Published: 2017-06-18 01:19:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 1366; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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「 p r o f i l e 」
- Name: Alighieri, Maurice
Mbti: ENTJ
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: American | Italian
Birthday: April, 2nd
Height: 1,87 cm | 6'2 ft
Weight: 69 kg | 152 lbs
Blood type: 0 +
「 m a r i n e . c o r p s 」
- Year: First
Subdivision: Combat
Career: Explosive Technician
Clubs: /
a b i l i t i e s . t a l e n t s
▴ Knows frighteningly much about creating bombs/ disarming them
▴ Always plans two steps ahead- but it doesn't necassarily work
▴ Creating either amazing or sickening smoothies
▴ Memorizing favours people still owe him
▴ Staying calm during actual danger
▴ Pretty high pain tolerance
▴ Good accuracy
s p e c i a l . i t e m
▴ Incendiary Ammunition ▴
- ▴ | courageous | charismatic | witty | laid-back | self-confident | loyal | energic |
o | proud | determined | dramatic | stubborn | curious | realistic | barefaced |
▾ | arrogant | unforgiving | manipulative | selfish | moody | unreliable | possessive |
Only recently arriving at Commandos, Maurice is still quite sceptical about the SD. His opinion didn't change for the better when hearing about BoA's involvement in Ariadne's thread and Hell week, making him wonder if they will ever get out of Commandos again. Yet, he is arrogant enough to believe he would be able to make it out here alive if he just relied on his abilities, still having a slightly unrealistic idea about war and danger even though he tries to keep his mind as realistic as possible.
Nevertheless, he knows very well what's expected of him as a soldier and also knows his limits, which doesn't mean he won't cross them. In fact, he is a bit too confident into his own abilities, leading to him being reckless at times. That being said, he barely listens to advice others give him but rather finds out through making the same mistake himself. Yet, it also has its good sides; he’s rarely upset and nearly always determined to learn about new things as he hates to just sit around and do nothing. Furthermore, he is always determined to reach his goals, even if it’s just the development of a new receipt, and he will stubbornly try until he is satisfied with the result.
In general, he’s rather easy going and it's more than hard to get him out of his comfort zone. Even so, he has the habit to be slightly unreliable. Not for official meetings or the daily training as it would directly affect him, but for minor things, he will often be late or forget about it.
Moreover, he's always open for new ideas, ranging from learning about new card games to new fighting styles. Actually, his sheer curiosity is one of the few things that's bigger than his ego and thus he is probably the most pleasant when he wants you to teach him something. Even though he appears to be cheerful and energic most of the time, there are also occasions when his character shifts to the opposite. Especially when something didn't work out the way it was supposed to be or his pride was hurt somehow, he becomes a moody and manipulative jerk. It's normal for him to tell his thoughts straightforward without caring if others may feel uncomfortable about it, yet the more he's angered, the worse it gets. Long story short, he is still a teenager at heart who tries to think like an adult and loves danger.
▴ Paintball
▴ Every kind of explosives | fire
▴ Cooking, especially when being able to obtain new receipts
▴ Actually most physical activities, he hates to sit around doing nothing
▴ Training, he hates being out of breath and does his best to prepare for every scenario
l i k e s . d i s l i k e s
▴ Dogs <33
▴ Smoothies
▴ Tornados
▴ Freedom
▴ Danger
▴ Sicily
▴ Heat
▾ Cold
▾ Blood
▾ Losing
▾ Push-overs
▾ Obvious liars
▾ Unnecessary orders
▾ Drugs, or rather, their effect
| Born in America after family had to move due to his father losing his job | Grew up in a small town and got through school somehow |
| Parents divorced after mother found out about her husband's affairs | Maurice and his sister were raised by a nanny afterwards |
| Got bored and started to collect information about explosives | Tried his knowledge out but failed horribly |
| Got caught and ended up having to choose if he wanted to go to prison or join the military |
For ages, the family Alighieri ran a pretty huge law office in Sicily. It was common for the oldest son to take over at some point and, in fact, it was Maurice's destiny as well when his mom became pregnant. Yet, due to a fatal conspiracy against his father, the company was taken from his custody, leaving him with nothing but his private savings. Ashamed and looking for revenge, his father decided top start anew in America. And so they left Italy only a few weeks before Maurice's birth.
The small family moved into a small village called Roque Bluff in Maine, simply due to the fact that his mother once inherited one of the houses from her decreased uncle.
Eventhough Maurice can't remember most of it, the first years in the new country were pretty rough for the family. It wasn't because of the lack of money, they didn't need to worry about that aspect, but rather about integrating. Both parents only spoke broken english, so upon entering elementary school, the teacher had a hard time correcting Maurice's horrible grammar and pronunciation. Luckily, the boy was clever and quickly learned, so the fact he wasn't a native speaker was nearly unnoticable when he entered High school. Still, Maurice was never a decent student- he never aced any tests but got scrolled at because he deliberately overslept or didn't learn for the weekly math test. The reason why he still passed it is mostly due to his seat neighbour during that time; he mostly allowed Mauri to copy his work as long as he wasn't caught.
Most of his childhood went without any special happenings. A few years after coming to the USA, his dad surprisingly got a high job offer from a formerly competing law firm and accepted, now being forced to spend days, often weeks uproad as his job forced him to constantly be on the run. His mother took care of Maurice and his younger sister and everything went pretty well the first time, but at some point, his father came home later and later and sometimes even stayed away for around a month. Due to an incident, his mother found out about multiple affairs her husband had during his trips and demanded a divorce.
Her husband agreed under the condition to keep the custody of his children, not because of love, but because he was convinced she wouldn't agree to it. Yet, with a heavy heart, she did, knowing that there was no way she could win a process against him. From that day on, the relationship between Maurice and his father began to crumble. They never were very close, but now he started to hate his father for what he did. A housekeeper now looked after the siblings but it was no comparison to the things their mother did for them.
During that time, Maurice developed an interest in dangerous activities. The most exiting thing that ever happened in Roque Bluff during his life was the moment when a girl dropped into the sea during a school boat trip and even then the entertainment value could be improved. The boy was bored to death and eager to cause his father some trouble.
- Already being interested in everything explosive earlier, he began collecting more and more information about every aspect of them, from their composition over the creation to their usages. And, at some point, he decided he should try his knowledge out. Thus, he did. God knows how he managed to get the illegal materials needed but he did. In the beginning, it were only some harmless firecracker, but with every successful creation, he grew more confident and went for a bit more power in the next one. He didn't create them to cause any harm, but because he seeked the thrill. But of course, his luck left him at some point. Yet, when Maurice tried working on his biggest project until then, a casuality happened and the modified firecracker detonated, causing a chain reaction with the other pyrotechnic articles they collected and destroyed the complete classroom they were working in.
- Maurice himself got out there in time, not because he noticed but because a friend dragged him out immediately when seeing something went wrong. Outside, the local sheriff already awaited them, after all, a huge firework inside a school was hard to oversee. She was already suspicious since a while but didn't have any evidence, but given the happenings earlier, it was hard to deny their doings. Given the fact that they just turned 18 during that time and that the friend of him was apparently the sheriff's son, they were offered a deal. Both of them would enter military school in some kind of diversion program as the happenings were ultimately called an accident and not an act of terror, due to the fact that no person was actually harmed by it. Without an actual alternative, Maurice and his friend accepted. And thus, they ended up at Norwich Academy. To his own surprise, Maurice soon found fun in his new life, even if the lack of freedom bothered him a lot. Still, he understood it was his own fault he got there in the first place and at least it wasn't boring. He decided to finally put effort in his scholar life and at some point, became one of the top students of his year. Only half a year later, he got called in by the director of the school along with a few other students where they were told that they would transfer to Commandos. Maurice never heard about it before but it wasn't like he had much to say to it anyway. And military school was the same everywhere, right?
「 w o r d c o u n t : 9 3 6 」
「 e x t r a 」
t r i v i a
▾ Left-handed.
▾ He's allergic to cocoa.
▾ Slightly claustrophobic.
▾ Themes: ▴ ▴ ▴
▾ Shows little respect for most women.
▾ Gets annoyed if others use emoticons.
▾ Dislikes video games because he always loses.
▾ Aces in Poker and nobody knows if he's cheating or lucky.
▾ Has zero artistic skills- at most he can try to draw stick men.
▾ Eats very little for his height and narrows it down to the essentials.
▾ A very good chef, but he will only cook for those he genuinely likes.
▾ Yet if you angered him somehow, the meal he is cooking might be toxic.
▾ He once brought a puppy home he found but his parents refused to keep it.
▾ Kind of dislikes the formal uniform of Commandos; it makes him feel stiff and weird.
▾ During his time in Norwich, he learned the basics of sniping, but was too impatient for it.
▾ He blushes when getting angry or embarrassed, but there's basically no chance to fluster him.
▾ He may complain about being imprisoned in the school, but he's actually pretty satisfied with the overall.
▾ Always carries a lighter and a pen. It's not for a specific reason; it's just an old habit he hasn't got rid of yet.
▾ Actually pretty unable to occupy himself when nobody else is around. So he'll probably spent those times sleeping.
▾ His native tongue is still italian, so he may use some italian words whenever he's startled or surprised by something.
▾ If he ever has the opportunity to drive, he will- but please don't allow it. His driving style is similar to a suicide attempt.
▾ He doesn't believe in anything but words and deeds. There's nothing that's going to safe you other than yourself and god.
▾ Even if it may not seem that way at first, he's a lucky devil. It doesn't mean he never got into trouble, but the outcome always had its good sides. At least until now.
▾ It's true that he is totally calm during danger, but during his normal life, it is pretty easy to startle him- he is always getting a small heart-attack when someone taps his shoulder.
▾ He neither knows the meaning of guilt nor of being scared. Not because he's trying to be tough, it just doesn't fit into his mindset why he should feel sorry/ worry about something he can't change.
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
Later //ureshii
R P . i n f o r m a t i o n
Headcanons - Lit/Paragraph - Script
Skype - Discord
GMT +1 / 2
Pretty open for nearly everything as long as we hced a bit before and it seems reasonable, so hmu if you'd like to hc/rp! /o/
Also, i was invited by peebalicious ;'>
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Comments: 6
PrinceOfFire [2017-11-11 04:32:56 +0000 UTC]
It's a shame he doesn't like wearing his uniform, because he rocks it. Striking a very cool pose.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Miinu-Inu [2017-07-01 05:13:06 +0000 UTC]
he's a cutie, too
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
HimeTarts [2017-06-20 20:01:24 +0000 UTC]
How about you let me stroke him, Sim.....
I love..... 😩
Treats him to all the pancakes and 3 am deep conversations...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Simanada In reply to HimeTarts [2017-06-21 21:26:29 +0000 UTC]
tosses son at mom
stroke him all you want, at least until he starts snarling
He can't wait for the next opportunity to roam around the campus : pepe:
👍: 0 ⏩: 0