Published: 2012-07-10 00:35:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 225; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 6
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What's this, Wong, another contest entry for ?! Wasn't one enough?! I guess not.I came up with this idea when I was rereading book 9 to refresh my memory of why Fay carried scissors. The first time I read this part, I felt so bad for Alzeid getting made fun of and getting his butt kicked. Now... Gosh... I know what he means, but he's being an idiot. He's prideful at all the wrong moments, and then ditches his pride at more wrong moments... -_- So that's where this came from...
Oringally Serateed was in this, too, but he got cut...
The title comes from the part where Alzeid wonders where he is in the rankings of strongness... A voice from above tells him he's not even in the top ten.
Alzeid and Rahzel (c) Minari Endoh
This picture belongs to me, SirWongIII.