#chilled #clear #crass #day #down #glider #laid #lay #pose #scene #spring #sugar #sugarglider #summer #tabby #tabbytiger #tiger #trees
Published: 2016-03-31 21:03:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 351; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Tabby chilling on a spring day, I drew this a while back and painted with watercolour, however, upon scanning it suffered a great disgrace and the scanner raped the colours T^T So traditional medium touched up in SAIWhy scanner why D:
If you look real close you can see Tabby has a little friend.. a sugarglider called Zoey my fiancee IRL Eeeeep! Ref coming soon!
Did actually use a reference picture for this since ferals are noooot my strong point.. but I lost it
Critique welcome as always.. perhaps just not on the colouring since its all the scanners fault >:3
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Comments: 6
Ribbontail [2016-05-10 02:02:16 +0000 UTC]
AAaah, Tabbs this is a fantastic drawing! Your use of reference is great and I see tons of improvement on your understanding of form and anatomy-- the paws and torso are especially beautiful, I really get a nice, relaxed feeling from the weight alone. Filly already covered my critique on the tail, and another thing that would help this out would be to have made its line of action smoother and less kinked. Tails are great for showing movement, even relaxed ones like this, but make sure it follows a smooth line. Aaaah fantastic work on this overall Tabbs, you did a great job! It's so awesome to see your at again!
My favorite part of this one is easily Zoey, oh goodness hello tiny sugar glider beb! Chilling in the sun with your tiny little sugarglider partner, hehehe. Is Zoey's feral form always this tiny? Because if so... that's just too precious, oh my goodness. I love it! <3
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Tabbytiger In reply to Ribbontail [2016-05-22 15:39:18 +0000 UTC]
Haha thankyouuuu, I am super proud of the pose on this one :3 And pawwwwws, totally learning how to draw those- once you start to understand it they go from being a headache to being fun to draw!!
Ahh yes.. her tail, it does look sliiightly broken, I do feel like I can never decide how thick/thin it should be- so it changes from picture to picture haha!! and ahhhh I love that line of action... makes a lot more sense- I tried to take that into account on the WIP i uploaded the other week - I 'spose it makes her tail look like it actually has a spine in it!! Haha o_o;
Hahaaaa yes she is so tiny and cute :3 Hahaaaa well you know Ribbs that's a great questions, and one we are figuring out... she originally had an Otter character (a tribute to her love of watersports and kitesurfing and just generally being a water-baby), but sugarglider character has really taken off.. butttttt... obviously gliders are teenie tiny.. SO .. we are wondering whether her larger feral/aquatic form is going to be an otter-type character... Because you know.. why says you have to stick to ONE species!!! hahahaaaa XD
Thank you for all the lovely comments and complimentssss (I will get back to your note I promishh- just had a lot on at uni this last week/2 weeks
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Ribbontail In reply to Tabbytiger [2016-05-23 21:06:25 +0000 UTC]
Aaah you are so welcome Tabbs, this is a great piece! I forgot to mention how solid the anatomy is, I can tell you used your reference well! I need to start using references myself, especially for human anatomy. It's the best way to learn-- I wish folks had taught us this back in the day!
I think a sugar glider suits her very well! There's something so gosh-darn precious about this big, winged tiger and a tiny little sugar glider. Character duos with a dramatic size difference have always been my favorites, so I can't wait to see more of these two! <33
Take all the time you want getting back to my Note, I'm pretty busy myself haha! I hope everything goes well with your uni work!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tabbytiger In reply to Ribbontail [2016-06-09 21:08:29 +0000 UTC]
Aww thank you; why oh whyyy did I not use references so. much. earlier -sigh-! I know, why did we not have Gurus earlier??
Hehe thank you so much <3 And yeah I really love the difference in character size, makes for a cute dynamic with pictures hehe~ I so need to doodle up her ref!
Yeah we are busy busy peeps aren't we
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AlfaFilly [2016-04-08 20:03:42 +0000 UTC]
Ahh I love Tabby still <3 So cute and so beautiful!
You used the reference very well. The anatomy is convincing while still being in your style!
I have very little critique to give except practice giving the tail some more form: it looks rather flat and not as life-like as the rest of it.
It's all gorgeous and I love those paws! c:
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tabbytiger In reply to AlfaFilly [2016-04-14 16:19:20 +0000 UTC]
Hehe thanks... she really has never changed much
Thankyou! It's interesting the big feline back leg anatomy. without reference i always wind up doing canine anatomy... -shouldhavestartedusingreferenceswaaaaysooner!-
Ahhh yeah.. i love drawing the tail, but now you mention it.. some colouring and shading as i was taught in art lessons.. to follow the eclipse... thanks for the heads up on that!!
Hehe, i finally found my pawstyle and i LOVELOVE drawing them
ohyes <:
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