Published: 2012-12-30 18:51:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 7374; Favourites: 500; Downloads: 7
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This is my first stamp. Here's the base. fav.me/d21wyc0Okay, I'm sure a lot of you are already aware of this stamp's message, but this is something I've been wanting to say for quite a while: There is more to love than just sex!
It really makes me sick how some people put too much emphasis on the sexual side of love. Love is more than just sex hormone-induced feelings. It's also about caring for other people besides yourself, no matter how ugly, beautiful, dumb, smart, etc. they are. True love is unconditional. Sex really doesn't have that much to do with it.
Just FYI, this isn't supposed to be one of those "love is love" stamps supporting gay marriage (there are plenty of those out there already). Instead, this stamp is meant to raise an awareness of how the amount of emphasis on sex in our culture today affects the way many people view love.
As always, mean or rude comments will not be tolerated. If I get too many of those, I'm disabling comments.
EDIT: I went back and outlined the text to make it easier to see.
EDIT 2: Wow, it's been a little over two years since I submitted this stamp, and people are still favoriting it?! Β
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Comments: 59
EtherealSweat [2022-11-10 18:09:45 +0000 UTC]
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OaK-treez [2022-09-12 20:04:50 +0000 UTC]
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WolfStar1119 [2022-04-20 16:37:58 +0000 UTC]
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gg422 [2020-10-03 06:04:11 +0000 UTC]
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Meztli72 [2019-04-13 17:08:00 +0000 UTC]
I absolutely agree. There's sex without Love (a.k.a. selfish sexual intercourse). There's Love without sex. Of course both may be together, a.k.a. sex with Love which is ideal situation IMHO. The only thing getting me nuts is to live in a world (system) where sex (mainly without Love/feelings) is extremely overrated. Personally, I'm not interested in any sexual intercourse/interest unless being with someone who I absolutely Love and respect, and being compatible in both spirit and mind.
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Demoness18 [2019-01-11 15:14:46 +0000 UTC]
It is so much more than the animalistic heat of sex, which is completely independent of love...
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MarineAngel64Ketchup [2017-11-28 23:41:46 +0000 UTC]
I agree! Everyone needs to learn this.
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KawaiiMewtwo [2017-07-25 04:17:06 +0000 UTC]
I agree! In fact I made a journal about this topic!
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rheagrimaldo [2016-08-14 11:14:50 +0000 UTC]
Very interesting. I love this and I agree with this wholeheartedly.
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Butterscotch-Scythe [2015-12-23 00:10:28 +0000 UTC]
I support relationships that have both sex and real love. At the end of the day, it's always the people that matter, whether or not you have sex.
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DancesWithHellhounds [2015-06-15 13:39:55 +0000 UTC]
So very, very true. I really like this stamp.
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DeltaBlackFox [2015-05-18 14:29:37 +0000 UTC]
More people ought to read this stamp.
It's depressing how many guys in my school treats girls like toys.
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EtherealSweat In reply to DeltaBlackFox [2022-11-10 18:10:21 +0000 UTC]
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tultsi93 [2015-04-25 16:46:40 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I agree. Many people just don't know it.
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Cianna200 [2015-04-07 16:00:55 +0000 UTC]
"Sex is important in any relationship, you must have sex in your romantic relationship", I dislike this line, I would never expect my lover to have sex with me, that there is not love.
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tultsi93 In reply to Cianna200 [2015-11-08 07:56:33 +0000 UTC]
I hate that line, too. It makes me feel quilty, because I'm not interested in sex.
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Cianna200 In reply to tultsi93 [2015-11-08 15:31:58 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, not only that, but it also makes rape culture look good.
The following here are facts
1. There are people who cannot perform sexually, like people who are badly handicapped.
2. There are people who were sexually used and abused, if they are uncomfortable with sex can we blame em?
3. There are celibate people, many are celibate for religious purposes. Like they may want to wait for marriage or they want to transcend sexual temptation.
Just because they don't want to put out doesn't mean they don't care.
4. There are people who have a mixed orientation. It's been long believed that sexual and romantic are the same, but no they arent. Like those who are heteroromantic but homosexual, those who are homoromantic but heterosexual, etc. If these people are dating a certain gender but sexually attracted to the other gender, having sex will be more difficult with the gender they are dating.
5. Β The term "sex is important in a romantic relationship" normalizes date rape, spousal rape, sexual entitlement, sexual coercion and sexual shaming (like in your case). It may also come from the erroneous belief that true complete love is sexual. So if someone rapes me, they love me?
So it's love if a person only wants sex and nothing else with me?
If a person treats you with the utmost kindness up to the point of dying for you but never had sex with you, is it not love still?
Most will argue that sexless love is friendship, how so?
If two people go on a date and make out by the end of the date under a sky full of stars, it's friendship? What if they begin to use the label boyfriend or girlfriend.
If someone has a crush on me, they are implying they want a romantic relationship, not a friendship, crush and lust are confused for each other. I guess most people are admitting that their so called romantic partners were only their friends before they had sex with them. It also is factual that romantic love is not a part of nature, it was invented ages ago, but sexuality is natural! So we can see how they can be separate. Β Don't let anybody shame you, because these people have been deceived for a while now.
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DudeWheresMyLion [2015-03-12 04:09:25 +0000 UTC]
I love seeing stamps like these <3 It's nice to see others not having sex on the brain 24/7.Β
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Dinomines [2015-02-20 07:09:47 +0000 UTC]
I think sex has nothing to do with love. It's just a biological process. No love, what-so-ever. Just lust. It's hilarious how people say "Oh god, I haven't had sex for 2 days, I'm going insane." C'mon, get real.
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KuromiAkumura In reply to Dinomines [2015-08-07 01:47:47 +0000 UTC]
hahah i love this XDΒ
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dave-imposterer [2014-11-23 16:56:26 +0000 UTC]
gosh, thank you for making this! this really is a thing that needed to be said; some people seem to have a tenancy to forget love is also being affectionate and caring for one another through thick and thin.
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DragonflyLite [2014-08-18 07:18:26 +0000 UTC]
So true! This fits perfectly with one of the couples in the novel I'm working on, actually right at this very moment. It's the message I hope to send, too. And people think I'm weird because I find the love of a happily married (or just life-long) couple far more romantic then young couples or people who just bang each other and then walk away.
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Kurosantchi [2014-07-16 11:03:02 +0000 UTC]
Yep! Even relationships can be non-sexual. If you're in a relationship with someone but you think you wouldn't be if they never, ever had sex with you, it's not true love. It's just lust. Even if I could never have sex with my boyfriend I'd still love him forever and want to marry him no matter what
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schmetterlingmx [2014-01-24 06:36:37 +0000 UTC]
I share the same thoughts with you Bethany ...i'm gonna use it on one of my journal's entries, i hope it's ok.
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PrincessMuffinArt [2013-09-18 01:16:17 +0000 UTC]
I really could care less about anyone's sex life. But Its sickens me if thats all what couples do.. Just....msex, sex, sex..Β
I'd rather see cutesy loveydovey couples than "sausy" couples.
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Deidara-TheTerrorist [2013-06-21 20:14:31 +0000 UTC]
I get that if you're married to someone and you don't have an STD, never having sex could create some frustration, but that's not all a relationship is.
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VampireQueenEffeffia [2013-05-30 22:08:25 +0000 UTC]
Now, this is something a lot of people don't seem to get. I've read a lot of dating advice articles just to see how cheesey and whatnot they are. There have been so many that say, "U NEED SEKS 2 HAV UH GUD REELASHUNSHIP!!11" I read one that said, "DUNT BEE FULED IN2 HTINKING DAT U CAN LIV WITHUT SEKS (CUZ U CANT0!!1" and basically advised that you need to lay every guy/girl you bring into your life. You know, they have a word for people who do that: whores. Can you have sex without being a whore? Yes. But if you literally get laid by every guy on you second or third date, then you are a whore. Way back in the day, it didn't matter what religion you were, you were still told not to do the deed unless you were married. Nowadays it's like, "DICH VURJINITEE AZ SUNE AZ POSBLE!"
Yes, you can have sex in a relationship. But if that's the only thing you want or look for in a relationship, then good luck finding one that lasts more than a week.
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HarmoniHalo [2013-01-14 04:02:55 +0000 UTC]
Awesome stamp, really. ^^
It's rare that you find someone with this viewpoint. I'm honestly sick and tired of people saying sex is NEEDED to make a relationship work because of our "animal instincts" or my personal favorite, "sexual NEEDS". BLEH.
To be honest, i'm in a relationship right now, and it's the least of our worries since we're abstinent. Doesn't mean our relationship is boring or we don't love each other. I've never been happier! I just think doing it before we're reading would just muck the whole thing up!
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AClockworkKitten In reply to HarmoniHalo [2013-07-06 20:01:47 +0000 UTC]
Everything you said.
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SilentRosySunrise In reply to HarmoniHalo [2013-01-14 04:06:22 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, same here.
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SpongeMuffin [2013-01-04 00:54:26 +0000 UTC]
Love is good without sex, sex is good without love. Love and sex together is good. Likewise, it can be very bad.
All depends on the person doing it.
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SilentRosySunrise In reply to SpongeMuffin [2013-01-04 01:40:45 +0000 UTC]
Actually, sex without love is pointless and even harmful.
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SpongeMuffin In reply to SilentRosySunrise [2013-01-04 02:38:33 +0000 UTC]
Uhh, no. Sex was created before love as an emotion existed. And the only sex that's harmful is sex done without consent. Any other sex is perfectly healthy.
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Pseudinymous In reply to SpongeMuffin [2013-01-09 12:30:34 +0000 UTC]
Unless it's sex with someone with an STI.
Just putting it out there.
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SpongeMuffin In reply to Pseudinymous [2013-01-09 16:51:59 +0000 UTC]
That too! That's pretty bad sex too.
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