Sketchderps — Lito and Keema

#dungeonsanddragons #pathfinder #arpleia #dnd
Published: 2018-07-26 00:10:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 662; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 3
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Description Lito was quiet for several seconds in response to this, and it was unclear exactly what direction he might take things in, and when he did speak, he muttered “You must think me a cruel king.”

Keema smiled shyly at her husband. “I know… that my approval probably doesn’t mean much to you. But… I want you to be strong. And I want to help you be strong. I do not think you are a cruel king, Lito,” she said, calling him by his name rather than the usual sarcastic ‘your majesty.’ “Harsh? Sometimes. I prefer firm. Hard. You do what you have to do. It is when you are rude to those that serve you loyally or uncaring to those that need your support that I think you struggle. I can help you with that.”

“Your country-- our country-- has low morale," Keema went on. "There’s people starving and children in need of homes. This is where I want to help. I have so many ideas, Lito, I can help make this country great.” Slowly, as she had been speaking, her voice had started to regain its strength and confidence and she was smiling slightly now. She let out a laugh in the form of a puff of air. “It seems… odd, I know, for a foreign princess to want to be so invested in the good of the country which she was forced to marry into. But it wasn’t the country that I didn’t want to be a part of. It was the... “ She paused, hesitating, and decided to go a different direction. “This is like a fresh start for me. Where my sister was interested in Court and my brother in learning to fight, I always loved history and politics and I wanted to sit in with my father’s meetings and help. He would never let me. This is my chance, Lito. My chance to make a difference where most people don’t have the power.” Another pause. “I see good in you, Lito. I know we can rule together graciously and win the hearts of our people, but… this... “ she said, gesturing to the bed, “I don’t want it. I never have, to be honest.”

Lito listened quietly to what Keema had to say, which was possibly the longest he most patiently he had listened to her speak in weeks. Finally he gave a slow nod. “I… see,” he began. “I suppose that's just as well. It's unfair of me to ask you to love me, or perhaps even pretend to. But you seem to want to love this country, and that's not a bad start. We can further discuss your goals and my… tendencies at a later time. I'm sure it will be good for us both.”


Warm up doodle that got away from me of King Lito and Queen Keema of Gnostaira. They might not love each other, but they make a pretty good team.
Keema was a princess of Uramwi when her father married her off to King Lito, who was known for having a temper and not much of a personality besides that. When she came to Gnostaira she was forced to convert to Daism and adapt to the wildly different climate and culture from her previous desert kingdom, and Lito didn't make the transition easy, but after butting heads a bit the two of them started to see each other eye to eye a bit more than initially.

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Comments: 2

tehwatcher [2018-07-26 11:55:17 +0000 UTC]

1st this is awesome moment

2nd and awesome work X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

drawingshady [2018-07-26 08:20:30 +0000 UTC]

ahh I love the drawing and dialogue!

I'm a sucker for relationships like this lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0