SuperR-Illustrations — Precious Cargo

#dragonballsuper #piccolodbsuper #piccoloxjanet #piccolodbsupersuperhero #janet #piccolo #superhero #dragonballsuperfanart #dragonballsuperpiccolo #dragonballsupersuperhero #janetxpiccolo
Published: 2022-12-02 05:15:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 3241; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 0
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Description Piccolo: Janet?
Janet: Yes?
Piccolo: Will you keep something safe....for me?
Janet: Of course!
*Gives DragonBall*
Janet: What is it?

Piccolo: It's....Precious cargo. I'll be back for it, and it gives me great comfort knowing that it's in better hands.

Janet: Don't worry, I'll keep it safe until you get back! ^.^

Piccolo: I know you will....

I dunno! Just some more Janet x Piccolo shipping, plus I wanted to work on hands.

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