed forever. He woke up almost two weeks later. He could remember his other teammate and sensei bringing him home but after that there was only darkness and some incredibly heat that he felt like he was burning. His sensei who came to visit him once when Kohaku woke up said that he had gotten sick and that it was probably because of the stress he went trough. But Kohaku had a completely different explanation. After he woke up that feeling of emptiness and sadness came stronger than ever. He hardly ate anything, he slept only when his body was to tired to stay awake and he didn't speak at all. His family though that it was just because he was grieving his best friends death but it was something far greater than that. Weeks had passed before Kohaku finally uttered a couple of words. His family was getting more and more worried and after his sister had finally asked what was wrong figuring that no grief could last that long he simply said: ''I am dead.'' It was soon clear that his words had nothing to do with Tomoe's death, that it wasn't the trigger. The way Kohaku talked about him made it clear that he got over his best friend's death as much as it was possible. It had to do something with Kohaku himself.


''That morning, after spending such long time in the darkness surrounded by that intolerable heat I woke up to an even worse reality. I was dead, just like Tomoe. I died after killing that man. That memory of my last moment as a living being was the first thing I had remembered after the realisation hit me. I could remember stubbing my nagamaki in my enemy's chest right trough his heart. I felt his last heartbeat pulsing trough my sword, I saw his chest rise for the last time, I saw the light leaving his eyes. And I remembered Tomoe, lying in the pool of blood with his throat slit. My body was ice cold. It was as if I had no body temperature and yet I had no need to warm myself up. My mind was split in two. One part was losing it - you could say that it would be a normal human reaction to one's own death - the other part just didn't care. Then maybe the worst part and also the thing that really made me realize what happed to me was my heart. I spent a long time lying on my bed with my hand on my chest, listening, searching for that silent sound, for that weak beat that gives life. But there was no beat, no sound and suddenly my room seemed much quieter than it had ever been before.'' No one could make Kohaku believe that he was alive. So many questions were left unanswered and it wasn't giving him peace: Why did he get stuck in this world where everyone were alive? Why Tomoe wasn't here? Why could people see him, hear him, touch him? He did not belong there. He was dead. Six months have passed since he woke up and he finally decided to go out of his room. And during those six months he found some acceptable explanations. To him it sounded perfectly logical, to people around him it sounded like he went crazy. He was sure that he was sent to hell which explained the darkness nd intolerable heat he felt. But for some reason he was sent back to the real world, doomed to be a walking corpse amongst the alive. Maybe, it was his punishment.


He tried to live like he had before he woke up unable to feel his heartbeat. And yet that life confused him even more - he felt hunger, but he had no need for sleep and yet his body woud simply shut down and he would sleep and dream, and to him, these dreams were the afterlife where he should have been from the start. He breathed but had no heartbeat and sometimes he couldn't see his left arm. Although it was terrifying, everytime it would disappear he hoped that he would finally pass on but it woud always come back. It was the only time that he questioned if he was dead or alive, but he unexpectedly found the answer. He spent almost a year trying to get used to this new ''life'', so when he was fifteen he finally decided that it was high time to put his hitai-ate back on his forehead. His comrades welcomed him with open arms. They were happy to see him and he was glad to see them again, and the time he spent with them was much more enjoyable than the time he had to spend at home, even though he didn't like going out and interacting with people because he knew he didn't belong there. His comrades didn't talk about his ''delusion'' as people referred to it and they accepted it unlike his family that was constantly telling him that he was alive. He knew that his comrades felt somehow the same but they respected his opinion and let him have his peace. He was sent to a nearby village. A small place but famous for it's green markets. Everything seemed normal till fire broke out and a group of mountain bandits crashed the market. While running to help some civilians hide Kohaku spotted a familiar face, a face that haunted him - face of Tomoe's killer. It seemed like that bandit remembered Kohaku also and the fight started instantly. The bandit was at least twice bigger then Kohaku and much stronger but Kohaku didn't care. It didn't matter if he gets stubbed or if he breaks something, he was dead. He can't die twice. The bandit was attacking without a break and yet he would miss every time. Kohaku couldn't believe how Tomoe, who was one of the best students, could've lost to such a weak opponent. In the end the bandit laid before Kohaku's feet with a sword in his chest.


That moment brought happiness and terror at once. He revenged his best friend, but horrified looks of his comrades that were standing around him brought absolute despair upon him. They were not horrified because he killed someone, they've seen him do it before. Following their stares he looked down, on his own body and found his clothes drenched in blood. The bandit didn't miss. Kohaku simply didn't feel anything. He took his kunai and cut his palm. Crimson red blood flowed down his arm but he felt nothing. There was no pain. His comrades and some civilians were running around him, treating his wounds but he couldn't bring himself to care. After all, he felt nothing. He kept taking missions. Now that he couldn't feel pain and was sure that he was dead it didn't matter who was his opponent, and somehow his wounds always heald even though he was sure they wouldn't. He fought fearlessly and won every time. Soon he became a jounin and later even joined the ANBU. But, situation at home wasn't getting any better. He was coming back with so many wounds always drenched in blood. He had many scars and his parents and sister were still trying to make him believe that he wasn't dead which was just making him feel worse. Somewhere along the way, he strated drinking a lot. Whenever he had an evening free he'd spend it in a tavern, away from his home, drinking his problems away. As a result he was getting drunk more often then not and with time his alcoholism only got worse, despite him being young. He moved out at the age of seventeen as he couldn't stand to stay in his family house anymore. Three years later he heard about new village being built somewhere on south and it was perfect opportunity to run away from everything and start a new life. And that's what he did. When he got to Hasugakure he was astonished by the beauty and peacefulness of the place. He offered to stay and guard the village while it was being built together with some other shinobi. Later when the village was done and inhabited he became a captain of ANBU units. Life was going well for him, although the fact that he was a walking corpse was still torturing him. He always had to explain to people that he was dead, that he felt no pain, had no heartbeat and they never believed him, but he managed to make good friends there. Among those friends there was a certain red head. Kohaku would soon realize, that that weak broken, thin being who's skin was colorless, who's eyes dark as the deepest abyss and yet filled with so many unshed tears had a power to make his heart beat once again.

Looks and Appearance
Body Type/Looks:  He's tall and lean. His eyes have the color of amber which is way his name is Kohaku (amber). He has dark circles under his eyes as he doesn't sleep much.
Height: 189
Weight: 76
Makeup/Facepaint: None
Hairstyle(s):  His messy, dark brown hair reaches his shoulders. His bangs fall over his eyes and some of his hair is tied into a short ponytail on the back of his head.
Accessories: None
Scent: None
Scars or Tattoos: Has a long scar on the left side of his face that starts at the top of his forehead and reaches his left hip. Beside that, he has many scars all over his body as a result of his reckless way of fighting.
Jewelry and/or Piercings: Two earings on his left ear

Parent(s): mother and father (though they live in Kirigakure)
Sibling(s): older sister (lives in Kirigakure)
Relative(s): unknown
Best Friend(s): Tomoe (deceased), Saizou, Sasaku
Friend(s): -will be added-
Sensei(s): Name unknown
Student(s): ANBU rookies
Crush(es)/Spouse/Bf/Gf: Jun
Rival(s): None
Enemy(ies): None
Pet(s): None

Favorites/Least Favorites

Food(s): wasabi/doriyaki
Drink(s): sake/chamomile  tea
Color(s): navy blue/yellow
Season(s): winter/summer
Time of Day: midnight/morning
Weather: stormy/hot
Flower: blue gem/daisies
Animal: wolf/lizard

Ninja Information
Birth Village: Kirigakure no sato
Current Village: Hasugakure no sato
Academy Graduation Age: 11
Chūnin Promotion Age: 14
Rank: ANBU captain
Ninja Status: Villager
Are you in the Akatsuki?: No
Bijuu [Tailed Beast]?: No
Teammates:  other ANBU members
Sensei: Unknown
Nindo: ''You're going to die anyway, so why would you be afraid of it?''
Chakra Element: Earth, Air
Weapon(s): Pair of nagamaki


1 - 5: Horrible
6 - 8: Below average
9 - 10: Average
11 - 13: Above average
14 - 16: Talented
17 - 18: Gifted [This is Sannin level]

Strength in Jutsu
Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: 9
Genjutsu [illusion techniques]: 12
Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: 16
Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: /
Doujutsu [eye techniques]: /
Kinjutsu [forbidden techniques]: 12
Fuuinjutsu [sealing techniques]: 6

Strength in Missions
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 9
Strength: 15
Agility:  12
Dexterity: 15
Stamina: 8
Constitution: 17
Charisma: 11
Comeliness: 13
Chakra Control: 9
Cooperation: 10

Kohaku © BlackRoseOfLight97  
Art © me
Hasugakure © both of us
Info template © Monochromacy
Status chart © darkdeoxys0

Only Kohaku, without the sheet: sta.sh/0rsqwlpqk9m

Other Hasugakure characters:

used a halloween costume as a ref for the ANBU uniform lol

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Comments: 12

ShroomSuccubus [2017-04-12 04:29:26 +0000 UTC]

Ah damn. I didn't know I needed this in my life but I did. 
Did you use a corpse bride reference? Wtf? I love this more? God damn?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mad-jove [2016-09-08 19:58:12 +0000 UTC]

na isti dan nam je rodjendan . u .

me like him now = u =

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

makibo031226 In reply to mad-jove [2016-09-10 09:14:47 +0000 UTC]

Koja slučajnost. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Koshkart [2016-09-08 17:13:06 +0000 UTC]

OMG e//w//e merry me baby ♥♥

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

makibo031226 In reply to Koshkart [2016-09-10 09:15:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kare-Chikin [2016-09-08 16:49:27 +0000 UTC]

And the village mask is so cool, i lov it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

makibo031226 In reply to Kare-Chikin [2016-09-10 09:16:03 +0000 UTC]


I was thinking about making a sheet for Blue Panda as well. Would you be okay with that?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kare-Chikin In reply to makibo031226 [2016-09-10 10:50:47 +0000 UTC]

THE VILLAGE IS SO COOL!!! Its just <3333333333

OMG you want to make a sheet for him? That would so cool! I need to write his profile for you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

makibo031226 In reply to Kare-Chikin [2016-09-11 19:59:02 +0000 UTC]

Yes, you dooooooo
I'm so hyped because of Hasugakure... it's kinda what's keeping me going here on DA

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kare-Chikin In reply to makibo031226 [2016-09-12 14:38:43 +0000 UTC]

OMG I'm going to do it!!! I'm also in love with the village, everything is so cOOL
Glad to see the the village bringing some life to you > w<)/

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SleepyImagination [2016-09-08 15:23:31 +0000 UTC]


He's cute~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

makibo031226 In reply to SleepyImagination [2016-09-10 09:16:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank youuuuuuuuu ;///;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0