SlimeBaby — Bro Bros

#ericharris #massmurder #truecrime #dylanblebold #columbine #crime
Published: 2012-08-21 20:46:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 11101; Favourites: 154; Downloads: 63
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Description Ever since I found out about the Columbine case , I couldnt stop looking into it. Top curiosity , over so many things.  but NAHHHH MAN I DONT condone even a bitty spritzy bit  the actions of the criminals or fucking LOVE them. Jfc can people not draw things that have a negative backstory without being perceived as a homicide supporting fuck nut? Just fascinated in who they were as individuals  before what they did and what drove them to their monstrous acts. We all were their age once and some of us  bullied and many of us didn't commit what they pulled off so obviously that stirs people to want to delve into things to see what sense can be found , to try to understand why history happened. It could have been prevented , granted , Eric was a bit of a sociopath so idk what his life further on what have been...honestly high school is tough so i bet once he seriously started life away from it then who the fuck knows,   but for defiantly the actual tragedy could have been a no go. Either way , all we have are the remnants of the documented moments of their life and various evidence   to just stare at over and over wishing something could've been done different so everyone could have been saved. I couldn't tell you why I cared so much about probing into the Columbine case , I just really think it was just a big damn heinous moment in history that I extremely wish  could have been stopped. I feel like , when I give it thought and show care about it, in some way the people who's lives were lost arent forgotten. Eric and Dylan didn't start out as monsters , no one does , like Brook's Brown said "They may have created the Columbine tragedy , but Columbine created them" , I had hoped they could have just turned their lives around to just live on and prevail over the hardships and inflicted insecurities so that their victims WHO REALLY DIDNT DESERVE THE FUCKING FATE THEY GOT AT ALL TO ANY DEGREE among the one's who survived as well who suffer the after effects to this day....and Eric and Dylan could be here today. They didn't care in the end and just want to have a sense of power and control for once of their life , even if it was a fleeting moment. I think it was wrong how they were treated , like ,  them feeling like you cant be made to be happy and people just want to make you feel small , GIVEN they  dished out some bullying too , no doubt,  they weren't saints so its noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excuse for what they did but people who just think they snapped one day and decided to create chaos on there innocent little school are VERY wrong. This is why I read into Columbine because I know deep into these stories , there is always more than just knowing what they did. I want to see what lead to things and just like everyone else, why.

Just cause you draw something doesn't mean you idolize /worship the subject necessarily ,  not fucking at all. I'm an artist not a writer so to get my interest of it all out I draw.  I just had a lot of intrigue of the whole event ,  and researched the enigma of it all since im into crime cases/supernatural/morbid things. Can't except it? Then go else where? Cool. I've made my point clear and even maturely explained myself so dont come writing your ignorant bullshit writing things that are narrow mindedly lame brain as all hell in thinking I actually am for what they did and idolize them cause I sure fucking don't yo , I just thought I'd just draw them. How simple of a reason is that? WHOA AMAZING.

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Comments: 101

MatthewDatthew2 [2021-08-25 06:03:26 +0000 UTC]

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whatthefuckisthis69 [2020-07-12 10:51:12 +0000 UTC]

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k-rooltyfree [2019-05-12 04:21:04 +0000 UTC]

Can you draw some fanart of Projared now please?? He's my smol bean <3<3<3

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neoDualism [2019-02-24 04:56:06 +0000 UTC]

if you romanticize and make cutesy fanart of the columbine shooters you are literally a disgusting fucking person

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k-rooltyfree In reply to neoDualism [2019-05-12 04:19:32 +0000 UTC]

if you misspell "suck" in your sig and unironically enjoy vaporwave text you are literally a disgusting fucking person

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Sifgtymilk [2018-05-19 21:16:14 +0000 UTC]

she/he doesn't condone murder
they just wanted to draw a picture
there are more fucked up shit on here and all of you are just here spreading hate
like please if you don't like it STOP COMMENTING, i know im going to get a lot of hate on this, some DON'T condone with murders but we are fascinated with the story behind it, so can yall STOP PLEASE I TIRED SEEING COMMENTS LIKE 'why are you drawing murders' or 'OH have your parents gave you love' LIKE YOU FUCKERS NEED TO STOP AND LEAVE THE DRAWING IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT FOR GODS SAKE.
*Sips Tea*

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Pixelated--Coffee In reply to Sifgtymilk [2018-07-08 16:27:51 +0000 UTC]

tbf this would happen less if people didn't idolize them but you know.

tl:dr idiots ruin  things 

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Sifgtymilk In reply to Pixelated--Coffee [2018-07-09 01:36:46 +0000 UTC]

True true 

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SlimeBaby In reply to Sifgtymilk [2018-05-30 11:06:48 +0000 UTC]

Awwwww holy hell I wasn’t expecting this like wow thank you for statement it’s definitely different than what I’m used to!!! I was almost apprehensive at checking what the reply was because I just assumed it was more edgy filth slinging replies. I agree, people should just stop going out of their way at looking at shit that doesn’t concern them or insult others when the person clearly was vocal on their stand point. Not everyone is a romanticizing homicide condoning fuck??????? Literally it’s just a picture. Look away why comment? You’re not making a difference or proving anything useful.

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Sifgtymilk In reply to SlimeBaby [2018-05-30 11:52:13 +0000 UTC]

they just love hate 

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Krontriolle [2018-04-24 01:56:06 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, you don't idolize them.
But you drew cute art of people who killed thirteen innocent civilians who did nothing to them.

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SlimeBaby In reply to Krontriolle [2018-04-24 06:27:47 +0000 UTC]

Wow very innovate commentary just just a totally super original comment! Like damn nice observation and comprehensive skills amigo. Bet you took one look and jerked yourself to writing literal nonsense without reading deeper. The definition of idolization is to admire, revere, or love greatly or excessively which if you look at my page it’s not dedicated to drawing Eric and Dylan’s throbbing dicks and commenting on how hot they were along with tacking on how they were helpless victims who did nothing wrong?????? I dig true crime on the side and they happen to be the aspect that interest the most from the incident . Just cause I draw in a cute style doesn’t mean I find the event “cute”. Good fuck like not at all. I DONT denounce the victims or think the murders are above them. I think what happened was a travesty and the shouldn’t have ever happened but guess what? It did and sometimes history and life is dark. Not all forms of media are soft and happy. I was fascinated so I drew a drawing. Not that deep friend. Don’t need to be policed on the shit I draw/drew , honestly. You have the right to your opinion on Columbine and my drawing, but your word is not law on what I’m about, nor are your thoughts fact.

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Krontriolle In reply to SlimeBaby [2018-04-24 23:36:12 +0000 UTC]

Forgive my original comment, for it is formatted incorrectly. I literally meant that you don't idolize them.
I also should've been more specific. The major reason why people below my comment have issues with this is, not the fact that you drew art, although that is a tad uneasy, but you're drawing adorable, "kawaii >3>" art of murderers.
I'm not telling you to stop, but I am telling the uneasy feeling this gives most viewers. You might be tired of comments like this, but please remember this: the arguments and reviews that are most important and valid are the annoying, repetitive, and boring ones. They are constantly repeated because of an issue that hasn't yet to be changed, not that I'm trying to dictate you on what you draw.

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SlimeBaby In reply to Krontriolle [2018-04-26 01:00:17 +0000 UTC]

I’m sorry for coming off as a rude and going off, I understand your reasoning completely. I respect your perspective cause honestly not everyone is gonna like what they see. I didn’t mean for it to come out as kawaii desu shit sorta drawing that makes it seem like I think they’re adorable psychos but as more of a art piece of them as themselves before committing monstrous acts. People forget that they were once somebody’s children as well and weren’t always disgusting murderers. What they did is unforgivable and the victims definitely deserve to be remembered more than them but I am very fascinated with how their inner workings were and the double life they lived. There is this fascination to the events that lead to what it did. That’s what I focus on. People get so offended by something that doesn’t directly effect their lives and resort to being nastier than the drawing in question by insulting the person behind it and shitting on them without knowing if they’re actually a scummy human based on what THEY view as true. I have respect like I would never share this on a columbine remembrance page or flaunt it off to any victims of the massacre to see. Ya know? Sorry for ranting so much , I get where you’re coming from. Thank you for not being someone who just hurls insults without a real message to their words with just the intent of trying to make me feel like a dirty ass cheek for simply drawing something I’m interested in. Have a good day!

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Krontriolle In reply to SlimeBaby [2018-04-29 11:43:27 +0000 UTC]

See what you mean. I think the reason why people get so mad is because of all the erotic and dating Sim like fan fictions out there. I think it's due to the infamous Quizilla fanfiction on the Columbine situation that got people to get pissed off at stuff like this, no offense.

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SlimeBaby In reply to Krontriolle [2018-05-01 23:19:18 +0000 UTC]

yah ew that shit is super twisted and nasty, when you treat it like it's some piece of entertainment you can insert yourself in or indulge upon like it was your favorite anime or something. Holy hell that's beyond disgusting. I REMEMBER reading that fanfic uhh i think it was The Nobodies: A Colmbne love story oooohhhhmy god fucking goodness that was a wild ride. Now that was honestly the worst like I cant believe there are real people like that. People who romantize them are the rancid part of the crime community and are horrible to the core for seeing the killers as objects of affection and looking at them in a beautiful justifying light like they're sex gods or something. NOW that is unsettling.

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edjack14 [2018-02-06 03:01:23 +0000 UTC]

"Just cause you draw something doesn't mean you idolize /worship the subject necessarily" That kinda helps me...

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SlimeBaby In reply to edjack14 [2018-03-07 09:32:06 +0000 UTC]

:^) Fer real I don't think it's right to chuck shit at someone because you feel the need to police them on something they enjoy. Especially if it's something they don't like or didn't do research on so feel that if YOU like it you're automatically wrong and disgusting when it's just a harmless interest. People honestly need to get tf over people liking darker things , that doesn't make you a nasty person because you have a liking of darker matter.   

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Bella710322 [2017-08-03 05:08:26 +0000 UTC]

Nice! I'd favorite this but my mom looks at my deviantart.

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SlimeBaby In reply to Bella710322 [2017-08-04 04:09:47 +0000 UTC]

No worries, thanks dear I appreciate it!   

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OverWatchDogs [2017-05-31 00:57:19 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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tufta In reply to OverWatchDogs [2018-02-12 21:11:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! People should remember about this!

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Fuckinghelllads [2017-03-26 05:01:02 +0000 UTC]

Are they like telling each other or did you just show their nicknames if not and they are saying to each other i'm pretty sure eric should say vodka and same for dylan with eric's nickname.

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SlimeBaby In reply to Fuckinghelllads [2017-04-12 02:44:06 +0000 UTC]

oops lmao i made them sound like pokemon by saying their own name shiddd

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ElectricShock27 [2017-03-03 20:22:13 +0000 UTC]

why would you draw this?

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SlimeBaby In reply to ElectricShock27 [2017-03-03 21:33:34 +0000 UTC]

Why would you not read??????? If you can take the time to get offended by a DRAWING then I'm certain you can fucking read a description to answer your own question. My drawing has no impact on your life or anything else , you can dislike it all you like but that won't change anything. I'm entitled to draw what I like just as you are. I have done nothing wrong so shove your judgement far up your prolapsed asshole. I seriously only drew the shooters as they were before the event as PEOPLE cause god forbid their whole life before the event be denounced because they weren't human beings ever not even to their families and friends. Right??????? It's funny when people get taken back by a simple drawing with absolutely nothing offensive drawn in like killing or presenting a statement in the drawing itself that I CONDONE their actions or worship them pffft. It's a picture of two shooters ?? Ok?? I even took the time to express how I don't glorify or justify their actions. How is this effecting the grand scheme of things? Jfc. I'd love to see you read the comment section on bestgore.com if this triggers you. It makes you look like a big piss face when you go searching for shit just to put the artist down. If you were asking earnestly then I'm sorry for going off but chances are you aren't since I wrote down in the description my reasons and view. I'm tired of being nice I shouldn't have to defend something I drew because I simply felt like drawing it. I had a fascination with the individuals so I drew this BAM that easy. There is a huge majority of people who have a fascination with killers and the morbid , doesn't make them bad people at all. When you start idolizing and dismissing the victims is when things are disgusting. Hate it or not it's still gonna be here so keep getting upset. Lmao bye bye 👋

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ElectricShock27 In reply to SlimeBaby [2017-03-03 22:08:29 +0000 UTC]

Calm down I just asked a question without reading the description alright? I didn't read the description because I saw two killers that I hate with a passion and decided to write a comment 

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DogFuckerr In reply to ElectricShock27 [2017-03-28 17:11:56 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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ElectricShock27 In reply to DogFuckerr [2017-03-29 01:24:14 +0000 UTC]


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SlimeBaby In reply to ElectricShock27 [2017-03-03 23:44:30 +0000 UTC]

Reading saves lives baby. Didn't mean to be so ...well... mean so sorry about that, but you can imagine how many times people immediately throw dirt on this comment section. I get defensive easily if I think someone is trying to shit on me based on flimsy thoughts without knowing me tbh. Peeps will say what they want based on what they see without much thought. S'all good.

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ElectricShock27 In reply to SlimeBaby [2017-03-04 00:43:08 +0000 UTC]

its ok and yea I can understand why people hate this because these two were just plain Evil but as long as you're not supporting what they did I'm not gonna hate, I'm just gonna hate the killers

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SlimeBaby In reply to ElectricShock27 [2017-03-04 01:33:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you sweet thang. Ye, you can draw something and not be obsessed with or support the subject. If only everyone was like this ughgghhhh. Thanks for listening! :^] Stay cooly and glorious~

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ElectricShock27 In reply to SlimeBaby [2017-03-04 17:04:59 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome and you too

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xPromKingx [2016-12-18 23:32:02 +0000 UTC]

I love this om f

i don't condone anything they did but I really love this drawing o k AY

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anti-white-pride In reply to xPromKingx [2017-07-19 05:32:05 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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xPromKingx In reply to anti-white-pride [2017-07-19 14:07:16 +0000 UTC]

a ll the trenchcoat s

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REBHARRIS-RETURN [2016-09-18 15:29:44 +0000 UTC]

Hello fREND

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SlimeBaby In reply to REBHARRIS-RETURN [2016-09-20 22:56:38 +0000 UTC]


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REBHARRIS-RETURN In reply to SlimeBaby [2016-09-21 06:20:59 +0000 UTC]


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SlimeBaby In reply to REBHARRIS-RETURN [2016-09-21 20:46:59 +0000 UTC]

So what's on the agenda? You doing prett good?

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REBHARRIS-RETURN In reply to SlimeBaby [2016-09-21 21:35:09 +0000 UTC]


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TrapShotaHentai [2016-09-07 19:10:28 +0000 UTC]


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sxafoj [2016-05-28 05:00:15 +0000 UTC]

oh my gosh my heart this is so cute fuck

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SlimeBaby In reply to sxafoj [2016-05-30 01:05:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a ton , hon!! You are wondrous   

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sxafoj In reply to SlimeBaby [2016-05-30 01:22:09 +0000 UTC]

no problem!! <33

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VaporwaveDamacy [2016-04-21 02:27:22 +0000 UTC]

This picture reminds me of the videos they made. It reminds me that they were people too and felt the same things we felt. I love this picture. It's adorable. 

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SlimeBaby In reply to VaporwaveDamacy [2016-04-21 02:33:55 +0000 UTC]

ahhhh my good god, I was reluctant to check the comment section for this picture since it's seldom ever sweet , but your comment gave me eternal life yo. I'm glad you saw it as that, you actually got the point I was trying to convey. Thanks a fucktuple ton baby! I appreciate the kind words.   

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VaporwaveDamacy In reply to SlimeBaby [2016-04-21 03:02:40 +0000 UTC]

No problem. I can understand why you'd be reluctant to come here. It's a touchy subject. 

You know, Eric and Dylan remind me a lot of me and my best friend. School sucked when jocks and preppy girls always made fun of us. I was a "fag" and he was just always told to "shut up." And not the friendly "shut up." He was hated on, and everyone in the school actually thought he was going to start bringing weapons. He's talked about his fantasies, which were disturbing to say the least. I feel good when I'm able to talk him out of his crazy ideas because they're irrational and thought of on a whim. 

Regardless, bullying sucks. And ironically, it's art like yours that helps me cope and rationalize in a much healthier way. Thanks again. 

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CuteEwok [2016-03-22 22:13:30 +0000 UTC]

this feels wrong...

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SlimeBaby In reply to CuteEwok [2016-03-23 04:05:10 +0000 UTC]

Subjective, highly subjective. 

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