Published: 2009-01-22 19:56:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 65416; Favourites: 9710; Downloads: 0
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DeviantART is proud to announce the launch of NEW Profile Pages! In response to community feedback and deviously Deviant Technology innovation, new Profile Pages offer additional ways to personalize, customize, and organize your homebase at deviantART!
These Profile Page upgrades are much more than a simple set of new features. Built using a platform based on "modules", new Profile Pages have the ability to evolve and grow over time. Added to your Profile Page with just a few button clicks, modules couldn't be easier to use. New modules will be released regularly, allowing Profile Pages to continually adapt and meet the specific needs of the deviantART community.
- Profile page tabs for Profile, Gallery, Prints, Faves, and Journals all feature a cleaner, brand new look!
- Designed for consistency throughout profile pages, so people don't have to search around for info.
- Dropdown menus provide additional ways to share details and display stats.
- Quickly and easily view information about fellow deviants.
- New Module Zones help increase page consistency across dA, while simultaneously promoting customization.
- Rearrange your profile to personalize your deviantART experience.
- Customize how you present your deviations and the deviations of others.
- Add a SitBack slideshow to exhibit your newest deviations, favorites, or collections with extra flare.
- Choose to display more or fewer thumbnails.
- With a whole module catalog, there's something for everyone and more on the way.
- Quickly change options with module "Edit" buttons.
- List your friends, watchers, and visitors by usernames, avatars, or both.
- Many of the above features are free and available to all deviants. However, some features and modules are accessible to subscribers only as part of deviantART's subscription package.
- Visitors
- Display as: Username only, avatars only, or avatars and usernames.
- Order by: Newest friend, oldest friend, or alphabetical.
- Polls
- Ask your visitors a question.
- Forum
- A forum just for your profile page.
- Shoutbox
- Quickly chat with your visitors.
- Twitter
- Social networking to stay connected.
- Sitback
- Feature for collections, gallery folders, favs, and newest that allows you to turn on a deviation slideshow.
- Custom Modules
- Whatever you want.
- Collections
- Show off your collections.
- Gallery Folders
- Highlight a specific part of your gallery.
- Having a subscription not only gives you access to special modules, but subscribers are also able to browse deviantART with no ad interruptions, view up to 120 deviations per page, and become beta testers for future feature releases. If you'd like to experience all deviantART has to offer with subscriber-access, click here to learn more.
New Profile Pages didn't appear overnight as the result of a tooth fairy wish. They've been born and nurtured from the talented members of devious Technology, Creative, and other stealth-like individuals. Additionally, deviantART beta testers played a large role in testing and refining the development process. Please join me in thanking everyone involved for their hard work and dedication in making Profile Pages the best thing since the birth of our icon.
- To view how staff members have already personalized their own Profile Pages, check out the following for examples on what can be done:
- The best way to learn about and understand new Profile Pages is to jump in and have at it! To get started, visit your own Profile Page and click the 'Edit Page' button. From there, drag and drop modules to your heart's content and prepare to get customized!
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Comments: 7951
DRSDavidSoft In reply to ??? [2019-02-07 17:03:10 +0000 UTC]
More or less, you were right
π: 0 β©: 1
MadKingFroggy [2016-11-06 23:59:13 +0000 UTC]
I was worried that this'd be another much hated change, but I'm glad to see you're not changing anything unnecessarily like some of the other updates.
This actually looks like an improvement rather than change for change's sake.
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iingo [2015-09-18 00:19:16 +0000 UTC]
I will forever miss this when it's gone...I'm just too old school...
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HiroHamada [2015-08-02 16:28:13 +0000 UTC]
It may say goodbye to current profile design and say hello toΒ upcoming profile design .
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marylizabetha [2014-11-20 16:13:22 +0000 UTC]
What happened to sitback? I'm a premium member and I can't add it to my profile.
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MARX77 [2014-10-24 06:12:07 +0000 UTC]
It's 2009! What the hell?! Β
deviantART Journals Β on twitter brought me here, lol!Β
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prettyprincess45 [2014-04-16 23:43:48 +0000 UTC]
You need to be premium to do these things??
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layer3 [2013-07-10 00:36:18 +0000 UTC]
I finally made a life changing decision this is the most unique solution I came across these days I am my own boss try it out for yourself
π: 0 β©: 0
thissucksdaddy [2013-07-09 11:55:57 +0000 UTC]
Learn Different Ways To Make Extra Money on the Internet
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MoonstarThunderClan [2012-07-23 18:49:16 +0000 UTC]
oh. i thought this was real, like, a pop- up! y'know? :3
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VladimirTodMinion In reply to MoonstarThunderClan [2012-07-23 21:23:44 +0000 UTC]
same here!
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MoonstarThunderClan In reply to VladimirTodMinion [2012-07-24 14:34:41 +0000 UTC]
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VladimirTodMinion In reply to MoonstarThunderClan [2012-08-10 19:54:00 +0000 UTC]
I feel stupid for falling for it but it was funny after.
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MoonstarThunderClan In reply to VladimirTodMinion [2012-08-10 21:01:32 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 1
VladimirTodMinion In reply to MoonstarThunderClan [2012-08-16 17:01:28 +0000 UTC]
cute icon btw
π: 0 β©: 1
MoonstarThunderClan In reply to VladimirTodMinion [2012-08-16 19:04:09 +0000 UTC]
Oh thanls! :3 Violet kitty cat made it for me! [link]
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VladimirTodMinion In reply to MoonstarThunderClan [2012-08-17 16:30:10 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 1
CRITTER-PIXELS11 [2012-07-23 09:59:03 +0000 UTC]
Gawd. Why did the 8 hour popular cycle repeat itself all of a sudden? dA! /shoots death stare
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sketching-again In reply to th555 [2012-07-23 13:21:11 +0000 UTC]
Obviously because-
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th555 In reply to sketching-again [2012-08-27 14:08:58 +0000 UTC]
but really, wtf happened xD
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littlemisshufflepuff In reply to th555 [2012-06-03 05:13:35 +0000 UTC]
That's what I was wondering...haven't we had this update for quite a while now?
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Gloomy-Butt [2011-11-12 21:31:15 +0000 UTC]
Now, this is what I call,
*puts on sunglasses*
a temping AD.
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kombizz [2010-11-03 22:52:54 +0000 UTC]
am i the last one to say something about this NEW development?
deviantART muro drawing
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AccepteMoi [2010-10-15 20:06:17 +0000 UTC]
..i don't get it hahahaha :'D but i think it is..cool? .. sooo xD
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Aaron-The-Hybrid [2010-10-06 21:11:55 +0000 UTC]
I still have this in my inbox
along with 14,500 other messages
strangely enough, I have just as many messages as I do pageviews.
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