staresinka — DBSK: The little Prince

Published: 2009-08-23 19:25:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 1361; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 96
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Description OMG (Sun!)
I finally decided to draw THE GOD..
(Thanks to the awesome and lovable , who inspires me so much.<3 Thank you for being there)
..and I failed miserably.T-T

I wanted to draw it in black and white like my previous drawings, but I found it a shame to not colour the orange hat, so I used crayons. First time using them in such a serious matter. First time drawing Changmin ever.

He looks sad. He doesn't look so sad in the original picture, but I couldn't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong so yeah.. I hate his right eye. In the picture of course, God beware if I ever would hate something on Changminnie himself.

Oh, this time there's background *cough*a very lazily done one*cough* But whatever~ The title? Just very veeery random.
I didn't know where to put my signature on this picture, so it ended on Min's arm. Like a tattoo, bwahaha

Wanna know what my mum said to this picture?
"Is it some guy from a poster for DPRK (North Korea)? It looks like he's saluting."
Oh well, mothers..
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Comments: 22

Joeytotl [2010-04-10 20:00:50 +0000 UTC]

I love the coloring! ^^

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staresinka In reply to Joeytotl [2010-04-13 18:29:46 +0000 UTC]

thanks! I still think that it looks better in real than here scanned^^"

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Joeytotl In reply to staresinka [2010-04-14 18:10:05 +0000 UTC]

Of course it does scanners "take away the magic" lol
I know that scanners mess with the drawings a little, my scanner makes my drawings look brighter than they actually are ^^

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staresinka In reply to Joeytotl [2010-04-15 19:27:38 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, mine too! I think if I were more skilled in graphic programs, I could solve the problem, but I'm too lazy to learn it actually.. so I'm editing the scans just a little x3

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Joeytotl In reply to staresinka [2010-04-15 19:35:45 +0000 UTC]

^^ me 2

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sternentreue [2009-08-24 10:58:22 +0000 UTC]

it's so good O,Od

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staresinka In reply to sternentreue [2009-08-24 11:59:05 +0000 UTC]

thank you~
and thank you for the fav as well

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sternentreue In reply to staresinka [2009-08-24 17:12:52 +0000 UTC]

your welcome ^^

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emenemsbis [2009-08-23 20:13:36 +0000 UTC]

It went really good! And I knew who you drew right away when I saw a thumbnail!^^ great work and thank you for dedication^^
and this story about your mum XDDD
Oh my, my mum has strange ideas (about Changmin being a girl or something like that ) but at least she doesn't think that I'm drawing north korean, saluting guys

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staresinka In reply to emenemsbis [2009-08-23 20:40:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you thank you thank you~
But I should try harder. Maybe next time

My mum thought of it as a joke, but still, it didn't help my self-esteem. Poor Changmin, if he knew..

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emenemsbis In reply to staresinka [2009-10-03 18:56:28 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for my late reply, I was sick
anyway, we always should try harder! I always say it to myself when I'm starting new drawing
If Changmin would know what your mum said, he would laugh for sure

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staresinka In reply to emenemsbis [2009-10-04 07:50:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh! Are you better now? I hope so~ Should I send you some medicine? Hehe:3

Yeah, I always think this too but somehow I have the feeling that I stopped at some level and can't go any furtherD:

If only~ I don't know if he would find it funny to be compared to a soldier.. furthermore from North Korea. But probably yes

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emenemsbis In reply to staresinka [2009-10-04 08:19:04 +0000 UTC]

I feel better now Thanks I was joking that it's H1N1, because my cough was horrible and I had a high fever, but I guess that it wasn't that bad
No, you didn't stop at some level! When I'm watching your works I can see improvement! So don't think that way! Never!
I think that he would...because he has strange sense of humour (just like us ) and he would laugh madly (with claping his hands, one eye closed and so on )

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staresinka In reply to emenemsbis [2009-10-04 13:55:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh, that sounds bad, I'm glad I haven't been ill for quite a long time. But it's good that you've recovered and that you were still able to be joking about it, it reminded me of my father when I had some irritation of skin on my face and he was joking that it's allergy to chocolate, I would die if it was true

Thank you, I'm totally blushing right now:3 Unfortunately I still tend to compare my works with other and then I'm not confident in my work.

Heh, I can totally imagine him laugh. I love the way he does it (well, all fans do)

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emenemsbis In reply to staresinka [2009-10-04 15:34:01 +0000 UTC]

I'm sick very often, and I have bad cough even if I'm not sick (because of asthma and other problems with throat), maybe that's why I'm always joking from it It's funny when you're not even sick, but there's a cold air, and I'm starting to cough...and it sounds like I would have ee... tuberculius? I'm not sure if I named it wrong or not anyway, everyone in bus, when they hear it, make a lot of space near me, so even if there is a biiig crowd, I have my own space so it's useful
My sister even if would have allergy to chocolate, she wouldn't stop eating it, because she loves chocolates
When I watch other works, I feel bad, too, but then I'm starting to think - hey, it's only a hobby, I can learn longer than others, right?
I love his smile, too! If I would know him, I would provoke him to smile...but in the other hand if he would be near me all the time, he would die from loughter @_@

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staresinka In reply to emenemsbis [2009-10-04 18:18:20 +0000 UTC]

Uhhh, I'm sorry for you. My friend has asthma, so I know how you must feel And yes, I know which illness you mean, oh well, at least there is some profit of it as well
Ha, I'm the same as your sister, I would die because I would still eat chocolate, I would had an attack and then die, ghh But it would be a nice death, thinking about chocolate~ I'm kidding.
Yes, it's a hobby, I think of this like that too. But tell this to my brain
So we shouldn't allow him to go near youD: Just kidding<3

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emenemsbis In reply to staresinka [2009-10-04 18:27:06 +0000 UTC]

I don't take medicine for asthma and I feel good, so don't need to be sorry Only this backside effect...
One day my sister ate white chocolate...which wasn't white because it was produced that way, but it was white because it was that old... but she had to eat it XD I hope that you're not the same as her XDDD
I'm telling your brain - it's only a hobby! @______@ <-hypnotise you XD

haha maybe it's not such a bad idea XDDDDDD

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staresinka In reply to emenemsbis [2009-10-04 19:11:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh ok
Uhh, I'm not sure but I've done this once when I was younger I think.. .___. But it wasn't that bad that it would look like white chocolate Say hello to your sister for me, I'm a fan of her
@__@ hmm, maybe when I wake up, my brain changes

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emenemsbis In reply to staresinka [2009-10-04 19:15:37 +0000 UTC]

woaah my sistar has a fan! @_@ I have to tell here about it!
But I understand you, if I would have chips after guarranty time, I would eat it, too

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staresinka In reply to emenemsbis [2009-10-04 19:23:52 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I've done THIS more often than eating chocolate after guarantee time (maybe because a chocolate doesn't stay too long at my place), and well, I don't have any health problems (so far)

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emenemsbis In reply to staresinka [2009-10-04 19:28:09 +0000 UTC]

because it's healthy! Really! I read about it, that if people won't immunise themselves, they will be sick all the time

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staresinka In reply to emenemsbis [2009-10-05 14:13:08 +0000 UTC]

you're right, I've read this as well well, then your sister must be super-healthy

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