SiscoCentral1915 — .:ALL OF THE LINKS:.

Published: 2014-09-21 22:03:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 16840; Favourites: 267; Downloads: 27
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Description After a day of doing this, I am finally done :F
To be honest, I was taking my time so.... that's why it took a day to do it lmao
. . .
Now before everyone gives me a raised eyebrow and a pointless explanation as to why these names are odd and sound pointless for the Links... let me explain e_e
All the names (except one) are in japanese which took me some time to find for each of them... I don't want to be like the ones who give them names that sound uninteresting <_>
And before you start pointing out that one of the games are missing from this, i'm going by how the Hyrule Historia laid out the timeline, though i'm still listing them all by game appearance.
The ones that gave me trouble naming were Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and A Link to the Past... and for the right reasons...
In japanese, Twilight is spelled oddly and doesn't sound like a name, while HW Link was just hard to figure out because of his place in the story of Hyrule Warriors. Though him being the reborn Hero of Legend might be good for origin, so that's why his name is "Kigen".. which means "Origin" in japanese lol

The Link that was seen in the newest Zelda game for the Wii U is called "Shigen" because in english it means "Resource"
If you look closely at the trailer, you can see he is using the same kind of material the enemy uses, so really he's making the monster have a taste of it's own medicine.. and it's possible that you are able to collect parts from defeated enemies.. however that's just a theory that i'm sticking by (GameExplain of course had this idea first)

TP Link's nickname "Shigoto" means work, since he was a farm boy at the begininning of Twilight Princess it only makes sense to make it his name. If anything, his original nickname was to be called "Akira"... which is also his Japanese VA's name.. :"D
The feels I have right now lmao

So yeah.. that's it for the strange ones, i'll just put this here so people can understand each one :F


Legend of Zelda / The Adventure of Link: Tansa "Link" = Exploration
- (To compliment how the games start you off with nothing to explain, only to let you freely explore.)

A Link to the Past / Link's Awakening: Saishū "Link" = Last
- (In regard to being the last descendant of the Knights of Hyrule.)

Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask: Chrono "Link" = Time
- (To compliment being named the Hero of Time.)

Oracle of Ages / Oracle of Seasons: Shūki "Link" = Cycle
- (As going by the title and gameplay mechanic of each game, considering that it can mean both ways.)
- (This is only if Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages had it's own Link, but it instead has the one from A Link to the Past & Link's Awakening.)

Four Swords / Four Swords Adventures: Kubetsu "Link" = Distinction
- (Four of the same person equals four distinct personality traits.)

The Wind Waker / Phantom Hourglass: Arashi "Link" = Tempest
- (To connect with the game's theme and to make a nice alliteration ring with his sister, Aryll.)

Minish Cap: Sukoshi "Link" = Little
- (To compliment the game's main gameplay mechanic.)

Twilight Princess / Link's Crossbow Training: Shigoto "Link" = Work
- (Compliments his original occupation as a Goat Wrangler.)

Spirit Tracks: Kikai "Link" = Machinery
- (Ties in with his affiliation with trains.)

Skyward Sword: Tori "Link" = Avian
- (Fits with the theme of being in the sky.)

A Link Between Worlds: Rikkyō "Link" = Overpass
- (Empathizes the main plot point of the game.)

Hyrule Warriors: Kigen "Link" = Origin
- (In regard of him being the reborn "Hero of Legend" and also going by how the game tells the story.)

Legend of Zelda 2015: Shigen "Link" = Resource
- (Going by how the trailer shows how he is using the enemy's weapons against it in his own way.)


Skyward Sword.. has got to be the HARDEST style I had to deal with.. and it just had to have been watercolor styled :""D
As for everyone else... they were fun to color and draw
Minish Cap is probably my favorite to be honest.. Elzo is just lolzy to me XD
The Wind Waker is my favorite because of how adorable he's acting
Hell his name is my favorite just because of how fitting it is ^w^
I also was trying to differunciate the Toon Links and make them somewhat realistic like the other Links just because lol
It turned out better than I expected really, since Minish Cap made me lol while drawing

Remember, these are only nicknames, i'm not really planning on making them actual names in my stories, mainly because it would throw a hell of a lot of people off just by looking at it..
So yeah~
*Note to self.. never try and do Skyward Sword Style ever again... it will destroy my soul :"""F*

All of the goddamn Links ~
Nicknames ~
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Comments: 476

hotwar696 [2018-12-01 02:07:35 +0000 UTC]

Is Chrono really Japanese tho?

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HylianDragoness [2018-08-27 17:26:35 +0000 UTC]

I love how you managed to pull of the design texture styles, like wind waker for instance gave him the exact texture that feels like it came from the manual.

I really love how you made Twilight Princess, top notch buddy.

When I first saw them I thought they were names based on the designers for each Link.

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pokemaster7070 [2017-02-26 09:24:42 +0000 UTC]

WAIT A MINUTE!!! One of them is named "chrono".

I think a certain Goku haired boy would like to talk to that incarnation of link about his name.

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to pokemaster7070 [2017-02-26 21:45:20 +0000 UTC]

That was actually on purpose at the time
But I don't really call him "Chrono" now
I just call him Link since it fits him more to me lol

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pokemaster7070 In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2017-02-26 21:45:44 +0000 UTC]

ok. I was just making a joke.

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to pokemaster7070 [2017-02-26 22:17:57 +0000 UTC]

I know you were
I just wanted to clear that up really
Sorry for ruining the joke

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pokemaster7070 [2016-09-11 05:23:50 +0000 UTC]

I was honestly hoping just ONE of them was just gonna be called "Link". XD

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to pokemaster7070 [2016-09-11 08:32:06 +0000 UTC]

Funnily enough, Oot Link is literally just called, "Link" now
mainly because the nickname really didn't suit him very much lol

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pokemaster7070 In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2016-09-11 15:37:03 +0000 UTC]

But do you get my joke? Out of all those wacky nicknames, I was hoping just for the comedy, that one would be named link. XD

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to pokemaster7070 [2016-09-11 16:49:28 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I got the joke lol
It's something I would probably do for the lulz anyway |D

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pokemaster7070 In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2016-09-11 21:21:54 +0000 UTC]


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Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2016-05-13 23:19:17 +0000 UTC]

Interesting. *u*
I love Saishu. It's pretty rare to see him in his original design with this hair style. <3
The new Artwork is the same as the Oracle of and ALBW Link. x___x

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Taxima [2016-04-19 19:51:46 +0000 UTC]

I had thought "Senshi" would be an option for HW link as it means "Warrior", but it doesn't sound like much of a name truthfully.

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IanDig [2016-03-28 17:33:00 +0000 UTC]

Shigoto is awesome

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Doodles626 [2015-11-10 12:43:41 +0000 UTC]


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GamerGal1986 [2015-08-20 02:30:23 +0000 UTC]

Yeeaah Hyrule Warriors Link doesn't count sorry I'm only counting the Links that are canon. As for the new Link from the new Zelda game that game got delayed again and will most likely be released next year.

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to GamerGal1986 [2015-08-20 02:58:53 +0000 UTC]

Well of course HW Link isn't canon... but I love the guy regardless lol
Besides these are "All of the Links" in the Zelda series and related 
canon or not >w>
(Albeit the Zelda CDI games and the Zelda cartoon are basically the ALTTP & LoZ Link incarnations)
(Not only that but since Triforce Heroes has been announced, this list has to be updated sooner or later)
I knew about the delay with Zelda Wii U which saddens me...
Though I'm still waiting patiently for it...
It's probably going to be yet another great game in the series ^^

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GamerGal1986 In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2015-08-20 03:31:54 +0000 UTC]

Same here I love HW Link am I the only person who actually likes the Cartoon Link? I'm pissed off that it's delayed what's the Machina called I'm curious and wish to find it on youtube.

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to GamerGal1986 [2015-08-20 03:44:19 +0000 UTC]

Nope, you're not alone on that version of Link~
His catchphrase is forever hilarious to me x3
What Machinima are you talking about? .3.

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GamerGal1986 In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2015-08-20 03:59:26 +0000 UTC]

I saw it in your gallery champion's edge? or something like that?

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to GamerGal1986 [2015-08-20 04:16:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh "Challenger's Edge" .3.
Yeah, it's something that I plan on working on
once I take care of everything else...

I have an opening made for it on my channel ^^

The opening's kinda old but it's decent -w-"

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GamerGal1986 In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2015-08-20 05:52:35 +0000 UTC]

Would you mind checking out my channel it's Mrspotatosack95

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to GamerGal1986 [2015-08-20 12:04:24 +0000 UTC]

You have an interesting channel :3

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GamerGal1986 In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2015-08-20 17:45:32 +0000 UTC]

Would consider subscribing to my channel? I do cosplays and fandubs only.

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to GamerGal1986 [2015-08-20 17:56:30 +0000 UTC]

I'll have a look around in your channel...
But yeah, your stuff does look interesting to watch ^^
Fandubs and cosplays are always cool to see once in a while :3

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GamerGal1986 In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2015-08-20 19:59:15 +0000 UTC]

So I'm guessing it's a maybe also I made an update video explaining that I will be making a brand new youtube channel when I have a chance.

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XxNeonBluexX [2014-12-04 00:07:52 +0000 UTC]


This is very well done! Instant fav!  

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carrie-j [2014-11-17 22:23:35 +0000 UTC]

So very awesome! It shows the time and dedication you put in!

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AkuDemyfan [2014-11-17 22:08:40 +0000 UTC]

So awesome! And amazing name ideas for them! Don't have HW so I don't know how it tells the story but I take your word for the idea of it. Loving most of Chrono, Shigoto, Rikkyō, Kigen and Shigen. Such awesome pictures of them! Though, out of them all Rikkyō looks the most badass there! XD


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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to AkuDemyfan [2014-11-17 22:24:23 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, thanks

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AkuDemyfan In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2014-11-27 13:05:55 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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FallenAngelOfCrimson [2014-10-17 16:04:37 +0000 UTC]


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7h3D4rkArts [2014-09-24 00:08:50 +0000 UTC]


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MickeyMurk [2014-09-23 20:13:54 +0000 UTC]

Am I am so damn jealous T_T

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Travtron7000 [2014-09-23 00:21:26 +0000 UTC]

Owo are those titles of artist's name or... Like, is that a meme for doing different anime styles owo I can't find those names at all lolol

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to Travtron7000 [2014-09-23 00:55:35 +0000 UTC]

...It's the names I gave them :"D
Dang it Dulcian it's in the description XD

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HavocSilverWing [2014-09-22 20:07:54 +0000 UTC]

Jesus.... What have you done?!

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to HavocSilverWing [2014-09-22 20:44:28 +0000 UTC]


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HavocSilverWing In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2014-09-22 21:39:01 +0000 UTC]

You wrought this on us you FIEND! 

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to HavocSilverWing [2014-09-22 21:51:39 +0000 UTC]

Aw lawd :"D
The chaos... Shiz is about to get real
Spaalone babuguuscooties :F

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HavocSilverWing In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2014-09-22 21:56:45 +0000 UTC]

Too much chaos, not enough Emerdoods :F
The Darkness has been busy of late, I wonder what demonic monstriousity it'll spew out next :"""D

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to HavocSilverWing [2014-09-22 21:59:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh god XD
Yeah <_>
Lawd I seriously hope everything will be okay
by the time things calm the ferge down :"""D
I mean.. jeeesuuz.. the way Oot Link teared away at that monster... 
*Hides behind a pillow wall* 8"""F

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HavocSilverWing In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2014-09-22 22:13:50 +0000 UTC]

I do as well because what happened was completely.... Uncalled for <__>
It was like a nightmare made real lmao

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to HavocSilverWing [2014-09-22 22:15:54 +0000 UTC]

Yeah :"D
I seriously hope Elder Sabre will be able to help the crazy enraged hylian...
Or else things will not end too well for Kage and the others <___>

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HavocSilverWing In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2014-09-22 23:19:37 +0000 UTC]

If anyone would've been able to help, I really think Havoc would've stood the better chance :"D
Since he has been with them for a long while and helps out in pinches whenever he pleases lol
Dat Kage was too stronk

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to HavocSilverWing [2014-09-22 23:27:38 +0000 UTC]

Yeah -w-
Havoc is a badass lawl
Kage... seems to have gotten softer.. and KINDER ._.
What in the hell is going on? :"D
Lol yeah, he's able to shoot sword beams and create goddamn barriers...
It's official, Link is being lazy in that area loool

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HavocSilverWing In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2014-09-22 23:46:04 +0000 UTC]

Kicking back time at his own pace :"D
True fire comes from WITHIN

Looks like the Sabre Tribe whipped him up into shape like Kero before him XD
Damn him for being such a pain before, now he's trying to one up ol' Kero lmao
Link is currently suffering mental disorder from witnessing the death of his grandson <___>

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to HavocSilverWing [2014-09-22 23:52:29 +0000 UTC]

Dat sounded like a badass tagline for him :"F

lawl probably.. then again he's been changing ever since he met Ren..
But I guess him being an incomplete Dark clone might be it as well....
I'm sticking with the Sabre Tribe being epic lol
Dark Link.. the ultimate troll of Rise to Darkness XDD

Yeah.. It's probably Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  
I would say "poor guy :c"... but he just went savage on that damn creature..
Now I don't know what to feel :"D

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HavocSilverWing In reply to SiscoCentral1915 [2014-09-23 00:02:28 +0000 UTC]

That was completely unintentional man :"D

So many factors apply towards his dramatic change 
First he wanted to kill Link dead, now he's saving him XD

Well they stay on the Northern Mountains for multiple reasons lol
Actually Kero came from those same mountains with that crystal he had .3.

You can say "poor guy" cuz Kero punched him dead in the face after he killed it...
Sad... Sooooo sad

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SiscoCentral1915 In reply to HavocSilverWing [2014-09-23 00:08:58 +0000 UTC]

lol XD

The irony...
He's going to end up like Zero if he keeps this up .___.

...True :F
skjahdkjasfkashlf well that explains everything lol

Lawd.. that part killed me..
If Kage didn't do anything, Link probably would've attacked Kero..
Funny... Kero was going to kill it himself if the thing didn't retaliate :"""D 

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