SnarlSniff — Foals can climb?

#arpg #cartoony #character #characterdesign #drawing #forest #horses #illustration #mountaingoat #mustang #painted #painting #harpg #art #arpgcharacter
Published: 2024-04-12 23:44:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 3479; Favourites: 170; Downloads: 1
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Description So, storks can carry and accidentally drop weird bags, said weird bags can move on their own, and NOW weird fuzzy foals can climb? It's already turning out to be a long day, for Jude and his herd - Goose could've predicted as much...

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Stallion Name + ID: #37 Jude
In response to: Spring event: Chapter 1: I’m Not Your Mother, *E-Mnt. Goat Kids
Art features: 6 Duck (1), Falcon (2), Goose (3), Jude (4), Mitepelt (5), Sergeant (6)

Pregnancy: Falcon (3/3), Duck (3/3)

Items Used: -
Companion Animals: Puppy Dog - Coyote - Helping

Rolls: Feathers

PPJ List: Mitepelt (#2064), Goose (#1112)


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Comments: 3

CV-Admin [2024-05-04 23:10:52 +0000 UTC]

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CV-Admin [2024-04-20 18:45:19 +0000 UTC]

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SnarlSniff In reply to CV-Admin [2024-05-02 17:27:10 +0000 UTC]

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