Published: 2008-11-26 13:58:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 8773; Favourites: 270; Downloads: 1236
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oh, i love that tsundere face of kyonkoRelated content
Comments: 49
cthulhusan [2014-06-07 04:41:11 +0000 UTC]
kyonko, i loved that character so much some time ago
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TeamTachi [2013-08-10 17:53:31 +0000 UTC]
Itsuko, you creep! You're way too close! That's probably what Kyonko's thinking. XD Great work!
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JoeMammaMamma [2012-03-24 16:47:39 +0000 UTC]
I believe Itsuki's genderbend name is Itsuko or Itsuka.
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Bleodsian [2012-02-14 05:54:04 +0000 UTC]
Now I can say I'd be Itsuki for Kyon(ko) without being ashamed.
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ANIMusic17 [2011-06-20 06:28:09 +0000 UTC]
oh wht i'll do to have this as a poster X3 this is goood
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Shallow2 [2011-03-19 16:49:02 +0000 UTC]
Kyonko.......... So cute I could just *dies on floor*
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stevemacqwark [2010-07-19 22:05:58 +0000 UTC]
It's pronounced Itsuko, not Itsuki. (Itsuki is the male name. Itsuko is the female)
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ci-wai [2010-07-13 05:37:52 +0000 UTC]
Aw, this is so pretty.
The softness just spells out sweet!
Great work~!
Instant FAV and WATCH.
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Dumdodore [2009-09-29 20:08:57 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes certainly. ^^
-Ahem- Of course, I like it. Two girls falling in... O.K. maybe one of them. XD
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Shuuke [2009-05-17 23:18:00 +0000 UTC]
Amazing job, would this be yuri or yaoi or something in between?
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SupTomat In reply to Shuuke [2009-05-20 11:16:47 +0000 UTC]
i'll leave it to your imagination^^
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Namyi [2009-01-14 23:01:54 +0000 UTC]
whoa! this looks GOOD!
Nicely done! relly like the soft colours you used!
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Shydrake [2008-12-07 13:25:21 +0000 UTC]
Mmm, quite adoringable indeed!! The facs are JUST perfect along with the backround >3
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DKLreviews [2008-12-03 00:18:15 +0000 UTC]
Oh, have not commented:
It's more awesome when it's 2 girls; amirite?
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K-Nashi [2008-11-30 05:38:42 +0000 UTC]
meskipun gambarnya cute abis...gw ag sulit melihat mereka sbg Yuri couple..gara2 kebawa2 versi cowo mereka...XD
meski gt kyknya tema gender bender lg ag nge trend yah? Code GEASS aj mo di gender bender jg..^^..
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SupTomat In reply to K-Nashi [2008-12-01 01:24:58 +0000 UTC]
emang emng.. di jepang lagi nge boom banget, malah yang haruhi ini lebih ngetrend yang versi gender bend nya, palagi yang fans cewek^^ (haruhiko X mitsuru, yuuki X asakura Ryo)
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Aisha-kun [2008-11-27 05:31:34 +0000 UTC]
Oh my god me too <3 I'm so sure that Kyonko and Itsuki...whos gender bender name I forget XD; are more popular than their actual male designs LOL;; I was really surprised to see how popular the gender benders got of that series o-o;
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SupTomat In reply to Aisha-kun [2008-11-27 22:26:24 +0000 UTC]
yeah.. they even had their own action figure and as you know, there is a seiyuu company in japan that prepared to fill their voice, i forgot what the company's name.. lol
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MorsAngelos [2008-11-26 17:21:29 +0000 UTC]
Waha! Who knew I'd find a Kyonko picture just wandering around. Insta-fave!
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jarimanis [2008-11-26 15:07:33 +0000 UTC]
wah keren nih ajarin dong!warnanya bisa kayak gitu burek2 keren gimana caranya ?
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daniwae [2008-11-26 14:10:54 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, warnanya halus
Aku blom pernah liat Haruhi, tp kayaknya bagos
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SupTomat In reply to daniwae [2008-11-26 14:12:13 +0000 UTC]
bagus, tapi itu bukan dari haruhi loh, tapi dari haruhiko, versi gender bending nya character haruhi
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daniwae In reply to SupTomat [2008-11-26 14:13:30 +0000 UTC]
maksudnya ce jadi co, trus co jd ce ya?
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SupTomat In reply to NaRUtO-FuUtOn [2008-11-26 14:02:30 +0000 UTC]
ntar tak bikin yaoi nya deh, asakura X yukii yah.. he he
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NaRUtO-FuUtOn In reply to SupTomat [2008-11-26 14:05:37 +0000 UTC]
satu pairing bermakna dua hahha
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SupTomat In reply to NaRUtO-FuUtOn [2008-11-26 14:07:50 +0000 UTC]
loh.. yang versi cowok kan ada
ASAKURA RYO n NAGATO YUUKI (kanjinya beda)
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NaRUtO-FuUtOn In reply to SupTomat [2008-11-26 14:10:10 +0000 UTC]
yup maksud sy xD
yg satu yaoi karena gender mreka LK
tp d satu sisi gender mreka PR mkanya yuri lol xD
2 skaligus hwakakak
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useraccount In reply to SupTomat [2010-01-28 22:57:09 +0000 UTC]
Hallo everynyun! How ah you? Fine sank you.
I wish I were a bird...
Oh, I'ma sorry!
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