SpringLockDeathTrap — Indominus Rex Fan Button

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Published: 2016-04-26 09:52:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 2801; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 4
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Description This button is free to us for anyone who loves Indominus Rex from the movie Jurassic World! Go right ahead and feel free to display this on your profile no need to ask!^^ CODE AT BOTTOM.

I love Indominus so I decided to make a little fan button for this lovely beastie.~ As far as movie monsters go she is one of my absolute FAVORITES! I was introduced to Jurassic Park as a child and instantly fell in love with dinosaurs. Yup, I was that kid who wanted to grow up to be a Paleontologist and study long extinct creatures from millennium's past. T-rex was my favorite for the longest time because what kid didn't love the tyrant lizard king growing up? T-rex still holds a very special place in my heart to this day but as I got a little older after first seeing Jurassic Park I gravitated to the Raptors more as my favorite dinosaur. They were fast, agile, and of course, clever. They might have been small but they were fierce, packing one hell of a punch and moving in groups...groups of intelligent and cunning predators...what else do you need to be scary? Obviously REAL raptors are nothing like the ones we see in Jurassic Park/Jurassic World but that doesn't prevent me from loving them all the same. Both the ACTUAL animal[s] seeing as there is more than just one species of raptor, and the Hollywood version of them.

So, when Hollywood decided to combine two of my favorite dinosaurs into one terrifyingly beautiful creature it was love at first sight. Indominus Rex. Personally I feel sorry for Indominus. In my PERSONAL opinion she was a victim of circumstance and her environment. Yes she WAS highly aggressive but probably if she'd been handled and socialized appropriately growing up she wouldn't have been AS dangerous let alone vengeful. If anything she'd be on the same level as Rexy. Both animals are powerful destructive forces of nature but Rexy eventually calmed down after not only her original break out and free run time between the events of the first movie and JW but she was given a different style environment/paddock to live in verses her old one and the keepers worked to keep her better stimulated verses leaving her to basically rot like in the first movie.

Indominus was isolated, growing up in a paddock [[kind of small for how big she got]] far away from everyone and everything else. Yes, in the movie they say she ate her sibling but who is to say it wasn't out of some other instinct she did it? For example what if the sibling was ill and it simply triggered the prey drive as animals are far more attune to this type of thing verses humans. Or what if the sibling actually died of natural causes [[for a hybrid]] and the Indominus did what any other predatory animal would do and took an easy meal? Maybe the keepers hadn't accounted for how often or how much food they needed to give Indominus as this is the first SUPER MULTIPLE cross species animal they've worked with that involves not only the dna of modern animals to fill in the gaps in the genes but also the first multiple cross species DINOSAUR. They know nothing about her, it's all new to them...so its all best guess. Maybe they weren't feeding the critters enough or as often as they needed to be fed, a fight broke out between the siblings and Indominus ate the other thanks to the fact she was hungry and there was no other food available. It happens in the wild so no reason to think it couldn't happen here.

Anyways, killing/eating the sibling aside and since they don't mention in the movie they ever tried to socialize or interact with Indominus aside from needing to use the crane to feed her as she began attacking the feeding gate whenever the feeders came...much like a certain Raptor did....they basically left her to rot and go mad. As Owen stated, any animal left in isolation and knowing only food and the constant disruption of its environment aside from not having enough room the creature will be hostile, full of pent of energy and its sure as hell NOT going to trust the creatures it knows has kept it confined for all its life. Indominus is smart after all, she put two and two together and figured out humans were her problem. She set a trap for them, planned her escape, made it to freedom...and all her rage was unleashed. She killed for fun, for revenge and stalked the humans using everything she had in her arsenal of natural weapons. She out smarted them, and over powered them. Her sheer size alone makes her terrifying you throw everything else on top of that and she is a super predator. After all it took the COMBINED effort of Rexy, Blue, Owen here and there, Echo and Delta, and finally the Mosasaur to end her rampage. The ACU managed to wound her but really only pissed her off in the end. Humans stood no chance against her and it took the might of a T-rex, 3 raptors, 1 human and finally a 100ft sea monster to end her. Now THAT...is a REAL monster! Least she went out with a bang and in style. But honestly I wish she had lived.

Button Code

<a href="http://springlockdeathtrap.deviantart.com/art/Indominus-Rex-Fan-Button-605342853">

Indominus Rex (c) to Universal Studios and Legendary Film Creations/Studios
Images used found on Google.
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Comments: 6

ZillaFan89 [2018-12-13 20:25:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the button, added it into my profile.
And I agree with you, I absolutely love the I-Rex. I nearly cried as she died. It's such a pity the movie portrays her as an evil monster, hell, she was such a deep character! She became what she was due to the way she was raised. Basically it's the humans' fault.
But furtermore, I agree with you last sentence. She should've lived.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JasonVoorheesfurry [2016-04-26 12:47:55 +0000 UTC]

Speaking of which, is it weird I liked the idea of Owen and Blue have a (semi-romantic/sexual) relationship over Owen and Claire, I didn't really like Claire that much, she was okay towards the end.

And the Indominus was awesome!   I heard some didn't like her design but I did, I know they could've added more but too much as it becomes silly, if they gave it stegosaurus spines people would've complained Jurassic Park was trying to make their own Godzilla, give it wings it'd be a "Dragon".  A large white Raptor-Rex that goes "Predator" on people's arse, that's pretty fucking cool.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpringLockDeathTrap In reply to JasonVoorheesfurry [2016-04-28 09:26:52 +0000 UTC]

-blinks- You ship JeremyxMangle the incubator and you're asking me if shipping OwenxBlue is weird? XDDDD I'm sorry! I shouldn't laugh but just putting it in perspective, of the two ships, OwenxBlue is tame compared to JeremyXMangle XDDD. Actually quite a lot of people ship OwenxBlue with Blue being either human, raptor, shapeshifter, or own being raptor, human, shapeshifter. It's a very popular ship to say the least.

Claire's character design was actually a really good one! The problem is she needed more than one movie to develop properly XP instead they took her from one extreme to another in the course of roughly 2 hours XP. It's what makes her character so hard to like. If JW had been done as like a 6 part mini-series or something it DEFINATELY would have allowed for the PROPER way to develop her character. The same goes for the kids, Zach and Gray...I felt no emotional attachment what so ever to them and didn't honestly care they were in danger unlike the kids from the other movies. There was no real build up to the audience really feeling for Zach and Gray. Their development was again, rushed and too hot/cold and it was done in a really weird order. We have typical "older brother is embarrassed and annoyed by younger brother" deal at the start then it goes to "older brother being major dick" then "older brother being a troll in doing what he wants" [[scene right before indominus attacks them when they stay out in the hamster ball]] then he goes to "attemptive supportive older brother but honestly fails" and by the end he's all "hero big brother."

Claire was suppose to represent John Hammond in this movie...if you've read the original Jurassic Park Novel you'll know the character of John Hammond was actually kind of a dick under everything....he was obsessed with playing god. Spoiler for the novel he actually doesn't escape the island and gets eaten by Compys. I think they modeled Clarie's character a bit from this version of John Hammond but gave her the change of heart at the end so they didn't have to kill her. Plus she seems hesitant in her position anyways like she's not too fond of what she is doing but she has to do it. I wish there was more time to expand on Masrani...guy who took over Ingen and made Jurassic World. He had so little screen time his death meant nothing to me really.

That idiot who's name I can't remember that wanted to use the raptors as weapons and got eaten by Echo...his character annoyed me from the second he said his first line. I wish he died earlier than he did. XP

Personally I loved Indominus' design. The only thing I wasn't fond of was the under bite she had. In the close up shots of her snout you can clearly see she has an under bite and the way he teeth were jutting everywhere makes me think biting and ripping into things actually had to be painful for her.

Now I KNOW I'm getting picky here but just because its fantasy doesn't mean illogical things are okay. The fact she could crush the sphere with the strength of her bite is unrealistic given her jaw and head design. The snake DNA in her is what allows her mouth to open 180 degrees which means the jaw unhinges and is instead controlled by cartilage, tendons and ligaments...those alone would not have enough power to warrant her being able to bite down like that with her mouth so far open. The lower mandible is also too thin/flimsy to support such a powerful bite. Even if she had extra carbon in her skeleton's make up for extra strength but not added weight it still would not be able to support that kind of bite pressure it would snap. T-rex's head and jaws were specifically designed to rip-crush-pulverize-and tear. I know Indominus is suppose to be the base genome of a T-rex but to have that kind of biting power she would need the actual t-rex head if you look up the statistics of the design of the skull and how it worked. Indominus' head design is mainly all for show realistically speaking. Her hands and long arms would do most of the work on killing or immobilizing large prey. The fact her mouth can open so wide means she would probably swallow most prey items whole like a snake or be able to swallow 500 pounds of meat in one gulp.

But that aside I thought she was an absolutely beautiful beastie!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JasonVoorheesfurry In reply to SpringLockDeathTrap [2016-04-28 10:16:47 +0000 UTC]

I liked Masrani, of what little we see of him I took a liking to him, I immediately thought, "Corporate Owner, evil, probably obsessed with money."

"How are my dinosaurs CLaire, are they happy?"   - Okay so I was wrong, I liked he acutally cared about his dinosaurs, he cared about everything money didn't matter to him and I liked that.

The brothers were okay, but really there was too much in the movie, and really it felt like to me, everyone in the movie wanted more Owen and his raptors.  I was actually really, really sad that we didn't see Owen with baby raptors at the start.  I can imagine him feeding them, and they're all curious and mischievious and while not hurting Owen are a pain in his arse


Charlie: o3o *runs off with Owen's underpants in her mouth*

Blue: o3o .... OwO *see's the massive shlong waving between his legs, and knew from that instant he had to be hers.*

-years later during Jurassic World-

Owen: it's okay blue, *pets her head* o.o just lead us to the Indominus.

Blue: o3o ... then sex yes? ... Sex?

-movie ending-

Blue: *looks towards Owen* Sex?

Owen: *shakes head*

Blue: Please?

Owen: *shakes head*

Blue: That red haired bitch can't please you like I can.

Owen: *shakes head*

Blue: ..... *runs off*

-actual ending-

*Owen and Claire embrace and maybe kiss*

Owen: We stay together.  *looks to CLaire* Uhhhh??
Blue: *in a red "wig"* o3o ...  *licks his face* sex now?

What the fuck did I just write?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpringLockDeathTrap In reply to JasonVoorheesfurry [2016-04-29 07:36:49 +0000 UTC]


I was so sad when Charlie died...

BABY RAPTORS!!!! Actually I think they'd be more prone to steal his shoes and socks. Don't think he'd be stupid enough to leave his underwear laying around for them to get XD I could totally see them nesting all over him when they sleep. so cute <3

Oh! There is a JW fanfic you MUST READ YOU WILL THANK ME LATER!!

its one FF...."It's Not the Raptor DNA." You will FREAK!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JasonVoorheesfurry In reply to SpringLockDeathTrap [2016-04-29 08:04:05 +0000 UTC]

yes baby raptors!  Adorable! They'd climb all over him,  QwQ Baby Charlie snuggling into his hair with Blue poking out of a pocket

I will look at the story, not raptor DNA okay 8D

X3 tehehehhe new sides I seem to have a habit of giving people side problems.

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