sodx — Bomb Squad
Published: 2011-03-22 21:20:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 73; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 2
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Description No amount of feeling bad will make you feel better.
No depth of worry will make things change.
No amount of panic will bring tomorrow to you faster.
No negative feeling can bring you closer to the positive.

You can not let this day be spent waiting when it can be spent doing.
No amount of waiting is going to make you satisfied and leave room for yourself.
Tears won't wash anything away, there is no need to shed them.
You miss them but do them a disservice in not enjoying your day for you.

You should want what is best for them and that is why feeling bad is of no use.
Part of emotional maturity is realizing that love is about the best for all.
Sitting here and stewing and worrying does not put a smile on their face.
Love is being all right with how cards fall so long as your lover is happy.

Love does not need sexuality to be transmitted, it does not require a kiss.
We have many ways to express love physically but emotionally? Mentally? Creatively?
We have countless ways therein to show how much we feel truly for them.
Words speak just as loud as actions in this area, so long as they are truth.

If you love them and they know that, if they know your heart? That is all you need.
The knowledge of love truly is easily a well of strength your lover may draw from.
No amount of complaining about circumstances will change them for the better.
Your love does not wish you to be worrying, panic-stricken, they want you to smile.

There is no way to feel better through feeling bad.
You can not make your love happy by being unhappy.
Love will come to you if you let it, but you must brace yourself.
You cannot chomp at the bit and call every partner 'the one'.

Spend time with your love in the closest way you can.
You don't need to be next to them to be with them.
Speaking in any medium is just as good so long as you are true.
This is part of emotional maturity, learning to enjoy yourself.

You cannot be truly so happy with your lover if you are not happy.
Look to yourself, what do you value about yourself? Probably not enough.
Until you know and appreciate yourself you cannot fully appreciate them.
You love does not love you less for learning to love yourself.

You cannot know the future so do not place bets on what it holds.
You may find of one your true loves just tomorrow or even a week from now.
That is true: There is 'The One' but there are many of them out their.
Do not despair if The One slips away because there are more for you to find.

Open your eyes, look to yourself, look over all you appreciate and then ask yourself...
'Do I fully appreciate who I am, the things I do, the things I feel, the words I say?'
Spend a moment, look, is there something they see in you that you never saw?
Has your love told you something you about something you had no idea about?

Read and look and express who you are, be happy with who you are.
If you do not like who you are then strive toward your desire to be who you wish.
It's very cliché now, to say 'Love yourself before you love anyone else'
But it's not too far off the mark. Know your love wants you happy as can be.

But part of expanding is understanding that they want what is best for you.
Part of emotional maturity is wanting what is best for them,
It's seeing where they are so absolutely safe and happy to be,
It means learning to be happy even if their happiness is not with you.

Being happy they they are happy no matter where or what or who is involved.

That is love.
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