sodx — [REVISION] Firefight / Zero-Five
Published: 2012-12-20 11:43:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 300; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description It had only been a few days since Ash and Phoenix were notified, with enthusiasm, that they were being pulled into the Juno Military Division for an anonymous operation. The Sector Chief, Matthias Anderson, had held a meeting with unrestrained excitement. "We're not cops today, we're soldiers." he had said as if he had spent time coming up with that sentence. He was right, however, and all standing officers in The XXXXXX Sector (#) were quickly tossed into the military ranks. There was one full day of training and proficiency exams but it was not much of a chore as the law-enforcement training was not far from military training under Juno command. After all officers had cleared their training and exams they were swiftly packed into the bunks at the Demons Nest. The name came from the fact that all of the tilt-rotor aircraft had been named after demons in old texts but whatever importance those texts really had was quickly forgotten. It was an intimidating name for an intimidating craft and the things it could bring along with it.

The bunks weren't actually that bad, the air was a bit stale and reeked of oil and metal but the beds were somewhat comfortable. Many of the officers Ash and Phoenix were fairly good friends with, the ones who weren't complete dicks and seemed to have a bit of humanity left in them, somewhere. Phoenix hunched over, sitting on the edge of a bunk as he told a story about his high-school Magnaball career (bending truths as far as one could without lying) that he gave up on and occasionally those gathered would laugh as he recounted some stupid stunt. That was what Ash felt about Magnaball, it was just full of stupid stunts. It took skill, intelligence, and endurance but it was also far more complex than it needed to be. It was the the sport that dominated Espher and every sector had their own team to compete. Phoenix was about to go into the story about the full-field charge that had won the next-to-last game of his high-school career, by the sounds of it, when the lighting in the room flickered red.

Sirens wound up and began to howl out from myriad locations, the call to scramble and assemble, and the room exploded into life. Everyone hastily grabbed their gear and checked their weapons before dashing out into the hall and joining the chain of soldiers on their way to the landing pads. Phoenix managed to beat Ash out of the door by only two seconds but he caught up and ran beside him. "Any idea what we're doing?" Phoenix asked, shouting over the sirens. Ash shook his head and tightened one of the straps on his assault webbing. As they flew out the door they stood upon the roof of the The Demons Nest, nine large octagonal pads connected to the roof, each supporting a large, intimidating tilt-rotor armed and ready to go.

"Haborym! Pad five!" Shouted one of the military officers, directing soldiers (drafted and enlisted alike) to their crafts by the insignias on their helmets. Ash and Phoenix dashed along with their rifles slung low and approached the Haborym tilt-rotor. The tilt-rotor was not the cutting edge of military technology but it was a solid machine. It was capable of adapting to innumerable roles from air-support to personnel carrier to medevac duty and a dozen other tasks. Haborym was equipped with a chin-mounted flamethrower, a large Vulcan cannon under its left wing and a missile pod that promised to rain hell beneath the right wing. Ash and Phoenix dashed up the steps to the landing pad and climbed in, sitting down and immediately strapping in alongside other members of Haborym Squad.

The members of Haborym squad had assembled and Lt. Green stepped onto the landing skid and banged his hand against the hull of the aircraft. "We're clear, Baker, lift-off!" and with that the turbine blades whirled into life, whining as they increased in power and began to pull the heavy craft from the landing pad. Lt. Green climbed in and strapped himself down  in the middle of the squad, his eyes watching a monitor set in the roof just before him. The craft angled and gravity tugged hard as the tilt-rotor wings began to angle forward, dipping the nose of the aircraft downward as it began to accelerate forward.

"All right, listen up. I don't care if you're new to this, I don't tolerate fuck-ups! We have orders and we carry them out, we do not hesitate, we do not have mercy, we follow our orders to the letter and that is how we get back home alive." Lieutenant Green began, eyes scanning the lot of them. Watanabe was an enlisted soldier and a demolitions expert who had a face like it was etched in granite. O'Neil was another enlisted soldier, a heavy-weapons specialist with rust colored hair and an enormous model 33A Heavy Support Weapon cradled in his arms.

The next enlisted soldier was 'Prizrak', a man with an uncanny ability to disappear from sight, his Russian blood had influenced his nickname and he had long-since given up on writing it in Russian, he stuck to phonetics. The specialist Shaina Oaks was a last-minute addition to their roster, she had a record (and kill count) that did not let one think she was anything but magic with her rifle and she cradled it affectionately while wiping down the barrel out of some form of habit. The non-enlisted, law-enforcement officers on the team were few/ Cortez, a decent cop but a bit of a slacker, Martin, a mussy-haired youth who had just recently graduated to becoming an officer. Then there was Ash and Phoenix.

The staggered, high-reaching layout of Espher began to expose itself as the craft shot out of Espher airspace and toward the outer lying settlements that existed mostly on small trade companies moving food, water, and other goods to the settlements for barter. "All right, listen up. We are on a search and retrieve mission at Oscar-Sierra-Zero-Five. We have received information that indicates possible illegal weapons manufacture. We will turn over every single rock until we are sure we have obtained every suspicious item and firearm above Oscar-Sierra defense rating." Lieutenant Green explained. Put simply, they were going to take any firearm or other weapon that was capable of being used as what was labeled an assault weapon. The bands of raiders made settlement defense mandatory  but sometimes the residents got a bit overzealous with their weaponry.

"Zero-Five? Making weapons? The last time I was there it was basically a fence around a pile of dirt." O'Neill spoke, shaking his head at the thought.
"Correct, our intelligence is solid on this, we have satellite imaging to back this up. Doesn't seem like we get the luxury of seeing them going on what I received in my briefing." replied Lt. Green, rubbing his jaw.
"Crazier shit happens." spoke Watanabe, double-checking his kit and adjusting his combat augmentation brace around his right wrist.
"Sounds like a pretty easy operation. Where the hell did everyone else scramble to, Lieutenant?" Cortez inquired, his hands resting on his knees.

"On their own operations, we were briefed separately," Lt. Green spoke and then craned his neck to look toward the interior of the cockpit. "Baker! ETA!"
Baker turned his head, looking far too large with the helmet that sealed around his head. He spoke with a hiss of static over the com-buds in their ears.  "ETA Two mikes." .
"I want a report when we're thirty seconds out!" Lt. Green shouted.
"Yes, sir, Lieutenant Green."  Baker responded, turning back around to face forward, the cables running from his helmet and to the various parts of the cockpit making a somewhat odd move.

"What kind of weapons are we talking about? Are they still using cartridges or did they manage to find a way to manufacture caseless ammunition?" Marin inquired, nodding toward his rifle upon mention of the latter type of ammunition.
"They didn't say but given how urgent these orders were marked I'd say it's something big, something bad." Lt. Green responded.
"We haven't heard a word about any tech going missing." Ash chimed in.
"Yea, it must be under-wraps if anything. I don't think they'd publicize it." Phoenix spoke.
"You would have only been notified if the missing tech had been discovered before it left the city. They neutralized the tracing chip just a bit outside the city. We don't know which way they went, that's got to be the reason they're calling us all in." said Lt. Green as he looked up at the pane displaying mission objectives.

"We'll have this done in no time." Piotr spoke with only the vaguest hint of an accent, inspecting his knives for any hint of nicks or scratches.
Shaina, it seemed, was fine staying silent. In fact, her eyes were closed in what could only be assumed to be some sort of mental preparation for the operation if things went south.
"Thirty seconds, Lieutenant!" . Baker spoke, his eyes obscured by dark tinted, bulbous curves of a visor.  "Hold on that, Lieutenant. I'm being told that the operation has changed, HQ wants to make sure you acknowledge it." . The lot of them moved to angle their heads to look up at the pane but few had a good enough seat to see what it said entirely. After a moment of thought Green nodded "Tell them I recognize the change in the operation and it will be done as commanded."
"Yes, sir." . Baker said, swinging his head back to the front and speaking into the microphone adjacent to his mouth.
"Listen up!" Lt. Green barked. "We have a change in plans. This is no longer search and retrieve, Zero-Five is hot. Scout drones have confirmed other settlements have engaged the squads designated to them. Weapons at the ready, we're going to soften Zero-Five up a bit before we drop!"

"What the hell? They're -engaging- Juno Military?" Shaina said, incredulous, breaking her long silence.
"Command confirms it. We do not know their full capability so we are treating them as if they are capable of taking down Haborym, here," Lt. Green said, nodding in indication of their transport. "I don't think they have anything but this isn't Magnaball, we don't gamble on one soldier carrying the entire squad to victory."
"We have visual, Zero-Five nearing combat range." , Baker hissed into their ears.
"Lock down your weapon and grab your braces." Lieutenant Green ordered, motioning with his hands in case he was not audible.
"Cycling Vulcan" static spat in their ears ad the large rotary gun on the left wing began to spin up and whir. "Breaking the seals on the pod and arming missiles."   Baker continued, the three rectangular boxes under the right wing blowing the protective covering off to expose dozens of angry missiles. "Test burst on the flamethrower."  there was a pause "Engaging strafing run."

The rotary cannon began to angle and track as the craft accelerated to attack speed. The Vulcan came to life with a meaty growl as the barrels rotated, spitting death upon the settlement. Vulcan rounds stitched their way across the settlement and cut people apart as they flew through. Delayed explosive rounds quickly began to detonate behind them as they moved to make another pass.  Ash could not help but realize how little resistance he could see in the settlement. Perhaps somewhere under that corrugating, rated metal lurked anti-aircraft or anti-personnel weaponry, maybe they didn't have enough time to fully ready their defenses. On the second pass two missiles hissed and shot forward before angling sharply and accelerating with large bursts of flame behind them, sending them swiftly to their targets.

The Vulcan cannon once more stitched across buildings and everything in the settlement. Ash could see blood in the dirt, a lot. As they neared he realized the blood was the upper-body of a man who had been blown into two pieces by a delayed explosive round. As the craft hooked around sharply, Ash and Phoenix as well as Shaina were treated to the view of two missiles impacting the bases of watch towers that were unmanned. They fell quickly and another buzz of chain-explosions went off as the delayed explosive rounds lodged in the buildings and ground began to detonate. Hooking back in, Baker brought them in low, the chin-mounted barrels of the flamethrower spewing fire along  their path. Missiles began to emerge from the missile pods  just an inch as they were locked onto targets. The Vulcan continued spraying as they moved through the settlement and the weapon tore a line straight across the settlement.

"Missiles locked, cover-fire for the drop!" Baker yelled.
"We appreciate it!" Lr. Green shouted back and began to retrieve his weapon, everyone else following his example.
"Sir I don't see any dangerous weapon installations." Ash spoke, squinting and trying to make more detail of the settlement as they curled around it.
"Just waiting for us to drop," Lt. Green replied "That cover-fire is going to shit all over their plan."
"If you say so, Lieutenant, I don't see anyone armor at all."
"Noted, Scarborough. Get focused. Everyone make sure your combat augmentation brace is in the right place!"

Following the command they all aligned their CABs with their wrists and then stood up, hooking themselves to the tilt-rotor in preparation to drop. From the right side of the craft eight to ten missiles fired off  in the same instant. Missiles shot down and then arced up sharply before pin-pointing their targets from their locked-in angles. The missiles hit simultaneously and explosions tore through the settlement, sending shrapnel, earth, and human debris into the air. As the explosions began the team leapt from the craft and rode their rappel lines down, slowed sharply as the automatic system minimized the impact before releasing them. Six hit the ground in the first descent, followed by three more in the second and they rushed to the walls of the settlement, ducking behind cover as explosions pounded through their bodies and the heat rose before them. A rain of whickering shrapnel and remains begin to fall as a woman's scream was cut short by the last missile hit. Falling debris rained over the settlement and the squad alike, their kinetic barriers causing it to deflect and fall elsewhere.

"Let's go!" shouted Lieutenant Green, shoving his fist forward through the air.
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