Published: 2010-03-22 01:29:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 758; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 6
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I suppose I made this to test myself on certain aspects of Digital Art that I don't feel I've gotten a good chance to play around with lately. Namely; Perspective, Surrealism, and Abstract art. I still managed to throw in the whole happy-shmappy layers hoo-ha with this, and I had a dang good time making it.My favorite part of this is most definitely the buildings in the background. It was a whole lot of fun throwing in random shapes and outlines of other buildings within one big block of a city-structure.
I also had a jolly good time with Rumble, too! I think the hardest part about him was the lineart, since it took me quite a while. I also challenged myself in making an Animated design for him, following Derrick's FIRRIB train of thought; which is good, since I am of the FIRRIB train of thought as well, and I would've hated to torture my inner fangirl by making him red. I'd state my reasons why I think he's blue and Frenzy's red, but if I did this Artists Comments would be too big.
Also, big thanks to Hanasoumen-P for the color scheme presented in this image here . It was a great asset to this piece's color flow and also the inspiration for the image itself.
Also, I'm not entirely sure about the yellow thrown in there. I wanted to make him fit into the background a bit more, so I threw in some 'light on' windows into the building to make the yellow pop out a bit less. Did it work? I'm not sure, but right now I think it actually detracts from the solid Blues and Cyans. Also, the Red probably could have been incorporated somewhere else as well.
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Comments: 11
Brithe-Avannee [2010-10-26 00:47:21 +0000 UTC]
Rumble is totally BLUE! I love you for this.
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TyLeeChan [2010-03-22 20:13:06 +0000 UTC]
I love how you can make your own designs of TFA characters
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-03-22 22:48:34 +0000 UTC]
They take a while, since I try to be original and not re-use previous kibble ideas or leg designs, but the end result is pretty awesome. That, and having a reference helps a ton, since I can throw in a bunch of new details that previously didn't exist in the Animated Universe.
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Heckfire [2010-03-22 04:13:21 +0000 UTC]
Interesting pic, almost abstract with the background...if you'll forgive my asking, what is his alt-mode?
On the FIRRIB/FIBRIR thing, when I did my TFA mods who I really need to try and draw, dammit... , I just said that since their powers are identical, just with inverted frequencies, they swap who gets to be "Rumble" and who gets to be "Frenzy" pretty much at will just to tick people off. It seemed like something they'd do (ESPECIALLY if they new how the fans hate it).
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to Heckfire [2010-03-22 04:59:18 +0000 UTC]
I have no clue what his alt-mode is. I'm thinking something along the lines of a glorified speaker or something.
I've seen several similar gags with that; Rumble and Frenzy not being the same person. Me, I just went with them having arms that transform into different doohickeys; Rumble's turn into Piledrivers, and Frenzy's turn into that weird airplane-gun-thing from G1. I suppose I could write a chapter in a fanfic I'm writing that involves them about them switching arms and color schemes just to tick their teammates off...
But really, I've been putting myself through thick and thin just to figure out what they would look like in Animated. I didn't realize that the FIRRIB debate would cause problems until I had already found a way to incorporate their G1 powers and Tech Spec powers into their designs. I don't want to have to remake them all over again just to jump on a (very creative) bandwagon :/
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Heckfire In reply to Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-03-22 06:29:03 +0000 UTC]
Maybe have them be a two-bot combiner team who swaps minds every time they separate? LOL
Eh, RIBFIR/FIBRIR is silly anyway...don't let it bug you too much.
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Videogamer-Phil [2010-03-22 02:20:22 +0000 UTC]
I have to say that, in times like these, I'm happy to NOT be a hardcore fan of anything: flame wars starts for things so simple/minimal that's funnier to watch from a neutral field . Examples are the FIRRIB/FIBRIR, the Birdo gender and the Sonic fans raging about every new game (this one is... interesting, to say the least).
Anyway, we're here to comment arts, not wars. Nice job with the colors, I think the yellow was well used, and made a cool pattern with the cyan and gray. Both Rumble and the background looks great, but the perspective looks odd (don't worry, I can't do a good one too). Good work
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to Videogamer-Phil [2010-03-22 02:24:42 +0000 UTC]
Haha, thank you for addressing the actual art and not the color choice xD I appreciate that.
Perspective is quite difficult, and I've found that the 'guidelines' that some people use to help them figure out how perspective works end up tripping me up so bad it doesn't even look probable. I suppose that's only a part of artistic development in the first place; trial and error :3
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AleximusPrime [2010-03-22 01:34:19 +0000 UTC]
Actually Frenzy is the blue one. Rumble is the red and black one they just get them mixed all the time in the show stupidly.
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to AleximusPrime [2010-03-22 01:38:31 +0000 UTC]
I understand the opposing viewpoint, but I, myself, believe in Frenzy being red and Rumble being blue.
Mostly because when I think of a frenzy, the first thing that comes into my head is a mob getting very out of control that people black out and blood is spilled, which makes me think of red and black.
When I think of a rumble, I think of brown or green, as in an enormous earthquake. However, I also think of the after-effects of an earthquake, like a tsunami. So, the third color I think of when I think of a rumble is blue, the color of the ocean.
I don't mind if you think differently, but I don't wish to start a debate or a flame war just because I have a differing opinion on their color schemes. I hope you understand, and I ask that you please accept my ideas and opinions.
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