SpringsTS — A... Gift!

#music #azurelly #birthday #friendship #gecko #gift #ellythegee
Published: 2015-11-27 18:38:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 639; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Hello, girls and boys, the squirrel came back

In honor of ~ Azurelly

A little big huge gift - yes, a gift! - for a wonderful friend. Her generous heart has no equal but her drawing talent. And a (little) little preview of the value our friendship had for me can be found if you looks attentively.

Have an happy birthday my friend

Little game: identify all the littles picts on the box!

Used blocks - Box:
_ Gray wool
_ Light green wool
_ Iron block

Used blocks - Picts:
_ Black wool
_ Iron block
_ Redstone block
_ Cyan wool
_ Malachite block (from mod Biome'O'Plenty )
_ Coal block
_ White wool
_ Gold block
_ Yellow wool
_ Red wool
_ Lapis-lazuli block
_ Snow block
_ Compact ice
_ Magenta wool
_ Purple wool
_ Purple hardened clay

Ressources pack: Soartex
Shaders: www.minecraftforum.net/forums/…>


(Téléchargez pour obtenir la taille réelle, merci)

Bonjour, filles et garçons, l'écureuil est de retour

En l'honneur de ~ Azurelly

Un petit grand énorme cadeau - oui, un cadeau ! - pour une merveilleuse amie, dont le cœur généreux n'a d'égal que son talent sur ce site. Et un (tout) petit aperçu de la valeur qu'a notre amitié pour moi peut être trouvée si vous regardez bien.

Encore une fois : joyeux anniversaire !

Petit jeu : identifiez tous les petits dessins sur la boîte !

Blocs utilisés - Boîte :
_ Laine grise
_ Laine vert clair
_ Bloc de fer

Used blocks - Dessins:
_ Laine noire
_ Bloc de redstone
_ Laine cyan
_ Bloc de malachite (issu du mod Biome'O'Plenty )
_ Bloc de charbon
_ Laine blanche
_ Bloc d'or
_ Laine jaune
_ Laine rouge
_ Bloc de lapis-lazuli
_ Bloc de neige
_ Glace compacte
_ Laine magenta
_ Laine violette
_ Terre cuite violette

Pack de ressources : Soartex
Shaders : www.minecraftforum.net/forums/…>
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Comments: 8

Azurelly [2015-11-30 15:42:58 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, a gift as gift! With lots of surprising symbols onto it ^^ Let me guess:

- a headphone and some music notes as sign for being the music-loving fellow deviant ^^
- my main logo - the rhombus and the pink crystal gecko
- The logo of my character as DJ and (actually) the emblem of her family - 'the star, the moon, the crystal'
- A gift box because it's a gift haha
- A sun ... I remember. You told to me that I bring the shine when I'm here on dA. Like the sun. That's quite meaningful
- the last. The green one ... I'm sorry. But seems that I can't identify this ... (I feel embarassed. I could need some help) ^^''

But overall, all the icons are symbols what makes me of. As person, as artist and above all as the very dear friend of you you've been knowing for so long

That's totally something special and meaningful surprise gift out from a Minecraft artist (and I mention again - a Minecraft Artist)

Thank you a lot my dear squirrel and friend! Thank you so much for everything! ^^
Now I'm excited what's inside the box

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpringsTS In reply to Azurelly [2015-12-03 21:12:17 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I can't say if it's original... or so common

- Well guessed, +3 points!
- Since you often has it as avatar, I know it's your best identity mark ^^
- Indeed, created from your DJ Starlet picture
- Giftception
- Ooh, you remembered
And this is still true, look at all the people you lighted in your last Journal...
- The last is a reproduction of a Minecraft diamond, the most precious gem in the game - precious gem for a precious friend
Since it's the less linked to you of all the box, you don't have to blame yourself , it was for the Minecraft-touch.

(First time someone calls me an Artist with a big A, thank you )

You're very welcome my dear gecko friend, I can assure you, you deserve it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Azurelly In reply to SpringsTS [2015-12-05 19:17:49 +0000 UTC]

At least it's the first someone made this for me

Yes, what a luck that I guessed right - mostly x')
Right, it's my identity mark I'm using it most of the year. That's why I don't need new icons always. But sometimes, occasionally, I change my icon.
Indeed, this is my way to thank for you and the others. Everyone may have the chance to share the attention.

The most precious crystal in the game? For me? And I didn't recognized it? .... ooh That actually gives quite an extra touch ^^

My deepest pleasure Of course. Because this is something I strangely unlearned it totally - making 3-dimensional works. No matter whether it's made with paper, lego or virtual like in Minecraft ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpringsTS In reply to Azurelly [2015-12-08 20:50:59 +0000 UTC]


Luck? No luck, skill!
Indeed, I notice when you change it. It will soon be the time or Christmas
That's very generous of you ^^

Next time I will choose closer colors. Those were maybe not so faithful to the original ones.

Those are my very first 3D creations. I still don't know if I should work on better 2D images or keep the way with 3D figures...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Azurelly In reply to SpringsTS [2015-12-09 20:49:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes

Yes, there's a bit of skill, too
Oh yes just right now I'm wearing my little winter hat ^^
That's the least I can do

Now it's revealed and I can make a picture in my mind.
At least you have a basic understanding for 3D models - although I used to play with Lego a lot in my childhood x')

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpringsTS In reply to Azurelly [2015-12-12 06:40:27 +0000 UTC]

I see that, you'll have your ears warm ^^

I played Lego too, that's a point I found again in Minecraft, to pile up blocks and create small-to-huge structures ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Azurelly In reply to SpringsTS [2015-12-15 19:11:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, I don't like it when my ears are cold.

I guess that's one of the reasons why Minecraft is that popular for gamers. Maybe because of the nostalgic feeling you know from Lego.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpringsTS In reply to Azurelly [2015-12-18 22:58:36 +0000 UTC]

Ahah, me neither

👍: 0 ⏩: 0