Published: 2010-11-05 16:55:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 349; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 2
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Chapter two: A whole new world...She glared at them all and pointed to what was now a clear humanoid shape now half-dug out of the ground from the waist up, and said calmly.
"Well, you had better start talking..."
"So..." Melanie started, looking at the two strange men seated in front of her "What you are telling me is that this... thing outside is some kind of giant alien robot from outer space?"
Everything in the way she was holding herself, the way she was frowning and looking at them, was screaming her disbelief as clear as daylight. Mike, at her side, was looking just as shocked and disbelieving, biting his lower lip and nervously replacing his glasses that had slipped on his sweaty nose. The both of them shared a look and the blonde man spoke up this time.
"Come on, you're kidding right? I mean... Alien robots?!" But then the man's eyes shifted to the form of the huge humanoid shape sticking out of the ground still half buried, and he added softly. "How's this possible? This thing must've been buried here for at least a few millennia. There's no way it's still functioning, is it?"
Prime and Ratchet shared another look, and Melanie had the feeling they were sharing more than just a look, this time again. Almost like there was a telepathic kind of link between them... But this wasn't possible... Was it? She was starting to question her own sanity after all the craziness that had been thrown her way today. First that robot thing in the ground - she'll have to make some datations to know exactly /how/ old this thing was but she had the feeling it was /very/ old - then their camp was taken over by the Military, and now...
SHe was told that aliens existed and that they were giant mechanical lifeform.
There was only so much her mind could take in a single day and she sighed deeply. Before any of the two men could talk she said tiredly.
"Look, I don't want to sounds rude or anything but I need to sleep. I'll think better in the morning, and you know what they say... about truth and sleep." She stifled a yawn and shook her head some, blinking.
Prime smiled at her and nodded understandingly. He was so handsome... This man was really something else! SInce the very first time she had saw him there had been almost like an electrical current coursing through her. He was... different and not only because of his obvious charisma and almost unearthly handsomeness. It was something else, something in his eyes... Melanie had always been good at reading thoughts through the eyes of others, and his eyes were... telling a lot and nothing at all at the same time.
She could discern kindness and warmth in them, and also a sparkle of humor and benevolence, but they were... old, very old. The look of someone whom had seen and experience a lot of thing for a very long time and had the deep wisdom that comes with such experience. It was... odd because he didn't looked to be more then 40-45 years old. You don't expect such a deep and /old/ kind of look from someone so young unless... he was more then he looked.
Prime put a gentle hand on her shoulder, a rough yet soft hand, the hand of someone that can be trusted. A hand that she could trust... She felt a sudden rise of temperature in her chest and she had to hold back from showing any reaction to the touch.
"I understands Miss Sinclair... Melanie. May I take you back to your tent?"
A gentleman to boot... She smiled and felt a new rush of warm feelings flood through her. He offered his arm and she looked a bit oddly for a moment at the archaic gesture but then she took it and he walked with her. Soon they were walking past the strange, disturbing mechanical thing in the way of being unburied from its tomb.
Somehow she thought it was a bad idea to do it... She had a shiver when they passed on the edge of the dig and she felt... As if she was being observed. She stopped and looked at the thing, starring at the 'head' of the creature. If this could be called a head... It looked like some weird boxy apparatus with a single round bulb-thing that must be an eye in the middle, and the uncovered side showed a 'ear' panel, sticking up like an antenna.
She shuddered, she could almost see the damn thing following her every moves. She heard a faint noise, something like... low frequency electronic sounds. And it was coming from the thing... She could swear it!
"Ho God... It's still alive?!" She took a step back from the dig and looked slightly afraid.
"Not exactly. It is in stasis lock. It's like an unconscious, comatose state, if you like. But our scans indicate that he's not going to wake anytime soon so don't worry. You are safe as long as I and my men are here."
She looked at him and tilted her head a bit. He spoke as if they could do anything if the giant alien decided to suddenly wake up and attack them. He could tell her as much as he wanted that she was safe and all, but her natural worrying nature was telling her to be extra careful. She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched...
Systems... rebooting.
Processor... Online at 12%.
Weapons array... offline, damaged.
Extents of damage: 83% systems offline. Resuming stasis lock in 5 breems.
He was conscious.
He couldn't move, couldn't speak or process properly but he was awake and conscious. The heat of the sand and the constant banging and proding of the worker's tools had shaken him off of stasis.
He internaly cringed when the complete list of damage came to his view in his ming. Well... He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon... So must as well listen and try to learn about the creatures that were unburying him.
Wait... /Where/ was he?... he couldn't remember how he got here and why he was so damaged. He tried to access his memory core.
Accessing memory core... Access impossible. Datas corrupted.
Engaging backup memory banks...
Backup memory banks availlable. Opening files...
His processor was flooded with the images of his last fight and if he could move he would've cringed. Now he remembered... And he knew why he was here and what was out there waiting for him...
All he had to do was wait and bid his time.
Ratchet had stayed in the main tent with the blonde man and now that Prime was gone with the girl he looked at him more intensely. It seems that humans, even faced with the most unpredictable and awkward of situations, were always capable of pulling through. Those two had accepted the facts they gave them better them most would have...
Maybe was it because they were scientists, the both of them. They were open-minded, this much he could tell. Ratchet was however starting to feel uncomfortable for keeping this hologram up for so long.
He needed a break. And some recharge.
"So, you and your friend are... what? Specialists in alien life forms? Or only in big bad alien robots?"
the young man's questions wrenched him out of his thoughts and he Looked back at him... Mike, that's it. Mike Miller. He was slightly amused by his comment and he answered in his gruff, deep voice.
"Only in 'big bas alien robot' as you just put it, kid." He studied him for some times and shrugged. "I suppose you want to know how the pit we know all this?"
A nod. Of course he wanted to know!
"Yes, or I wouldn't have asked, would I?" Was the sharp reply and the medic laughed, a short, curt bark.
"I like your attitude, kid. Follow me, then! I need a break anyway and... you know more then you should so it won't matter."
Now Mike was really interested and he followed him when they left the tent. He saw that the Government representative that was accompanying them earlier was now busy talking with a tall brown-haired military that somehow looked friendlier then the rest of his kind. They had been briefly introduced, what was his name already? Leonard? Lenny?... Lennox, that's it! William Lennox, and he was in charge of the military troops here.
At least he was friendly. He shot them a sharp look when they passed by him and had a nod and a small smile for the still confused young archeologist.
"Hey Ratchet, where are you taking him? You can't leave the camp..."
Ratchet huffed and rolled his eyes.
"I know, I just need a break ok? I'm not going anywhere..."
The other man observed them with an intense look that made Mike uncomfortable for a few minutes and then he let them go. Ratchet resumed his walk and led him towards the area where a few vehicles were parked. That weird Semi and an ambulance amongst the other military vehicles were quite a weird sights indeed.
The older man walked to the ambulance and then he stopped by it and... Mike blinked some. Did he just vanished into thin air?... A moment ago Ratchet was standing there as tangible as he was and now... he was gone! Vaporized like he never existed! Mike jumped back and stared mouth agape.
"What in the hell?!..."
"Ha, come on! Stop fussing! It was an hologram ok?"
Mike was still staring at the spot he had been occupying and then he jumped when a voice came from the damn ambulance itself!Β Β He slowly walked closer and rounded the vehicle like it was some kind of dangerous creature, eyeing it suspiciously, trying to see if there was anyone inside it.
he even poked the sides and looked inside the cabs and the back, opening the doors. The low rumble from the engine was telling him that Ratchet - he was starting to think that the thing was Ratchet himself - was annoyed with his poking around.
"Stop that! Would you like if I start poking you with a stick?! Cut it off!"
Mike jumped back and stood a few paces in front of the ambulance, eyeing him suspiciously and with a earthy dose of awe.
"What in the hell /are/ you?!"
Ratchet had a low rumble of his engine, almost like he was laughing, and then he said with amusement.
"We are mechanical life forms. We came from a planet called Cybertron, Mike. What you see here is merely my alternate form that I picked up upon arriving on earth."
Mike only stare at him in shock. he already heard about the big one burried on the ground but he was far from guessing that they were... More of them still alive and about, and here on Earth! He gulped to try and swallow the lump in his throat.
"But... Why are you here? I mean... You came all the way from there to recover that big one buried back there?"
Ratchet's engine hummed and hissed for a few moments as if he was disgusted at the idea and after a moment he spoke again.
"No, not exactly. It not for /him/ that we're here. He can keep rusting forever in that pit for all I care." he sounded angry, loathing. Like they were ennemy or something, and that was probably the case, Mike thought. He then added in a softer and calmer voice. "There is... others buried there too that you hadn't uncovered yet. Five more, and they are the one we are here for."
"Others? Five more you say? And they are here too?..." He takes a deep breath and looks in the direction of the dig site for a bit, pondering what else may be buried there. ALl he could see was the part of the robot they already unearthed. "But... Ho9w can you be sure? We haven't detected anything else..."
"Ho, they are here believe me! And if I'm right, those fraggers are too stubborn to have deactivated. They are here... And they are still functioning, in stasis lock." he rumbled and seemed to sigh some. "We're here to get them. They are comrades in arms, They deserve it."
Mike tilted his head, comrades in arms? Were they some kind of military group from outer space? They sounded like it back then when Prime explained them about the first one. He frowned and sat on a boulder to think.
"You speak as if you're in a war or something..."
"That's because we are. We Autobots are fighting against the Decepticons for longer than your specie existed. Millions of your years." he rumbled again like he was clearing his throat or something. "This big fragger you have first unearthed is a Decepticon. I thought him dead long ago... But I was wrong. As was I for the others buried beneath him."
Decepticons and Autobots? And the big one back there was a bad guy, apparently. Lucky for them he was out cold. But... Then that means the others Rathcet was talking about where Autobots, doesn't it? If they were on the same camp this must be. The tall blonde human stayed silent for a long time thinking this through, and ratchet did not interrupt him until he spoke again, his voice calmer and more controlled.
"You spoke about a war that lasted millions of years. What was that about? How could you all fight for, and for so long?... Must be something terribly important to your people..."
"The Allspark." Was ratchet short and somehow sad answer. "It had been lost a long time ago though, and we only recently found it back here, on Earth. Unfortunately... The Decepticons found it before us and they were already here."
His engines let out a hiss of anger and rumbled loudly, startling him some, but he quickly calmed down and Mike internally relaxed. If a giant robot lost it he could squish him... And he liked being alive thank you very much!
"Their leader, Megatron, wanted the Allspark for himself. There was a huge battle in one of your human city and, in the ends, he was destroyed but... It costs us the Allspark." He sounded sad and bitter and Mike couldn't help but feel sorry for them. "And it costs us a dear friend. There was a young human that helped us defeat him and he was the one that thrusted the Allspark inside Megatron's spark but... the energy released by the artifact was too much for him and it killed him." Ratchet was sounding deeply sad and very terribly guilty, as if he was thinking he should've been able to save the young boy.
Mike looked down at his feet and he finally asked something else, trying to change the subject that was obviously painful to the kind mech.
"Who are they, the ones you are looking for?"
Ratchet had a rumbling laugh and seemed to shift to a slightly better mood.
"The Dinobots. They are a bunch of crazy fraggers if you tell me..."
He was about to say something else when he heard a weird electronic sounds coming from the dig site close by. He locked eyes with the still form of the offlined Decepticon and gulped. This thing did looked mean... All bulky and pointy. He asked in a low voice.
"And... who's this one? You know him?"
Ratchet seemed to seethe at this and he could tell he had locked a hard glare on the offline form. he answered with a hiss and Mike felt shivers run down his back.
"Yes I know him. He is one of the most infamous Decepticon to ever exist. he was even worst the Megatron and almost as twisted." He growled.
Mike asked in a tiny voice, almost in awe.
"What's his name?..."
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Comments: 4
drgonstar [2010-11-07 03:29:36 +0000 UTC]
Now chapter 3 makes sense hehe, Well this is yet another well put together chapter, aside from the errors, I can't wait to see more!
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