Published: 2012-10-29 08:45:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 14862; Favourites: 825; Downloads: 1
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[link]This photograph taken on the roof of the Bartlett building in downtown LA shows beautiful red headed Mather Lauth preparing for the coming of an atomic age monster.
The price listed is for the 12x18 size print
Prints are available in these sizes- chose your size from the shop section called print sizes
8x12- $20.00
12x18- $30.00
16x24- $150.00
27x40- $250.00
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Comments: 72
MissPinks [2013-08-19 03:15:27 +0000 UTC]
ugh the people commenting on this, i swear...
just because YOU havent seen your waist in 10 years doesnt mean they dont exist...
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OriginalVillain [2013-07-26 19:50:49 +0000 UTC]
This is such a fun picture, and I WANT that outfit so badly! ; p
But the whole aesthetic has a really fun vintage feel to it. : )
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RobertRijkers In reply to nowadaysitsbigprlg [2013-07-23 07:49:58 +0000 UTC]
great picture !! and ~nowadaysitsbigprlg stop your idiotic dolphin spam
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MrThesaurus In reply to RamonaChan [2013-07-23 05:32:46 +0000 UTC]
What are you talking about? Her arms are perfect! Any skinnier and they will look abnormal.
And unless the photographer is a magic working surgeon that would kind of be impossible.
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badgerswantmedead In reply to RamonaChan [2013-07-23 03:50:12 +0000 UTC]
You do realize this is a photograph... that's kind of disrespectful to the model, she cant help the way she is.
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RussetFoxxie In reply to badgerswantmedead [2013-07-23 05:32:51 +0000 UTC]
I don't think it's really disrespectful, I do like this photograph, but it does look edited as if they made her waist much smaller, if you look up the model her body isn't like that. :\
So saying to make the arms slimmer isn't really in the wrong, because if you look at different pictures of her, she's quite proportionate. But for some reason not in this photo, my guess is probably because it was most likely edited. I could be wrong, but her curves, in my opinion, look a little weird and too smooth in the connection of her arm to her shoulder blade going into the rib cage and on the waist.
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badgerswantmedead In reply to RussetFoxxie [2013-07-24 03:32:31 +0000 UTC]
I can see where you're coming from, the waist is obviously edited. But still... making a comment like that without an explanation as to why the photographer/editor should make the arms smaller sounds a tad judgmental. I totally agree with you on the fact that this picture would have looked nicer if the curves weren't so smooth.
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PsYcHo-MiDnIgHt In reply to badgerswantmedead [2013-09-05 08:28:45 +0000 UTC]
It's the bodice. It's made with some crazy ribbing true to the 40's-50's fashion that makes her bust look fuller. if you look at her right breast, you can see a little bit of a shadow where the ribbing is protruding. Personally I don't think the waist was edited at all. The bodice makes it look that way because of how it protrudes at the bust. If you cover her boobs, everything looks in proportion.
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badgerswantmedead In reply to PsYcHo-MiDnIgHt [2013-09-06 04:52:54 +0000 UTC]
you're probably right, I recently watched a documentary about a woman with the smallest waist in the world, and she wears a corset/bodice 24/7 and has a waist smaller than this girl, so it probably is a bodice.
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Narked [2013-07-23 02:34:31 +0000 UTC]
Inspector Gadget can turn himself into a pair of goggles? Best stunt he ever pulled! Seriously, great photo though! (and model!)
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aWay-with-knives In reply to LaurieCampbell53 [2013-07-23 01:36:35 +0000 UTC]
horsefaced and Christian?!?!
find the internet's match for YOU
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montygm [2013-07-22 21:38:19 +0000 UTC]
Nice work with getting the colours to look so retro.
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aWay-with-knives In reply to montygm [2013-07-23 01:37:18 +0000 UTC]
the world will thank your doctor, for diagnosing you with anal-cancer
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The-Artist-64 [2013-07-22 18:29:03 +0000 UTC]
Now there you go! It screams retro.
She's quite beautiful!
~The-Artist-64 approved.
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superbatprime [2013-07-22 11:48:11 +0000 UTC]
cute, camp and classy.
Perfectly capturing the spirit of the style.
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ametladocea [2013-07-22 09:04:18 +0000 UTC]
What's so impressive? I'm not trying to be rude but I just don't see it, the girl is pretty but what's so shocking?
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KikaiSaigono In reply to ametladocea [2013-07-23 00:33:46 +0000 UTC]
For not trying to be rude you're pretty good at it.
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ametladocea In reply to KikaiSaigono [2013-07-23 07:49:46 +0000 UTC]
Well, that's your point of view. I was asking what's so shocking SERIOUSLY, and expected a serious answer, I just don't see what's impressive and maybe if somebody told me what is it, I would've been able to see it and appreciate it. I'm sorry if you think that I am rude, but just to let you know that was not my objective at all, nor to sound sarcastic or whatever
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Muleyo In reply to FreeFlyingAngel [2013-07-22 09:48:45 +0000 UTC]
It's not photoshopped, she just has her shoulders and shoulder blades pushed outwards, almost like popping your shoulder out of place.
It makes the top of your rib cage seem larger and your shoulders too.
That's why you can see the back of her armpit on the other side, otherwise you wouldn't see it that much from where the camera is in that pose.
* u*
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