Published: 2013-03-13 20:24:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 3335; Favourites: 93; Downloads: 13
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New 52 beast boy checking out Raven.I drew this for fun really, as far as I know these guys haven’t met in the reboot and I’ve not even read any comics with Raven in it. Just seen her hideous, ugly, design on the interweb. However I’ve been reading the animal man comics, which bb features in a bit and he is really cool, I actually like the red skin colour to. It makes sense in this version of the DC universe.
ANYWAY dumb picture, don’t take it seriously, I’m just a bbxrae shipper having fun, weeee. -shot-
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Comments: 76
superlucky13 In reply to ??? [2014-01-18 12:04:21 +0000 UTC]
I certainly am not a fan of it either, thought it was fun to try and translate it into my style
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rjpugh [2013-11-26 03:52:00 +0000 UTC]
Garfield: ...uh, Rachael? 👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Rachael: ...Yes. That's what my DC employee ID card says anyway.
Garfield: ...And I thought *my* new costume was strange.
Rachael: Do we still have a Union?
Garfield: Yes, but I can't find the steward. They changed his costume too, and now I can't find him.
Rachael: ...Damn.
Serious, I'm OK with BB turning maroon, but Raven's feathered head dress? Uh, no. And the avian armor looks weird too, but I could probably handle the armor if they got rid of the feathered head dress and brought back the bird-head hood and cloak. Or even make the head dress look more like her old hood.
Without the cloak and hood, it's just not Raven. That's like drawing Batman without his bat's head cowl. I've seen pics of Raven going back to her inception, and some of the costumes have been pretty bizarre. But until this latest version, the hood and cloak were always there in one way or another. Now? I don't know what to call her. A hired thug for the International Association for the Protection of Endangered Birds?
1stSuperboyFan [2013-11-17 07:29:38 +0000 UTC]
New 52 BB is a player first he gets Terra in like five seconds, then in the future he gets Rose and than he could have a thing with Raven.
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superlucky13 In reply to 1stSuperboyFan [2013-11-17 10:34:33 +0000 UTC]
would be interesting. I'm torn because I've almost completely ignored the new52 titans...now I feel like I'm missing out haha
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Arrrows [2013-07-15 10:19:50 +0000 UTC]
Raven reminds me of the Tooth fairy from Rise of the Guardians. X3
(Also, love this pic ;u
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superlucky13 In reply to Arrrows [2013-07-15 12:58:12 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! The headdresses are kind of similar, Rae is like the dark version of the tooth fairy *__*
and thanks
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superlucky13 In reply to Pancakes44 [2013-05-28 08:49:09 +0000 UTC]
REALLY? I must google this
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JO-Bac [2013-03-29 06:56:07 +0000 UTC]
Should DC decide to continue this, then I might be able to offer some of my respects back to them.
As for they're new threads, Raven's is somewhat okay (just wish I can understand the reason for that vizor-hood-thing), it is defiantly better then that "stripper from hell" outfit she had during the #100 issue in 1993. BB!? Well, get used to the red look while it last, cause they're switching him back to green on the last issue of the Ravagers.
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superlucky13 In reply to JO-Bac [2013-03-29 14:22:49 +0000 UTC]
They're making him green again? But WHY? Red made sense considering the origins of Animal mans powers...
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JO-Bac In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-29 14:56:59 +0000 UTC]
I don't know. Ever since the new wave, anything revolving the teen titans has made little to no sense.
Best guess is that with all the negativity around BB's new color, they decided to pretend it never happened.
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superlucky13 In reply to JO-Bac [2013-03-29 17:46:24 +0000 UTC]
That makes it so much worse...good lord. I bet they write some half baked excuse for it too. I've basically given up on Teen titan-related comics. I'm just sticking to other titles which have been better handled. Other wise i'd just make myself depressed haha
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JO-Bac In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-30 05:52:01 +0000 UTC]
I just hope him turning green doesn't mean he has both animal and plant power.
As for other titles, well sadly all the ones that seemed awesome to me were canceled. So I've pretty much lost hope for DC until they get they're heads right.
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superlucky13 In reply to JO-Bac [2013-03-30 10:15:43 +0000 UTC]
Really? most of the batman titles have been decent, but I know what you mean.
and yeah him getting plant powers as well would be the only way the colour change would make sense. :/
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DemonQueen17 [2013-03-28 17:07:12 +0000 UTC]
BB's color swap, I could understand. But Raven's new look has me scratching my head. I just don't get it. They could have kept her hair her original color, had it short and have it made of feathers instead of, well...this. This just covers up too much of her face.
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superlucky13 In reply to DemonQueen17 [2013-03-29 14:21:56 +0000 UTC]
Yeah her nose isn't at all visible either...but I just couldn't work out how to draw that...its so odd.
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DemonQueen17 In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-29 14:50:31 +0000 UTC]
It's not your fault. It's those artists at DC Comics who came up with this head-scratching look. Talk about Feather Helmet Head. If only those feathers on her head were removable.
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superlucky13 In reply to DemonQueen17 [2013-03-29 17:47:33 +0000 UTC]
I was hoping it was just like a really stupid mask hood thing...omg are they attached?? HAH
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KaijuDuke [2013-03-16 02:42:06 +0000 UTC]
I love this pairing as well, though I agree both Beastboy's and Raven's new designs for the New52 suck XD
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superlucky13 In reply to KaijuDuke [2013-03-16 08:43:09 +0000 UTC]
Beast boys is good in my books, the design makes sense, and Ravens sucks so hard. It makes me want to rip my eyes out. Speaking of eyes why did they cover heres? She's pretty evil now apparently so seeing those four red slit eyes on her would of been a great nod to the old stories.
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Linzerj [2013-03-15 20:17:43 +0000 UTC]
I seriously do not understand what they did to Raven. Where are her eyes? And how can BB NOT be green??? (Though it is interesting to see, red opposed to green...)
Anyway, this is still a great pic! Love the expressions!!
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superlucky13 In reply to Linzerj [2013-03-15 21:49:21 +0000 UTC]
They made beast boy red because in this version of the DC world, a superhero called Animal man accessed his animal borrowed power from a web connecting all animal life together. This web is called "the red" and its well a pretty red looking place.
Considering the fact there is another web, for plant life, which is green. Making Beast boy red was a very logical design choice.
And than you so much! Glad you like it
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Linzerj In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-16 02:51:07 +0000 UTC]
Well that does make sense... Honestly I'm not really paying attention to the new 52, they're changing so much with all the heroes and I'm just staying away from it.
The whole web thing makes sense though - sure, it's different, but it is interesting. At least that's a good reason for making BB red, instead of just doing it to confuse fans.
No problem!!
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superlucky13 In reply to Linzerj [2013-03-16 08:45:46 +0000 UTC]
Yep! I've kept away from a lot of comics in the new 52, but some of them have been really fantastic so don't get all the negative comments put you off. You'll find most of those are from people who havn't been reading any dc. (Animal man has been a personal favorite of mine, since beast boy is very much like his old self in it and its a great story, any title with batman in it has been great too (especially batman and robin), wonder woman's also really good as well)
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Linzerj In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-17 21:24:21 +0000 UTC]
Ohh...yeah, the comments it's been getting have put me off a bit, but now I definitely will try and get some of those comics!
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FreakyFanatic101 [2013-03-15 19:19:42 +0000 UTC]
I'm hoping there's a logical explanation to the revamps, but knowing DC there'll be none.
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superlucky13 In reply to FreakyFanatic101 [2013-03-15 19:21:06 +0000 UTC]
the explaination for revamping everything was to get new readers. As for there new design of raven...I don't know
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TherealRNO In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-19 04:03:14 +0000 UTC]
That's BS. Even kids who knew little and un-interested adults who didn't wish to know much KNEW the histories of certain characters (ex: EVERYONE knew Dick Grayson's history, whether they're interested in superheroes or not), so WHY screw it all up?
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superlucky13 In reply to TherealRNO [2013-03-19 09:16:37 +0000 UTC]
well DC is a business...and the sales of comics were dropping.
The reboot has caused them to go jup once more so it kind of worked
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TherealRNO In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-20 12:28:52 +0000 UTC]
But to screw up DECADES of history on a whim like that? Ridiculous if you ask me.
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FreakyFanatic101 In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-15 19:22:53 +0000 UTC]
Hm...... I'm nervous and skeptical, but I'll give it a try.
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RMPTK [2013-03-15 03:04:08 +0000 UTC]
I have a theory that in order to work in the redesigns department of DC comics, you have to be really drunk or really high. Every moment of every day.
Because it's either that, or they're all just stupid.
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superlucky13 In reply to RMPTK [2013-03-15 08:52:19 +0000 UTC]
I agree I agree. The raven designer must of had a terribly bad trip. I'm just stunned her design was approved
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RMPTK In reply to superlucky13 [2013-03-15 15:13:29 +0000 UTC]
No one at DC seems to know what they're doing anymore. o_O
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superlucky13 In reply to RMPTK [2013-03-15 18:45:21 +0000 UTC]
I disagree a bit there, some of the new 52 titles have been extremely good
they're just bull shitting all over certain teams and characters with shitty writers and artists.
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greeenDudE [2013-03-14 22:26:09 +0000 UTC]
i hate what they did to them in new 52.....they both look so ugly :"C AND BEAST BOY'S GODAMN RED!! T^T
but but Raven....honestly i don't know which design i dislike the most
your drawing is awesome by the way
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ravenisnevermore1399 In reply to greeenDudE [2013-03-14 23:52:50 +0000 UTC]
I agree! They are better the original (tv series) way. New 52 should keep their old designs.
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greeenDudE In reply to ravenisnevermore1399 [2013-04-09 15:31:48 +0000 UTC]
yes they should :'C
it's just so weird to see them like that they look out of character :/
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ravenisnevermore1399 In reply to ravenisnevermore1399 [2013-03-14 23:53:04 +0000 UTC]
but good drawing huge bbrae shipper
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superlucky13 In reply to greeenDudE [2013-03-14 22:30:42 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
I think Ravens design is unforgivable and ugly
beast boys how ever was necessary in the comic. Basically all animal life is connected on a web called the red. (whilst plant lives web is called the green. Connected to swamp thing)
so making beast boy red was a logical design choice.
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greeenDudE In reply to superlucky13 [2013-04-09 15:33:40 +0000 UTC]
so glad you agree :"D
i know that BB's design had to be done.. but i'm still sad to see his sexy greenness fade away :"""C it was what made him look special and unique now he looks like kid devil r.r but hairier xD
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superlucky13 In reply to greeenDudE [2013-04-09 15:54:43 +0000 UTC]
ahh I totally see what you mean by kid devil xDD I dunno I suppose I've never minded what colour he was as long as he was still awesome and funny.
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ira-gula-superbia [2013-03-14 11:58:32 +0000 UTC]
This is awesome! I've been hoping for some New 52 BBRae stuff, and Beast Boy really was great in the Rotworld event. Ravagers has picked up, but it's about to be cancelled. Hopefully, Beast Boy will end up in Teen Titans or something. Or even with Animal Man in his comic.
But with any luck, we'll be seeing these two together some time in the future.
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