StarlightSovereign — My Little Family

Published: 2011-08-19 11:08:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 7421; Favourites: 193; Downloads: 133
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Description So after I created my pony oc, Cypher, I decided to draw pony oc's for my mate and child as well.

Cypher, on left, is my pony oc. As an alicorn, his duty is writing mystery into the world to fill everypony's heart with wonder. He is responsible for constellations, shapes carved into the mountainsides, and all kinds of enigmas and numinous signs that cause everypony to wonder and ponder the universe.

Lore, on right, is my mate's pony oc. Her duty is creating myth and legend, spinning fables and tales to inspire and enchant everypony. Her stories are fabricated from the stuff of legend, the true beauty and wonder at the heart of ponykind which teaches everypony to dream big and be all they can be.

Rune, in the center, is my child's pony oc. She's an adorable little filly who doesn't have her cutie mark yet. (Well, she's only 4...) but with such a name as Rune and with such parents as Cypher and Lore, I have a few ideas as to what she may one day find she has a talent for...

(Rune is our daughter's real name... I just figured between Cypher and Lore that was a perfectly fitting name for their child anyway. Heh.)

Anyway... wow. This was a fun project. I'm enjoying learning the pony style and I feel I'm getting better at it. Quicker at least.

Cypher was interesting to create. I wanted him to be all starry and mystical in this full-grown form. The constellations in his wings are mostly real ones...

Lore was a challenge because I wanted to represent her cosmic ability in her mane and tale but the idea I had was really going to be rough to execute. I actually surprised myself with how happy I was with how it came out... the text and silhouetted pony heroes came out way better than expected. They were very fun to create... Lore has a pretty neat job if you ask me.

The reason we went with this for Lore is... my mate is really good at telling stories, particularly at running roleplaying games. It felt like a very appropriate thing to associate to her.

And Rune's hair... well she has pink and purple hair in real life. So I had to replicate it here.

Anyway... that's all I have to say. I hope you enjoy this visually.

I felt this was a cool idea for some other alicorns in the MLP FIM world. I don't need you to tell me if its okay or not.
By making alicorn ocs I am not implying that I'm better than anyone else, so please don't jump down my throat about it.
If you don't like my idea, just close the page and move on. Any rude comments will be hidden as I'm getting really tired of them. Remember, Friendship is MAGIC.

MLP FIM (c) Hasbro and
Cypher, Lore and Rune (C) Me <3

You do not have permission to use this art or post it elsewhere.
Do not distribute or alter in any way.
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Comments: 52

StarlightSovereign In reply to ??? [2013-01-31 02:16:09 +0000 UTC]

I don't consider it a "full grown" style. This is just an image that portrays Cypher more in the traditional Alicorn shape of the princesses. A cosmic portrayal if you will. I don't think the alicorns start as pony sized and grow to alicorn size. Younger Cadence would suggest they don't. I think Alicorns are alicorn shaped. Like a different breed of horse.

But that's just my opinion. I guess some people also call this a "Royal" form. But I don't think of Cypher as Royal. He's just... an alicorn.

Thanks for the complements and don't mind my rambling.

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MH-Frankie-Stien In reply to ??? [2013-01-31 00:50:27 +0000 UTC]

ahem! excuse the "emoticon" in the corner, I did not do that on purpose, my computer is crazy I am very sorry!

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SeleneTheWerewolf [2012-12-09 16:49:18 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful mlp OCs. I love Alicorns. These are both so thought out. I don't understand why anyone would hate comment alicorns. But anyway, wonderful art. now I want to go make some mlp ocs

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StarlightSovereign In reply to SeleneTheWerewolf [2012-12-16 17:32:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I love My Little Family.
People don't like them because they think alicorns shouldn't be allowed as OCs. I don't know who gave them the "rules" to what an artist can or can't create, but I never got a copy. I just make what I like. I didn't ask anyone to like them.

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SeleneTheWerewolf In reply to StarlightSovereign [2012-12-21 19:48:15 +0000 UTC]

I must've missed those "rules" too lol

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Elsendor [2012-11-15 07:33:36 +0000 UTC]

I'm generally not one for alicorn OC's, but these are exceptionally well thought out, well explained, and interesting!! So much love!!

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StarlightSovereign In reply to Elsendor [2012-11-25 19:10:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed them.
These and my sister's oc, Snowdrift, were designed by me and they have all gotten a lot of good feedback. I'm always happy to hear from people that they have been enjoyed. Of course we get a lot of hate just for having made up alicorns which I think is ridiculous... but I posted a journal on that a while back so I don't generally really argue it with people anymore either XD

Anyway, I do appreciate when someone notices that they have a story and were not automatic Mary Sue material just because they were that particular pony race.


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Elsendor In reply to StarlightSovereign [2012-11-25 20:27:27 +0000 UTC]

Heehee. The alicorn hate originated in dumb OC's, but it's sort of escalated into this whole "this is why we can't have nice things" issue, where people take it to the next level and flat-out forbid them. I find that a little petty and, dare I say it, jealous.

I'm also just a sucker for backstories. Backstories make my world go 'round!

The one person who still hates on alicorns (and not obnoxiously) that I really find myself halfway agreeing with is one who is against them because, apparently, Cadence originally wasn't supposed to be an alicorn--happened because Hasbro. It sounds like in Faust's original conception, Celestia and Luna were the only two. Cadence's existence sort of changes the validity of alicorn OC's, so it's sort of whether or not you accept that as canon...

My strategy is to think original concept when people are dumb, and post-Cadence concept when people are intelligent. So very much post-Cadence here!

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StarlightSovereign In reply to Elsendor [2012-11-26 00:59:08 +0000 UTC]

Well, I made up Cypher, Lore, Rune and Snowdrift *before* Cadence came out, so take as will. They were all made up during Season 1.

Here is the journal I wrote on the topic before if you're interested. I doubt I could say my thoughts on it better. [link]

And if my views are just my own ideas mixed into the canon, oh well. I only ever made Cypher for *me*. I didn't ask other people to like him. I didn't roleplay him. I just made up a character I liked. He's what I'd want to be if I were a kid and we were playing a make-believe of this world. He's just my own make-believe. I can dream what I like. Whether anyone likes what I dream or not... doesn't really matter.

But thank you again for your views and complements. I really always appreciate people who have a healthy view of both sides of an argument. It's not necessary to agree so long as we are all open-minded and I'm grateful for those who are, especially after being attack-dogged by so many who aren't.

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Elsendor In reply to StarlightSovereign [2012-11-26 02:03:49 +0000 UTC]


Agreed and agreed. I like that journal entry! I have slightly different headcanons about alicorns (though there's a lot of overlap), but when it comes down to it, it's about what we get out of the show. And I think it's cool that you've created such beauty drawing from it. There's a time and place for canon.

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Cflandon15 [2012-07-13 20:53:28 +0000 UTC]

that's cool

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StarlightSovereign In reply to Cflandon15 [2012-08-06 07:22:45 +0000 UTC]


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Cflandon15 In reply to StarlightSovereign [2012-08-06 15:47:06 +0000 UTC]

no problem

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immasweetslovinggirl [2012-06-07 19:52:19 +0000 UTC]


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LadyKochou [2012-02-14 18:38:55 +0000 UTC]

The picture is gorgeous and the concept is adorable.

It also feels good to be reminded that I'm not the only parent that loves ponies. xD (I have a 6 year old and a 2 year old that watch ponies with mama)

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StarlightSovereign In reply to LadyKochou [2012-02-14 19:15:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

Yes... there are some of out here with our own kids and we still love the fandom for us too

My 4 year old loves the show so much. We all love pony here!

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LadyKochou In reply to StarlightSovereign [2012-02-15 06:19:32 +0000 UTC]

My husband and I started watching it because of all the hype around it. We didn't like it too much, and didn't watch it for another few months. When we did again, our 2 year old daughter was hooked, then the rest of us followed soon after.

Sometimes my husband tells people that I use our kids as an excuse to watch the show. lol

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SparroeSong [2011-10-17 01:17:24 +0000 UTC]

omg i cant blieve u used alycorns not cool man y u think u betta than us/

JK xD I like Alicorns myself. Gosh Rune is amazing <3

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StarlightSovereign In reply to SparroeSong [2011-10-17 07:57:47 +0000 UTC]

You had me going there for a moment. Well played sir.

Thank you! She'd appreciate that compliment.

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SparroeSong In reply to StarlightSovereign [2011-10-17 13:42:27 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you x3

No prob! Just the truth

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Cr1kk3t [2011-09-26 14:53:38 +0000 UTC]

This is really good.

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Otterlore [2011-09-17 04:26:53 +0000 UTC]

How do you end up with no spam on an alicorn pony's page?!
I have spam on my profile because of my alicorn OC's. >< It's so annoying. You're lucky, I guess people figure if it's good art it doesn't matter if it's an alicorn or not.

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StarlightSovereign In reply to Otterlore [2011-09-17 08:25:48 +0000 UTC]

What kind of spam?
I have had a few people be rude about me making an alicorn... but mostly I get compliments.

I think the key is making something people don't consider "overpowered". There again, I don't roleplay with Cypher. I just created him to represent me.

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Otterlore In reply to StarlightSovereign [2011-09-17 15:57:11 +0000 UTC]

I guess I haven't gotten much 'spam', mostly rude compliments that I count as spam, that hold up my inbox.
I don't roleplay with my character either, or write about her. It's just like yours: To represent me. I don't understand why people have such a problem with it.

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StarlightSovereign In reply to Otterlore [2011-09-17 22:29:34 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry. People can be thoughtless.
I usually try to remind them that friendship is magic and my ponysona can't hurt them... if that doesn't get through, I just block them and hide their comments. I'm an anti-drama pony. lol

And I know it's possible to be liked. My best brony: 's oc is very well-liked. She gets fanart of her alicorn. :3 Well some of them are art trades... but she is well-like.

I have heard more compliments on mine than rudeness now... but originally it really annoyed me that people automatically cried Mary-sue. So I feel ya.

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glitterpotionz [2011-09-08 07:13:13 +0000 UTC]

This is beautiful~

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StarlightSovereign In reply to glitterpotionz [2011-09-08 10:14:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you much!

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lol60651 [2011-09-04 17:06:55 +0000 UTC]


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IntoTheCaramelFrappe [2011-08-26 20:03:06 +0000 UTC]

Wow, it's seriously amazing. The color textures is very well chosen due to the 'cool' design of fitting with space.

Besides that, I literally loved how you drew the parents for they look very mythical in a sense of awakening (or as in legacy, ancient). Must also admit, the child looks very adorable. Can't stop loving this picture, it's very well done of course.

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StarlightSovereign In reply to IntoTheCaramelFrappe [2011-08-26 20:28:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you much!
That was what I was going for. They are very mystical.
My little girl has hair that color for real. Hehe.
Well she recently went for hot pink instead of pink and purple, but it WAS that color

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kage-kunoichi [2011-08-22 18:40:32 +0000 UTC]

Gosh, they're beautiful! Would you mind if I posted them to Members of the Herd?

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StarlightSovereign In reply to kage-kunoichi [2011-08-22 20:44:58 +0000 UTC]

Probably don't mind.
What is "Members of the Herd"?

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kage-kunoichi In reply to StarlightSovereign [2011-08-22 21:11:03 +0000 UTC]

It's my Tumblr blog dedicated to rounding up (if you'll excuse the pun) oc ponies.

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StarlightSovereign In reply to kage-kunoichi [2011-08-22 21:33:31 +0000 UTC]

Okay, sure. As long as it links back to the artists please?
<3 I really hate when I find a great pic on a site like that and they didn't source it so I can't check the artist for more.

Can you link me your blog? I'll follow it.

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kage-kunoichi In reply to StarlightSovereign [2011-08-22 21:47:34 +0000 UTC]

I always link back, no worries! And here's a link for you! [link]

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StarlightSovereign In reply to kage-kunoichi [2011-08-23 00:07:40 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Then that makes you one of the good ones.

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kage-kunoichi In reply to StarlightSovereign [2011-08-23 00:23:58 +0000 UTC]

Awww, yay! Thank you!

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Klowdes [2011-08-19 23:51:29 +0000 UTC]

They're all so pretty~!
& Very creative too.
+ I love the star-like effects.

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amphithere96 [2011-08-19 22:17:23 +0000 UTC]


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jolteonlover134 [2011-08-19 20:50:59 +0000 UTC]

dude that one awesome drawing, i mean that is cool.

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K4nK4n [2011-08-19 18:06:21 +0000 UTC]

Aww, this is so cute and beautiful.

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dialgex [2011-08-19 15:17:59 +0000 UTC]

So fucking adorable!

I are fave dis!

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Natural--20 [2011-08-19 14:51:51 +0000 UTC]

Alicorns are awesome.
My Ponysona's one. *huggles Natural 20*

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artangel-demon [2011-08-19 13:25:35 +0000 UTC]

wow! these are really well done! beautifully rendered backstories and pretty designs...just awesome!

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StarlightSovereign In reply to artangel-demon [2011-08-19 13:54:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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artangel-demon In reply to StarlightSovereign [2011-08-19 23:02:26 +0000 UTC]


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ArbiterGirl [2011-08-19 11:50:48 +0000 UTC]

For once, we don't have mary-sue Alicorns. These are fantastic! I'm still partial to the idea about Alicorn OC's, but these are well-thought out and portrayed beautifully.
Wonderful job

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StarlightSovereign In reply to ArbiterGirl [2011-08-19 12:36:37 +0000 UTC]

Wow. Thank you. I seriously appreciate that you feel that way.

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ArbiterGirl In reply to StarlightSovereign [2011-08-20 05:18:23 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome~

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Jenetikitty [2011-08-19 11:21:00 +0000 UTC]

Absolutly gorgeous in so many ways <3 especially adore Lore's wings <3 and cypher's wings <3

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