#fabercastel #lotti #oc #original #theo #traditionalart #viverò #charlottemuller
Published: 2015-04-04 14:01:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 13198; Favourites: 876; Downloads: 0
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both are my ocs, named lotti and theo ^o^)/---
their background story :
Name : Charlotte Muller
Nickname : Lotti
Age : 12 y.o
Status : assassin (part of viverò)
Height : 150cm
Hair color : dark brown
Eye color : purple
Weapo : Double barrel pistol
Personality : at first glance she looks like a doll, heartless. But actually she’s very shy and timid person, can’t express her feelings since she had mental broken.
Name : Theo (last name unknown)
Age : 16 y.o
Status : assassin (not part of viverò)
Height : 172cm
Hair color : black
Eye color : bright blue
Weapon : double barrel pistol
Personality : He’s calm, and clever. Always had a smile face and very warm hearted to Lotti. A bit cunning since that’s how he’s living his live. No much expressing his feeling either but his mental is not as broken as lotti.
*viverò is a mafia rp group with my college friends
Their past
They both from the same organization since they are kids. What the organization do is keeping abandoned child and brainwashed them to devoted theirself to their only 'papa' (the leader). They were educated like animals, so they have both physical and mental pains. After the leader decided they are good enough to 'graduate' the leader will give them task to the outside world
Theo is older than lotti and graduate first, lotti is a lot weaker than Theo, so her mind is kinda broken. And so Lotti had a lot of mark on her body from the ‘education’ she got (means she got tons of wound mark). Lotti right eyes also wounded from it. As she needs something to cling on to make her have a reason to stay alive, so she really don’t mind getting hurt from her ‘papa’ as long as she get praised and loved. The cause also because Lotti was adopted since she was a baby from a prostitution.
Theo himself is pretty clever one, he act as he wants to cling to the organization but he realized that something wrong happen in the organization. His acts calm and keep continue his mission as he had plan to destroy the organization and help lotti.
Both of them have a very close relationship since they live in the same cell when they were kid. Theo often brushed and braid lotti hair and he started to have the feelings to want to protect her.
Lotti already graduate and now join an mafia group called viverò, Theo was nowhere found since he graduate first than lotti.
Tool : faber castel classic color
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Comments: 45
Marie-Jackson-art [2023-08-28 18:32:14 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
moccabun [2017-12-23 12:04:06 +0000 UTC]
You drew this with pencils? Wow, you are very talented!
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Vestigance [2017-04-15 03:45:20 +0000 UTC]
Good grief. The icon almost made me thought it was digital. o___o Amazing work!!
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The-Emmeranne [2017-02-17 15:19:51 +0000 UTC]
This is so lovely! I really like their clothes and the shading
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Goodwil [2016-12-29 12:02:30 +0000 UTC]
I love everything about this! Especially the hair, flowers and Lotti's dress
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raining-petals [2016-12-03 14:02:08 +0000 UTC]
This is such a lovely drawing. Such details and the colors are so warm. The amount of effort you put into it can be seen.
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FikaM05 [2016-08-10 02:57:30 +0000 UTC]
bisa bikin tutornya ?
aku gak bisa bikin tradi art sebagus ini...
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lucilex7898 [2015-06-09 18:27:43 +0000 UTC]
I don't speak english but i love your art!
Me encantan sobre todo los colores, sombreados y reflejos que los haces increiblemente bien...espero poder dibujar algun dia como tu >w< *runs away*
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MirajaneGosh [2015-06-02 20:26:14 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful pair, colors are great and their poses and faces too~! I like bunny in background and flowers, they gives nice touch to drawing and make it more colorful~!
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xCollina [2015-04-26 11:08:54 +0000 UTC]
What a great work. o:
I love that colors and how everything look.
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FirefallFurry [2015-04-06 00:54:03 +0000 UTC]
they're both so cute, but they remind me of lolita ciel and sebastian from black butler.
They are both adorable nonetheless, please don't take offense to that
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ComicHeart [2015-04-06 00:38:34 +0000 UTC]
I like the serene look on both of your OCs faces. They look like they are at peace when they are with one another. The softness of the colors help emphasize this feeling.
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fruit---cake [2015-04-04 17:14:49 +0000 UTC]
its so fresh and lovely especially the peach colour combination that you have. They look great.
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U23Art [2015-04-04 15:41:39 +0000 UTC]
A marvelous job you've done with these two.
And the fade gives nice effect with the lighting.
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CharlotteViolet27 [2015-04-04 15:02:56 +0000 UTC]
keren.. >< sama2 charlotte.. <(") //abaikan
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GokuMartin [2015-04-04 14:07:42 +0000 UTC]
Victorique De Blois: You are free, both of you.
Charlote Muller: What do you mean?
Victorque De Blois: I already tracked down the leader of Vivero and dismantled his orginzation. It was a simple matter of sabotsging their main base of operations, and your "papa" went down after I used my jiujitsu on him. The police alreadsy arrested, and now you wil receive psychiatric and medical help to undo the damage Vivero has done to you, and you will be assigned foster homes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my violion session.
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