Published: 2015-03-26 21:17:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 771; Favourites: 81; Downloads: 5
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But I'm okay in see-through skinI forgive what is within
Because I'm in this house
I'm in this home
All my time
Cover your crystal eyes
And feel the tones that tremble down your spine
Cover your crystal eyes
And let your colours bleed and blend with mine
Edit as of 2018:
wowe this is oldΒ
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Comments: 14
dehani In reply to Sukkol [2015-04-01 02:27:48 +0000 UTC]
I'm really hoping Erin gives Crow what he deserves in the new series (good grief), but I'm not holding my breath cries
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Sukkol In reply to dehani [2015-04-01 03:32:17 +0000 UTC]
ikr my favorite is how onestar was like "idk what made breezepelt do this :/"
lik e are u srs u never saw the gross behavior by crow to his son and also the tensions between crow/night/breeze
are u sure onestar.
are u sure.
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dehani In reply to Sukkol [2015-04-10 13:57:57 +0000 UTC]
BASICALLY? LOL It's so strange to think that Crowfeather continued to emotionally abuse Breezepelt, and yet nobody in WindClan said anything, and then they want to act all confused and upset that Breezepelt joined the Dark Forest where he at least got a semblance (even if it was fake, but w/e) of respect ;o; I mean, we saw clear evidence of it a bunch of times from the few times a main character interacted with Breezepelt and Crowfeather was around. It's kinda depressing, tbh :'D
BROUGHT IT ON URSELF, ONESTAR. BROUGHT IT ON URSELF. I firmly believe that Nightcloud did the best she could with the circumstances she had. She isn't the best mum, of course, but I mean at least she tried while Crowfeather just continued to be a piece of crap
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Sukkol In reply to dehani [2015-04-10 17:30:06 +0000 UTC]
yeah like???its like with how they all were so abeilst towards jayfeather but then whenever he got annoyed with the constant pointing/"oh he can't do that hes blind" theyd be like !?!?!?!?!?whY ARE U SO GRUMPY like god theyre so oblivious omg
but yea i feel like nightcloud had wanted to have a normal family but i def. feel like their relationship was forced and on top of that she was feeding breezepelts angry and rebellious emotions which wasnt very good ehhh but she tried to do her best for her son even if it was flawedΒ
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dehani In reply to Sukkol [2015-04-17 00:03:28 +0000 UTC]
Definitely! Nightcloud wasn't the best mother, but in this case, I feel too much effort was better than no effort (or worse: negative/poisoned effort) at all. Crowfeather basically made everyone miserable, tbh LOL I remember during The Sight after Lionpaw and Breezepaw nearly drowned when that badger den or w/e caved in, Nightcloud curled around both of them in the medicine cat den. She never seemed negative to ThunderClan until Crowfeather's behavior was exposed. And I also thought of how gross that one scene at the Gathering during Dark River, when Crowfeather was all, "Take a good look, Breezepaw. ThunderClan CELEBRATES their mixed blood," when Leafpool was right there. Like, he claimed he loved her, and yet he talked shit??? Idk I equaled that to boyfriends who get mad when their girlfriend break up with them for valid reasons, then go around and call them a bitch. I can't imagine the crap Crowfeather filled Breezpaw's head with when we, the reader, didn't see it. Nightcloud helped Breezepelt's anger, but I think Crowfeather totally fueled the fire later, with how much Breezepelt hated ThunderClan (since we saw plenty of evidence of Crowfeather talking shit about ThunderClan when Breezepelt was around; eventually that stuff sinks in and you think it's your own thoughts...plus, Breezepelt seemed like he would say or do anything to get his dad's approval, until later on in the series.) And on the Jayfeather thing...I didn't get why Leafpool would get mad at him whenever he complained about being a medicine cat. Like you pressured him into it, and then you don't understand why he's upset??? It would've been way interesting if Jayfeather was a warrior, tbh (and why the heck was Leafpool practically praised for breaking the warrior code and medicine cat code, when every cat before her was punished for it??? Mapleshade was exiled and her kits died, Yellowfang's two kits died and Brokenkit lived, Bluestar's kits had to be given away and Mosskit died, etc...and wtf with Yellowfang, who told Jayfeather in one book that "Leafpool deserved it," when she stopped being a medicine cat. You did literally the same thing, Yellowfang, and the only diff is you didn't get caught. What the heckie)
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Sukkol In reply to dehani [2015-04-17 01:34:33 +0000 UTC]
but yea ur completely right about the crowfeather thing he should honestly just cease to exist tbh literally everything good would happen if that happened. basically though the medicine cat position is becoming a forced position for "broken" and "useless" cats and it's just a place for all the suffering to happen like?????remember when the medicine cat position was a choice???and they weren't forced into it????lmao....
yeah though yellowfangs character turned to such shit it's horrible like? "ashfur only loved too much" meanwhile ashfur tried to burn jay, holly, and lion alive just because squirrelflight was uncomfortable being in a forced relationship with him and on top of that he's her fuckin' uncle???and yet "he loved too much" like ok.Β
and then she goes around with leafpool deserved it and had an "oops i might've been wrong lol" moment with cinderheart and jayfeather was literally just so done with her and starclans shit..same honestly tho jay, same.
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SilverTimberWolf [2015-03-27 04:53:30 +0000 UTC]
I really love the style this is done in!
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