#archer #archery #group #grouppictures #lindowyn #nullentity #pose #resource #posereference #linzstock #senshistock #tasastock #sorianumera #help
Published: 2015-06-15 17:29:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 10476; Favourites: 406; Downloads: 69
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Awesome SenshiStock appealed for a new challenge called Group Pose Contest 2015 and it is about to create a group constelation with stock because there is so less of group stock on dA and it is nearly impossible to make group stock because you need so much models for this. So this is an awesome idea!!I love to do group pictures and I always lose lots of time to find perfect fitting stock pictures to make a collage for the grouppictures references. So I think dA needs this Group Pose Challenge urgently and I decided to make a contribution to it, too.
I strolled through SenshiStock s millions of stock and found some archer pictures. And then the decision was made: I wanted to do a group pose stock with archers. So I searched for more archer pictures and in the end I found loads of them. Fifteen of them fitted well in angle and position. After finishing the picture I wanted to upload it and put all the resource links from the stock models together - and found out that one of the stock disposers does not allow their stock as reference for lineart. And I used the stock for five poses.
I sent a note to ask for permission but the answer stayed as a "no" and I have to accept that. (rraaaah, all the work for nothing )
After this mess I first decided to use my lineart as sketch for a fully drawn artwork of my OCs because this is allowed. But it isn't finished and I so wanted to share my lineart with other artists as posing reference.
So the second decision I made, to put out the forbidden stock and move the other ten shapes together. I reworked the coloration, lineart and the auxiliary lines.
I colord them in two diffrent colors so you can see easily which foot belong to which body. And I stole the women the boobies because they should not hide the body shape, so feel free to ad some in any size you want
The blue lines I added to give a clue about the rotation of the body parts and the circles (which are not really circles, I suck in circles) for showing where the joints are. But I didn't add all, because there are too much and it would be a bit confusing. (If you are interested in my chaotic pre sketch, take a look (please do not use this sketch as reference because of the forbidden stock)
I adumbrated the handles of the bows so you can decide the size and shape of them. And I didn't add the arrows.
If you want to use your own style for the body shapes and for credit I now listing the stock references I've used for this from left to right:
1. Female Archer Pack 1 - Pose Reference from SenshiStock
2. Scythian Bow (Sheet) 01 from Null-Entity
3. Hungarian Archer 5 from syccas-stock
4. Robina 25 from Tasastock
5. Daven the Archer 26 from LinzStock
6. Sailor Fight 13 from SenshiStock
7. Female Archer from syccas-stock
8. Female Archer 8 from syccas-stock
9. Female Archer from syccas-stock
10. Female Archer - Pose Reference from SenshiStock
11. Green Archer from lindowyn-stock
12. Sailor Fight 14 from SenshiStock
13. Archer's Longbow 6 from syccas-stock
14. Red Sheet Pack from SenshiStock
15. Last Stand - Pose Reference from SenshiStock
I stroke the positions with the stock which are not shown on the lineart.
Maybe you are interested in those poses and wanna create your own picture with them.
(and please don't be mean to syccas-stock ! She wrote her rules about her stock on the front page in clear words but in my enthusiasm about the challenge I sadly read the rules after finishing my work, so in clear words: this mess was my fault, not hers!)
Thank you, stock models and stock photographers for all your great work on stock and thank you for make this group picture reference possible!
For the ones who are going to use this as reference for their pictures:
Give credits!!! Especially for the stockers! (I would be happy about a link to my work and a little notice on this reference sheet, too, because I am curious if it is helping or not) BUT GIVE CREDIT TO THE STOCK MODELS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS!!!
Only because of bad experiences with not giving proper credits stockers have to make so harsh rules and don't trust in us artists!!!
and I don't wanna see this used as base
not for commercial use
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Comments: 10
DarkRangerRyan [2019-11-24 15:48:52 +0000 UTC]
🎶We’re men in tights🎶
🎶TIGHT tights🎶
🎶We’re men in tiiiiiights🎶
🎶But watch what you say🎶
🎶Or else, we’ll put out your lights!🎶
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Andorada [2019-01-01 23:15:00 +0000 UTC]
Your work has been featured here
Thanks for joining w4w_l4l_f4f_c4c! #4
Thanks to everyone joining Watch4watch llama4llama fave4fave comment4comment!
...here is the final feature!
Galaxy and Planet by Shazean583 Dreamcatcher by Sasplayer
Mary in a Messy Bun by ViataMinunata Zakariah by Samayl-v
Open Sea by cindywoo
Castiel by AkulaShuvelleXmas camel by DemonicAngelArt
New Zealand 'Dreamtime Painting' by Rebbaroll Galaxy Girl by wildflower1702
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
MoonFey [2015-07-02 11:06:33 +0000 UTC]
Very dramatic and stylish composition! Best of luck in the challange!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Sorianumera In reply to MoonFey [2015-07-05 20:29:06 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! For your fairy dance entry I wish you best of luck, too!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
MoonFey In reply to Sorianumera [2015-07-07 13:37:03 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, and thank you very much to!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
syccas-stock [2015-06-15 23:54:06 +0000 UTC]
I wish you all the best anyway and thank you again for the very civil conversation we had and for respecting my wishes
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
AdorkaStock [2015-06-15 18:04:12 +0000 UTC]
This is really awesome! Thanks for entering, what a great idea!
For the purposes of the challenge, only the SenshiStock images count towards your tickets so you have 6 from me for two tickets. It's really amazing! Great job!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0