Published: 2014-04-02 21:55:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 11865; Favourites: 261; Downloads: 27
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One of my arts for Winter Temporary Fandom CombatWTF World of Warcraft 2014
Thassarian and Koltira
It's rather difficult to translate russian text and save the original meaning =\ (my thanks for the translation to Lucille. *3*)
Words about "grandma" and "grandpa" are the replicas from the very popular russian fairy-tale.
(c) Blizzard
Оригинальный вариант с русскими словами - i58.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0315/f…
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Comments: 65
Murasaki99 In reply to Soumin [2020-04-30 02:54:17 +0000 UTC]
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xThatcrazyCatladyx [2019-08-27 07:28:28 +0000 UTC]
I mean, this is kinda, partly true, Koltira was imprisoned by Sylvanas.
also, I absolutely love your art <3
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ThoughtsandWonders [2017-12-05 08:16:17 +0000 UTC]
Probably the best and most accurate illustation of Sylvanas I've ever seen
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FiniteColor [2016-09-10 01:37:03 +0000 UTC]
This is so great! If not for the reason that these are such great characters and so well drawn, then because it so funny and true!!! 😆
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Soumin In reply to FiniteColor [2016-10-24 18:33:37 +0000 UTC]
2 years ago it was just my fantasy, but now we know, that this situation is almost true)))
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SchattenLotus [2016-07-18 03:10:28 +0000 UTC]
I would love to see what happened with Thassarian(?) after the Battle of Andorhal from Cataclysm.
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TrueOkamiAmaterasu In reply to SchattenLotus [2017-03-24 20:44:34 +0000 UTC]
he ran to undercity to save koltira from sylvanas, actually, this picture is true about this, I believe both are in the DK class hall now
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SchattenLotus In reply to TrueOkamiAmaterasu [2017-03-25 13:24:05 +0000 UTC]
Indeed. I want to see more of them!!
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TrueOkamiAmaterasu In reply to SchattenLotus [2017-03-25 13:31:13 +0000 UTC]
I JUST WISH THEY'D CONFIRM ALL THE GAY PAIRINGS IN WOW, but sadly they can't where they could with overwatch as the player demographic on wow is much bigger, but like these gay pairings are just quest npcs and shit, so I don't see why people would flip their lids but idk, blizzard's decision
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SchattenLotus In reply to TrueOkamiAmaterasu [2017-03-25 17:51:55 +0000 UTC]
Gay Pairing are NOT wrong!
- I have a Friend SINCE Childhood, since i was nothing more than a 6 to 7 Years old,
- I "like" her since that Day
- After she became 13, her sexual Nature awakened,
- She is "Lesbian", I am "BI",
- She is a Sadist,
- " I " am Masochist
- I am STRONG-natured,
People would call me a Tomboy,
but I am NOT a " Macho Woman/Girl "
she is sadistic,
TO THE EXTEND/range where People would
call her "evil" - but she is kind in Heart.
In am her Pet. Her Slave. Her Doll.
She is Lesbian. "I" am BI. sexual
And i would 'DIE' fighting for her. So,
i am VERY SURE we have a VERY rare kind of
I am very small (1,67) but (very) strong, for my Size
She is 1,93 - and learned to fight, thanks to me.
( by the Way, )
( she IS a natural born Girl, )
( she is NOT a Guy operated to be more girly )
( she always had a Complex about her Size )
( but she is NOT born a Boy. She is a Girl. )
We are not bad People,
but we know how to hurt, without Warning.
- We never hurt anyone innocent/okay.
My Comment ends here.
" Antifa "- better watch your back, Assholes.
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TrueOkamiAmaterasu In reply to SchattenLotus [2017-03-25 20:07:20 +0000 UTC]
well I'm a lesbian romantically but asexual...sexually? so yeah like, I got nothing against gay people naturally
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SchattenLotus In reply to TrueOkamiAmaterasu [2017-03-26 05:46:12 +0000 UTC]
She is also rather bold, to add
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Soumin In reply to SchattenLotus [2016-08-29 15:35:22 +0000 UTC]
I think he will search for his princess) Hope, we'll see this in Legion :3
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SchattenLotus In reply to Soumin [2016-08-29 23:03:01 +0000 UTC]
I hope Blizzard has not forgotten about him >_>
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Tolpen [2015-11-04 20:27:44 +0000 UTC]
Very popular russian fairy-tale... The Gingerbread House? (or like that something?)
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Ruschman [2015-09-29 03:15:13 +0000 UTC]
I heard for WoW; Legion, Sylvanas' fate will be on the line. I wonder if Koltira will take over the Forsaken's Monarchy?
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Soumin In reply to Ruschman [2015-12-03 19:50:07 +0000 UTC]
We all are waiting to hear something about Koltira
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Ruschman In reply to Soumin [2015-12-04 04:00:52 +0000 UTC]
I read that according to Blizzard, King Varian had died during service, and Sylvanas is going to be the new Warchief of the Horde, in Vol'jin's apparent absence. You know what that mean? It mean that Sylvanas can reshape the Horde in her own image, and with help from the Val'kyr from Stormheim.
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Soumin In reply to Ruschman [2016-03-18 19:00:32 +0000 UTC]
Yep, I know it too... Well. Now we can just wait)
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HuntressAkari [2015-08-21 19:39:17 +0000 UTC]
The skull on Thassarian's boot looks so sad! XD
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Soumin In reply to HuntressAkari [2015-12-03 19:49:06 +0000 UTC]
It's not funny to be wounded
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Lostoverlord [2015-03-18 12:18:25 +0000 UTC]
Love the obligatory 'arrow to the knee'. Yeah, while I maintain this as strictly hetero life partners, I can see how people who can see this as more than just friends. Can see how ThassKoltira is a thing. I just feel its a better relationship without the 'shipping' behind it.
Still, there's no doubt in my mind this would happen. Thassarian cares way too much about Koltira to leave things as they are, and I'm certain a certain paladin/DK duo of Highlords would like to have a few choice words to Sylvanas sooner or later about this.
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Soumin In reply to Lostoverlord [2016-03-18 18:57:12 +0000 UTC]
I am glad, that the "arrow" is mantioned) I like to draw little details/mems as an additional joke)
And I cannot decide for myself till now... I do like bromanse in this story, and it's more important for me than any potential homo-relations between Tass and Koltira) But well, I can 'ship' them too ^^"
And I just want to see the continuation of their story. What happened to Koltira and what would Thassarian do)
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SchattenLotus [2015-01-27 18:24:05 +0000 UTC]
J~eeeaaahhh, so HOW did the Story of Thassarian (and Koltira?) end, after Thassarian went for Tirisfal, in Cataclysm.
As a Alliance Player, i fought with him in Andorhal against the remaining Scourge and after some Forces of the Forsaken,
but then Valkyr and Forsaken overrun Andorhal, butchered every living Person there - and then Thassarian said he wants to go to Tirisfal.
Since he had some unfinished Business with Sylvanas there, who he called a Fury and a Monstrosity
i wonder how it continued.
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TrueOkamiAmaterasu In reply to SchattenLotus [2015-08-31 08:27:31 +0000 UTC]
my guess is, he carried Koltira's ass outta there and saved him again
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SchattenLotus In reply to TrueOkamiAmaterasu [2015-08-31 22:17:08 +0000 UTC]
This needs to be/get Content Players can witness, so bad ^^
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TrueOkamiAmaterasu In reply to SchattenLotus [2015-08-31 22:28:47 +0000 UTC]
eyup, IF YOU GOT THE BALLS TO GO AGAINST ONE OF THE STRONGEST HORDE LEADERS, BY YOUR FUCKING SELF FOR ONE MAN, you either love him or dude, that's some serious bromance
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SchattenLotus In reply to TrueOkamiAmaterasu [2015-09-01 02:20:42 +0000 UTC]
Ummm "Connection" t~oooo ... ... ?
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Infinteshine [2014-06-05 19:48:24 +0000 UTC]
... Oh poor Thassarian XD Koltira,why you do this to him?
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Soumin In reply to Infinteshine [2014-06-05 20:26:56 +0000 UTC]
I think that was Tassarian's initiative)))
And Koltira is still elf. So, it's normal for him to be a lill bit mischievous
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Infinteshine In reply to Soumin [2014-06-05 20:42:22 +0000 UTC]
Although I feel like something will go wrong here very soon..
Like Sylvanas chasing them both?
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Soumin In reply to Infinteshine [2014-06-05 20:52:36 +0000 UTC]
No, she will not)
Because it's my little happy AU XD
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krikr2 In reply to Soumin [2014-12-18 21:11:03 +0000 UTC]
because Thassarian, along Genn and Tirion, beheaded her and burned her corpse ?
yeah, I don't like her
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Infinteshine In reply to Soumin [2014-06-05 21:17:34 +0000 UTC]
Oh my XD how'd you do it? After all she is a banshee..
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Soumin In reply to Infinteshine [2014-06-05 21:39:12 +0000 UTC]
I really don't know XD
I have just "here" and "now". And two DK *___*
And I can dream for a while about comforting of these two =3
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Infinteshine In reply to Soumin [2014-06-05 22:54:26 +0000 UTC]
Oh don't worry about that..being a DK myself,we all get along naturally
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HarukoMinami [2014-04-18 23:58:58 +0000 UTC]
Koltira is one of my favorite characters of WoW, (I really, really love him <3) and I hate Sylvannas for punish him (Sylvannas is also my favorite female character of WoW)
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Soumin In reply to HarukoMinami [2014-04-19 08:09:34 +0000 UTC]
Hah!))) The same story! XD
I do love Koltira! *___* But I'm not satisfied with the Sylvanas' actions =/ At the same time I respect Sylvanas, and she is the most interesting female character for me in WoW X)
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