#digitalart #equine #equineart #harpg
Published: 2021-08-07 14:06:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 547; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Another old wip, but this time turned into some story art! I felt like it was time to stretch out the good ol' writing muscles. It was a bit of a struggle to get the right words on paper but hopefully it's not completely unreadable. :'D
I have some plans regarding the lack of actual riders too, maybe a clinic for others to join? More info on that later, but it might be a good opportunity to have your untrained riders / grooms get some experience.
words: 585. somehow.
“Ren, do you have a minute?” Michael asked, beckoning Ren closer once the other put Arcanthus back into the pasture after their late evening training session. “Sure, what’s up?” The other replied, undoing his helmet and ruffling his hair back into place. He chose his words carefully, not completely sure how to ask since he’s never been that good with words, so he decided to start simple. “Do you remember Aallei?”
“I think I do, she bred a foal out of Tayyar and Rabeena, right?” He nodded in confirmation, happy that Ren at least knew who he was talking about right out of the gate. “That’s right. Well, she started up a little project over in Scotland – found a really nice plot of stable land for a pretty cheap price. As you can guess, it does need some heavy TLC, but it’s not a completely lost cause.” He paused while he saw the gears turning in Ren’s head, but continued on. “Her other horse is currently staying at Denhal as well, since we’re also doing renovations..” “I heard about something like that, yes. Let me guess, you want me to help her out a little bit?~” He nodded. “I would definitely love to help out, but will you guys be okay over here? We’re already pretty understaffed right now with Kaz being in Sweden, Mason visiting family and Avila being sick..”
He sighed softly and leaned against a fencepost. “Hiring more hands is definitely a high priority.. even if just temporary. I’ll call in some people to see if they have some hands spare for now. We’re lucky that we’re off-season right now, but I fear that this will stay for a while. As long as our main competitors get lunged at least two times a week along with all of them going outside I think we’ll be fine for a bit.” At least he hoped so. They’ll have to be.
“I can still call in my brother too if needed..”
This made him look up again. “… are you sure?” Michael asked quietly. He hadn’t heard the full story of Ren and his brother, but having had several conversations with the blond about family told him enough that they weren’t on great terms.
“Honestly.. all hands we can get are a bonus. I even told Kaz not to worry about things since they would’ve simply not gone to Sweden otherwise, even though the Midsummer GP is a big deal for them and Karma. It’ll do both of them good, even if there aren’t really enough hours in the day to handle things on two locations right now.” Ren nodded. “That’s fair. I’ll go call him in a bit and see who else I can nudge in – even if it’s simple stable duties. – Ah, you might want to call Mason in again too.”
At the mention of Mason, Michael simply smiled. “Don’t have to worry about that one, he’s on his way back as we speak and I know he won’t be passing up on seeing Stardust and the others for even a day.” Ren laughed and shook his head fondly. “You’re right about that. Now I’ll be making those calls and you-“ He pointed towards him. “-call Aallei and tell her I’ll be making my way down to Scotland in the next week. And stop stressing out so much before you give yourself grey hair!”
Michael answered with a laugh of his own. “Yeah yeah, off you go. Thank you, though.”
“Don’t mention it.”
References used: here by ByMelody