Published: 2011-02-18 03:24:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1983; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 18
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Meet Addy- Netto-kun's cousin/Adopted sister!Bio-
Name: Adeline Kokoro Hikari
Age : 11 1/2- 12 (turns 12 early in the story
Nicknamed: Addy, Mongoose (Netto calls her that. In english he would call her weasel.) , Girl with the midnight starry eyes.
Relatives: Harriet Hikari (birth mother, decesed) Riku Hikari (Birth father, decesed), Yuichiro Hikari (Uncle/adopted father), Haruka Hikari (Aunt/Godmother/Adopted mother), Netto Hikari (Cousin/Adopted brother)
Netnavi: Diana "Dizzy" EXE. (Rockman's little sister)
Love interest: Dingo
Personality: Throughout most of the story she's mute till the turning point. She's used to victorian style clothing and likes to dress up in steam punk outfits. She's very shy, very timid and is very bookish. However she constantly gets into sibling rivalry fights with Netto. She's a chocoholic and while Netto love curry, she loves ice cream.
Because she came from a large house of which she was never to set foot outside, Addy is very curious about the world. In fact when you first meet her, Rockman has to teach her how to open up a fridge and operate a microwave. While she has never owned a navi before, her very first program advance was with Tomahawkman by using Element sword on him. She actually has inherited her mom's net battling skills, and trained Dizzy before the child navi had discovered her 2nd form. Her personality goes 180 degrees's during the turning point and she finds the courage to defend herself.
Relationships with characters:
PROJECT ARTEMIS aka Diana EXE "Dizzy"- Addy's hyper net navi. She was created by Rockman's data that was merged with her second form's program. Her actual creator was Addy's father, Dr. Hikari's half brother, Dr. Riku Hikari.This actually gained some interest from both good and evil scientists. Netto's father had taken up the process in creating PROJECT ARTEMIS and used the program and merged it with some of Rockman's old data with the help of Medi EXE. However during the process, the program contracted a virus in which created six tame elemental viruses that remained asleep at the time. PROJECT ARTEMIS took form of a female child navi version of Rockman. Dr. Hikari decided that PROJECT ARTEMIS was not a good name for Addy's navi so her used Diana instead. When Diana meets her older brother, Rockman instantly gives her the nickname Dizzy for her extreme hyperness. Diana as a child acts like a child, not understanding the world around her, when she is rebuilt, she is more mature yet still retains her hyper activeness. Diana, like her brother, views her net-op as a sister rather than a net-op. However she is willing to protect her at all costs and can activate her powerful reverse form. She is one of the four navis that Addy uses in a four way program advance. (she uses hyper burst.)
Netto- Netto had met his cousin, Addy when they were only three years old. They were introduced to each other while watching Addy's mother, Harriet, net battle with her own Net navi, Splashwoman EXE or Splashy as they called her. They got into a sissy fight of who's future net navi would be stronger. However they became friends after finding out that they emulated the same navi and both had treasured a picture of Harriet and them after Harriet had won title of net battling. After Harriet died, Netto never saw Addy for nine years until his dad told him that they were adopting a girl. Turns out that the girl was his own cousin, Addy who had become mute since her mother's death. Netto absolutely loves Addy as his little sister and will allow no one to mess with her except for him. The two constantly get into Sibling rivalry fights which now had evovled from sissy fights to hair pulling and punching in the arm (the normal sibling fights). Like Addy, Netto had inherited Harriet's net battling skills.
Rockman- Rockman is the very first person who meets Addy in person in the story. She is at first frightened of him but quickly warms up to him. He is fasinated that she doesn't know how to open up a fridge or operate a microwave. Like his net-op, Rockman cares for Addy like a sister, however he is more of the caring kind, ready to help her in any way. Eventually, he gets a little sister of his own named Project Artiemis aka Diana EXE or Dizzy, who is Addy's navi. He is one of the first four navis Addy uses in a four way program advance (he uses giga cannon)
Jasmine- Netto introduces Jasmine to his new sister shortly before they are attacked by an Astroid navi. Jasmine and Netto are the very first people that Addy sees cross fuse with their navis. Jasmine instantly becomes Addy's friend, half due to the fact that she has lost her own parents. One day Dr. Hikari calls her to bring her own Navi, Medi EXE to help with a project called Project ARTEMIS by helping extract some old data from Rockman. They agree and are the first people outside of the Hikari clan to meet the new navi.
Medi- Jasmine's net navi is the very first female navi Addy meets. She is very kind to Addy and uses her motivational skills to help her gain confidence. She also frets over the fact that Addy constantly injurs herself and wrecks her dresses by falling off her bike. She is one of the first four navis that Addy uses in a four way program advance (she uses Infinity Vulcan)
Dingo- Addy meets Dingo when he slips on a glass and causes curry to splatter everywhere. Addy manages to dodge it with a fan and laughs for the very first time when she sees Dingo covered in curry. Dingo can read body language, so he can easily communcate with the mute girl easily. The next day Addy is hired as a the newest member of the Maha Ichiban and is taken around town by Dingo who is riding her bike. Soon they get into trouble and Dingo must protect Adeline at all cost. He later becomes her love interest and about 10 years later they have two children together named Wolf and Velvet.
Tomahawkman- Addy finds this navi very interesting due to his design and constantly sketches him. He is the very first Navi that she operates when Dingo is knocked out cold and she even gives him a program advance. Like Dingo, the wood navi can read body language. However, unlike Dingo and Addy's realtionship, Tomahawkman has issues with Addy's new navi who at the time is a child navi. He constantly bullies her and becomes angry when she beats him. But he soon warms up to Dizzy and becomes one of her closest friends. When Dizzy is rebulit as a teenager navi, he quickly falls in love with her. 10 years later, they have twin navis named Aerro and Atlas. Tomahawkman is one of the four navis Addy uses in a four way program advance ( he uses Elemental sword.)
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Comments: 33
Xx-me-love-link-xX [2011-02-21 09:18:02 +0000 UTC]
DD i fav this...similar 2 my pic i drew....just me, lan, and megaman ^^ HAPPY FAMILY
i <3 urs 2 ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Squireprincess In reply to Xx-me-love-link-xX [2011-02-21 14:38:32 +0000 UTC]
Aw I saw it, its really cute! and thanks
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Xx-me-love-link-xX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-23 05:01:28 +0000 UTC]
aww ty ^^ NT WARRIOR FTW!! X3 draw more of this and so do i ...lol
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Squireprincess In reply to Xx-me-love-link-xX [2011-02-23 15:31:34 +0000 UTC]
Yay! NT warrior obession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-18 04:30:57 +0000 UTC]
But that her love interest is an Iroquois Native American is really interesting.....does Dizzy like TomohawkMan?
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Squireprincess In reply to XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-18 12:41:39 +0000 UTC]
Yea. At first, back when Dizzy was just a child navi, they hated each others guts (more like it was Tomahawkman who hated her, she was just oblivious) then they warmed up to each other, then when she had to have her first form redone (having her become a teen navi) he had a major crush on her. Then she fell for him as well.
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 00:04:22 +0000 UTC]
Oho, so its mutual now, eh? Interesting.....
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Squireprincess In reply to XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-19 01:30:18 +0000 UTC]
Well right now it is, but I'm going to post up a fanfic of Dizzy showing feelings for Tomahawkman that lead up to the moment when they become a couple along with both their net-ops, Addy and Dingo, plus Rockman and Medi constantly stalking them.
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 02:00:25 +0000 UTC]
Mega Man and Meddy? But why're they stalking them?
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Squireprincess In reply to XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-19 05:19:13 +0000 UTC]
What do you think? Rockman/megaman is Diana's older brother which means over protective brother (he wants to bash up this other idol navi I named Alto who dumps Dizzy) and Medi and him are good friends of the couple. Beside Medi has to have something to gossip to Jasmine.
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 16:07:05 +0000 UTC]
Lan would be more like to bash Alto, not Mega Man. When it comes to situations like that, Mega's more of a talker than a fighter. Did you see the episode where Lan and Mayl (Along with their NetNavis) get into a huge fight just because Mr. Match screwed up Mayl's hair?
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Squireprincess In reply to XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-19 18:50:43 +0000 UTC]
True... though Alto would have to go mad and into the real world for Netto to bash him up. Though Addy may have already beaten him to it. The human girl hates Alto because he's full of himself. Netto would just be oblivious as usual.
And no I have never seen the episode.
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 18:54:24 +0000 UTC]
But you've seen the anime, right? AND you've played the games!
Mega Man would never be like that! Except if he were put in a situation like with Laser Man at the Hawk Tournament....
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Squireprincess In reply to XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-19 19:00:15 +0000 UTC]
Yes. The anime is the reason why I started drawing Megaman. I played the games as well.
I guess Rockman would never do that but in my story he is somewhat hostile towards Alto.
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 19:06:08 +0000 UTC]
But why? He's not even truly hostile to the WWW Navis! Only if they're truly evil, like the Darkloids!
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Squireprincess In reply to XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-19 19:17:02 +0000 UTC]
No idea... eh... I guess that should be Addy's job. Though she's like Rockman, all peaceful.
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 19:19:55 +0000 UTC]
Yesh! Wait, what?
*coughs* ANY-ways, couldja looke at my TTGMM journals? I wanna what you think of Lan and Mega Man's little (BIG) discovery....
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Squireprincess In reply to XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-19 19:23:26 +0000 UTC]
Sure send me a link
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 19:26:38 +0000 UTC]
I'll give you the link to my Journal history. There's more than one journal...
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 19:51:32 +0000 UTC]
Lan looks really awesome with Kamina's glasses! + = AWESOMESAUCE!
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XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-18 04:29:49 +0000 UTC]
Kehehe......I has a great idea!
Lately, I've been having an extremely strange series of dreams over the past two weeks, where Lan and Mega Man found a powerful mecha called Gurren Lagann. (And Lan found a gold drill and ana awesome pair of sunglasses)
Any chance you want me to change up my future dreams so your OC and her NetNavi appear? I'm sure she will add plenty! I might even make it into a real fanfiction instead of a dream journal.....
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Squireprincess In reply to XXFanXofX4869XX [2011-02-18 12:39:15 +0000 UTC]
Sure if you want to. I really don't mind go on right a head. Just be sure that they're not too OOC.
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XXFanXofX4869XX In reply to Squireprincess [2011-02-19 00:01:24 +0000 UTC]
I didn't have a TTGMM dream last night, though, so it'll have tah wait 'til later.
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