surthur — knochen-a.e.l.f.

Published: 2011-06-15 22:58:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 780; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 13
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Description no its not a darkelf ( no rly isnt. darkelfs are dwarfs..go read it upppp)

quick concept. Actually its more scifi then fantasy , but as long as I dont publish the story around it, people will think in the usual terms anyway

by Tim M. Keil
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Comments: 6

sagatt [2011-06-18 22:07:11 +0000 UTC]

i like it , is he an elf ? he seems domonic

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surthur In reply to sagatt [2011-06-19 14:51:54 +0000 UTC]

they are not really elfs, not mystic creatures, but their appearance and name is a mockery of elfs. This is only a basic breed , the later breeds look more diverse. Mhh there is no demonic or angelic force in my world, though there appear psychic ghosts n stuff, its no black n white. The basic breed was used to live under the rocks and earth so they have chalky skin . knochen means bone in german, that is one of their properties.

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sagatt In reply to surthur [2011-06-19 19:58:30 +0000 UTC]

humm...no demonic or angelic force , so there won't be bad guys in ur world? it's not a comic ?...and also bone is one of their properties,i'm curious to know how it works

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surthur In reply to sagatt [2011-06-19 20:27:26 +0000 UTC]

"bad" guys of course exist in my world. they became bad like every person, treated bad at some point or learned no respect for others or other trouble, thats how people are "bad" anyway, they dont spawn on the world and are "evil" , not in my eyes .
some are scary predators though. bad to some, but overall, I do not believe in good or bad. Is a lion eating a human bad ? or is it just a lion, which the human should have avoided ? Humm I want to make a comic, but I also want to make games based on my world. so you could say its a fictional world I want to exploit and present as good as possible maybe I will write some books along the way. Every media has its own benefit.. hm some stuff I want to keep for myself until its published

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sagatt In reply to surthur [2011-06-19 20:42:25 +0000 UTC]

hahaha , indeed u're right about the lion eating human...i can't say it's bad,specially if that lion is haungry... but in the other hand if that lion is already satisfied and then go to eat another human i think i must say he's bad lol.yeah
it will be great to see a video game of ur world...i'm thinking of role playing game and
i think i love it more if it's a video game, maybe coz it's my world xd.good luck senpai

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surthur [2011-06-15 23:01:40 +0000 UTC]

it's skin isnt even remotely dark to begin with.. but beware the wow kids will talk again

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