Published: 2008-03-01 04:51:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 9198; Favourites: 154; Downloads: 168
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Well ~volpe-de-fuego I do hope you love this as much as I doI think this is my best piece to date honestly, granted there are little flaws like the markers not wanting to cooperate 100%, what with some tips not being as fine as they used to be and some markers having more ink to provide than others, they like to bleed over sometimes. Either way though, I'm REALLY satisfied with this one
Well on to the real description:
This is a gift piece for ~volpe-de-fuego of her OC Garg (you met her in my previous submission) Kiya and Brooklyn meeting for the first time. Or shortly after they first met, either way, he's done something she's not at all happy about as you can see.
And noooo he didn't do anything perverted, just placed a hand on her shoulder or something and she responded with a "DON'T touch me!!" emphasized by one of her daggers and a snarl. Kind of a serious warning to keep his hands off even if it's just a common friendly gesture. Poor Brook he seems a little surprised.
OH and for any of those who might ask, their shadows are the way they are because technically the moon is high overhead, but for the perspective here it looks like it's behind them in the background. Hope that makes sense
I had a ton of fun with this as well because I actually incorporated a couple other medias, not just my Prismacolor markers. The stars and the lights on the building towers I did with a whiteout pen, coloring over the one that's red with one of my red markers. Then I took a white and a red Prismacolor Verithin pencil and did the emphasis around the crescent moon and the lights. I hope it looks good. The scan doesn't do this piece justice at all really.
Well I hope you enjoy it
Art © *StangWolf
Kiya © ~volpe-de-fuego
Brooklyn & Gargoyles © Disney & Greg Weisman
Please do not redistribute, alter, reference, trace, or use my art in any fashion without my permission. Thank you! ~StangWolf
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Comments: 125
StangWolf In reply to ??? [2015-11-30 02:07:32 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I may have missed your request to add it to your group, so I apologize! I'm trying to get back to keeping track of my gallery here so if I missed it feel free to shoot another request my way. ^^
I think that's how that works anyway, a little rusty with some of the features here now lol.
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NikkiBeesHive In reply to StangWolf [2015-12-01 01:18:21 +0000 UTC]
LOL I know how you feel; I'm a sporadic DA user myself and sometimes I forget how these features work, as well as miss gallery requests quite often myself haha I have the group settings set up so that you can automatically add items to the folders yourself (so feel-free to add as much as you want!) but I will certainly re-send some requests of my faves :3 Thanks for the response and keep up the AMAZING work!
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StangWolf In reply to NikkiBeesHive [2015-12-14 01:57:58 +0000 UTC]
At least I'm not the only one! lol It's rough sometimes when you get sucked away and come back to a massively overloaded inbox lol. I should maybe weed through my watch list some I suppose.
Thanks for the info too! If I find some I would like to submit I'll look into doing that. Thank you fort he lovely comment as well! <3
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Dynamo-Deepblue [2011-02-24 00:28:57 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh, I didn't even know you had this picture O.O This is definitely one of your best. I especially love the poses and the colors of the characters. And plus, they really look scared and angry. I know I'm like, really late, but this is an awesome picture ^^
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StangWolf In reply to Dynamo-Deepblue [2011-03-14 23:15:11 +0000 UTC]
heh it's all good, I'm kinda late myself on this response.
Thank you thought, this one was really fun to work on, both characters are extremely fun to draw and I always love working with expressions and emotion.
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DjMak [2010-10-14 02:55:49 +0000 UTC]
Tiesto: oh my f**king god no!
Me: yup shit hit the ceiling fan.
- fight goes off while I get popcorn -
me: oooooh that's gonna leave a mark!
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DjMak In reply to StangWolf [2010-10-14 03:02:34 +0000 UTC]
Me: This is better than cable!
- wig flys out -
Me: 0_0 WTF?!
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Effar [2010-05-03 08:23:03 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, I gotta say, after taking a nice long walk through your gallery, I think I love this one the most. And not just because it's Gargoyles! Noooo, no, that has nothing to do with it. I swear. I think.
Okay, well, it might have SOMETHING to do with it, but regardless, I've never seen a style take to Gargoyles so magnificently as yours does. It speaks of the old, which we all fell in love with, yet your flavor to it makes it so original and pleasing - Whew! Few people can pull it off as well as you have, I think.
Not to mention that you can make it CONSISTENT, as well. The life in the characters in this piece, especially, is brilliant in itself. Plus your marker skills are really smooth and vibrant, and the picture overall is just... well, I REALLY LIKE IT.
So there.
Well done, indeed! <3 Brook's face is just priceless, might I add. Oh, and the detail in the upturned muzzle is spot on, man. Not many can make it look so realistic in a non realistic style. Yes, whatever I just said.
SO ANYWAY, that's all.
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StangWolf In reply to Effar [2010-05-03 17:40:35 +0000 UTC]
oh wow thank you so very much for the lovely comment! It is greatly appreciated
I'm so glad you like it, it's been a while since this one was complete but it was fun to do, there are things I see now that I would have done differently at this point but I hope that just means I've been improving lol. Either way thank you so very much for the comment, I like getting comments like this, and not just because they're compliments (I probably need to open myself up for more critique honestly) but because it was thought out and you put time into it so for that I thank you
Hopefully I'll be able to produce more along the lines of this one that create the elements you so enjoyed
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Effar In reply to StangWolf [2010-05-03 20:55:36 +0000 UTC]
Oh, wow - it is from a few years ago! Haha, I didn't even notice. IN THAT CASE it's even cooler that way, means you've probably come so far since this. NEAT.
Haha, well, my thought out comment was more me saying the first things that came to my mind as I looked at your picture. I'm glad it came out semi-intelligent looking, lol!
I'm looking forward to see some new stuff from you~! Your style has such personality, I can't get over it. XD
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StangWolf In reply to Effar [2010-05-04 03:31:09 +0000 UTC]
awwwww well thank you so much I'm so glad you think so, sometimes I worry whatever style I have going on doesn't have it's own vibe or life to it. I know Disney influenced me A LOT but I always like to think that however I draw has my own flare as well as being kinda Disney-esq or however you'd like to call it lol.
thank you so much this made my day
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Fenrir-da-Wolf [2008-11-08 03:44:02 +0000 UTC]
that is awesum!!!! love the wings (i suk at drawing wings )
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StangWolf In reply to Fenrir-da-Wolf [2008-11-08 17:10:03 +0000 UTC]
thank you
and yeah wings still give me a bit of trouble lol
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Fenrir-da-Wolf In reply to StangWolf [2008-11-09 05:44:44 +0000 UTC]
yeah, i try drawing wings and they usually turn out really weird but i'll keep practising
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StangWolf In reply to Fenrir-da-Wolf [2008-11-09 18:23:57 +0000 UTC]
that's good that's what I do, just keep practicing
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Fenrir-da-Wolf In reply to StangWolf [2008-11-11 03:35:32 +0000 UTC]
yeah sometimes its all you can do
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woohooligan [2008-05-18 03:23:10 +0000 UTC]
Great job style is very close to the series and the facial expressions are very well done.
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LovelyLadyGray [2008-05-06 03:56:25 +0000 UTC]
Wonderful job on both Brooklyn & Kiya. I love how well the Prismacolor markers look in this pic.
Wowzas, it's pretty cool to meet another Prismacolor marker fan. I'm still learning to use mine.
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StangWolf In reply to LovelyLadyGray [2008-05-06 20:24:30 +0000 UTC]
well thank you I think this is the best piece I've done so far with my Prismas they're pretty awesome little markers
I love mine
no worries I'm sure you'll get the hang of them soon took a little practice for me but it didn't take long
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LovelyLadyGray In reply to StangWolf [2008-05-06 20:31:07 +0000 UTC]
Hmmm you're welcome. I can tell that is from all of the hard work & the effort into this artwork. I completely agree with you on that.
I love my Prismacolor markers a lot.
I just don't use them as often as I should since I'm a traditional artist. I know that everything takes a lot of practice to get good.
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StangWolf In reply to LovelyLadyGray [2008-05-06 23:39:44 +0000 UTC]
oh cool, glad that some of the effort I put into it shines through, it's one of my first ever paid for commission pieces, the first fully colored one anyway, and I tried to put everything I had into it, so I'm glad it shows somewhat
I'm a traditional artist too, I can work with digital media but I prefer my prismas (markers and pencils both) and sometimes it's just fun to sit down with a mechanical pencil and just draw up some good ol' pencil art and linearts are fun too, I love my copic multiliners
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LovelyLadyGray In reply to StangWolf [2008-05-08 05:31:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah, that is what makes drawing soooooooo worth it, I've never done a commissioned artwork before, but I do a lot of Requests & Art Trades with DA friends here, and it was realllllllllllllllly worth all of the hard work.
It's the same way with me as well, I'm pretty good with using Adobe Photoshop, but I prefer working with my hands and other traditional media (markers, colored pencils, pencils, watercolor, gouache, oil pastels, pastels & charcoal) and that is what is really fun about letting your mind wander until inspiration strikes you. I agree with you on that. Lineart rocks.
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StangWolf In reply to LovelyLadyGray [2008-05-08 06:05:34 +0000 UTC]
I think that's when I'm happiest, when I know something I've drawn, either just randomly that I decided to share on dA or something that someone requested or commissioned, I'm happiest when I know others are happy and enjoy what I've drawn not because I like the attention, but because I like making other people happy
traditional media is just a blast, yeah so you don't have the undo button but still, I like that sometimes
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LovelyLadyGray In reply to StangWolf [2008-07-29 04:42:13 +0000 UTC]
I know what you mean by that, as well as trying to figure out
how to design a new OC or their world that takes you into that.
I do a lot of Art Trades and Requests for friends here on DA.
It's a habit of mine to draw something on a friend's b-day.
I like making other people happy with what I've drawn and the
idea as well as the emotion in the pic are very important to me.
I completely agree with you on that, but there are times when you
can change the color if it's wrong on a digital painting, too true.
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StangWolf In reply to LovelyLadyGray [2008-08-10 05:17:07 +0000 UTC]
exactly, I want so bad to get in the habit of drawing something for people when their birthday rolls around but for most of the people I know I can never figure out exactly what they'd want. Well people here on dA it's easier but for like my family and what not it's hard oh well I'll figure it out someday
I like knowing something I've done or something I do makes others happy
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LovelyLadyGray In reply to StangWolf [2008-08-10 18:34:26 +0000 UTC]
I know how that is all too well and if I ask them what they would like me to draw for their B-day pic sometimes it doesn't get done. I usually just try to look at their art to see what they like & then take it from there. I am sure that you'll be able to figure it out soon.
I feel the same way and that is what makes doing art so wonderful.
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StangWolf In reply to LovelyLadyGray [2008-08-13 00:45:08 +0000 UTC]
cool thanks for the advice, I'll have to try that
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LovelyLadyGray In reply to StangWolf [2008-08-13 01:41:45 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. You're very much welcome, I'm sure it will help u a lot.
That is quite true!
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ghostlymarionette [2008-04-29 18:23:26 +0000 UTC]
nice work.poor brooklyn I feel sorry for him
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StangWolf In reply to ghostlymarionette [2008-04-29 18:43:23 +0000 UTC]
lol yeah poor guy has no luck what so ever
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Rodlox [2008-04-29 03:28:26 +0000 UTC]
a very well-created gargoyle - one who's a heck of a lot more plausible in design than a bunch I've seen in the fandom.
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