Published: 2013-05-08 16:35:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 14719; Favourites: 446; Downloads: 180
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She is a character from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance- the only female boss chara with awesomness armssss~
But what the heck is this anatomy you speak of... xD
Huh, well... I drew it somewhere in the start of January, but since, heh, she has so many arms, I didn't find the patience to work on this pice in one go. :'D
Actually... I drew this out of excitment when I couldn't wait for MGR's relese date and the ONLY thing I've spoiled for myself so far is Mistrals boss fight. I made a promise to myself, that *this time* I wouldn't google absolutely everything, wouldn't watch vid's/playthroughs/live streams- WOULDN'T SPOIL ONE OF THE MOST AWESOMESSS GAMES for myself... Like I did with Metal Gear Solid 4... ._. It's not that fun to play a game if you already know what's going to happen, so yeah... I have no idea what's going on in Rising. Other than the trailers/teasers/demo/Mistrals boss fight and what was shown in the Angry review 8D
Anyways, there is also Raiden fanart comin' ~ ;D
fanart of Mistral from "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" © Konami
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Comments: 78
Si3art In reply to ??? [2013-05-10 08:03:03 +0000 UTC]
Err... Did what? The picture?
It's made with watercolours, white acrylic and markers.
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Neiribelin In reply to ??? [2013-05-09 09:51:41 +0000 UTC]
This is what I call a challenge. All those arms...
But I wish you patience and dude, you really need to flood their mailbox with very kind but very disappointed e-mails asking where your stuff's at. This is not fair, you really deserve the rewards.
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Si3art In reply to Neiribelin [2013-05-09 13:02:54 +0000 UTC]
Wait till you hear what we have to in the drawing class. 8D
peame joonistama omast ajast 30 kätt. Whoopie for challenges~
And that's what I've been doing so far.
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Neiribelin In reply to Si3art [2013-05-10 10:38:05 +0000 UTC]
Keep doing that. Persistence is a virtue.
Omfg peaks ka tegema challenge'i, et näiteks iga päev joonistan ühe käe. Ehk saaks siis selle peene kunsti käppa...
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Si3art In reply to Neiribelin [2013-05-10 13:14:22 +0000 UTC]
Ei, ei, see pole challenge. See on kuruse töö. Nagu... Hindamisteks olgu olla 30 kätt, mis peaks ülejäänud töödega võrreldes midagi ikkagi juurde andma. :s
And oh gaad, it's a nighmare! D:
Nagu... Eile terve päev kritseldasin neid käsi... TEVE PÄEV ja päeva lõpuks on ainult 5 half assed ülipoolikut käekritseldust. ._.
This is gonna take forever... D:
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Neiribelin In reply to Si3art [2013-05-11 00:15:27 +0000 UTC]
Ma saan aru, aga ma mõtlen, et teen endale sellise challenge'i. Üks päev, üks käsi.
Aga sa saad hakkama. Fight-o!
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Si3art In reply to Neiribelin [2013-05-11 00:47:08 +0000 UTC]
Thats a pretty neat challenging challenge~
Ega muud valikut ei jäägi. Hah. c:
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remembermeforawesome In reply to Si3art [2013-05-09 11:31:45 +0000 UTC]
Who's your fave character? Mine's Raiden.
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Si3art In reply to remembermeforawesome [2013-05-09 13:13:28 +0000 UTC]
Isn't it obvious? Ofcourse, it's Raiden for me aswell~
RAIDEN ALL THE WAY! Dat high heeled blondie ninja~
This game is worth buying because of the badass main character. xD
I absoutely love what the desingers did with him in Revengeange. ^^
Hmm... Now that I think about it... MGR might be one of the very few games where I absolutely adore the main character.o.o
But yes, in all metal gear history I can finally say my most fav character is Raiden. (sorry big boss xDD)
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remembermeforawesome In reply to Si3art [2013-05-10 04:53:10 +0000 UTC]
Yep! Sorry Big Boss. He's just too gruff for me.
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CmdShepardN7 [2013-05-08 16:55:37 +0000 UTC]
This is some epic stuff right there, great job
Mäletan kui sa rääkisid, et ei suuda oodata kuni selle kätte saad..njah paistab, et eriti hästi ei tulnud välja
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Si3art In reply to CmdShepardN7 [2013-05-08 16:59:18 +0000 UTC]
Well, thank you!
Oh jah... Ei tulnud jah.
Ja seriously! Too tüüp ei vasta enam... D: Ega enam palju puudu ei jää sellest, et lõpuks ikkagi ostangi mängu, sest no god damn, see pole juba ammu enam normaalne. -.-
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CmdShepardN7 In reply to Si3art [2013-05-08 17:08:58 +0000 UTC]
Ja siis kui lõpuks otsustad "fuck this, i wanna slice some shit up" ja tormad poodi ja kui tagasi tuled siis on see sul postkastis.. see oleks küll väga fuuuuu moment xD
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Si3art In reply to CmdShepardN7 [2013-05-08 18:51:59 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeeezzz.
Hahaha~ Aga ma ei usu, et nii juhtub. Enam mitte.
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CmdShepardN7 In reply to Si3art [2013-05-08 19:01:38 +0000 UTC]
Kuid noh õnneks, ilma risinguta said veel rohkem enda ajast veeta tehes tähtsaid koolitöid!!
that's not very comforting
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Si3art In reply to CmdShepardN7 [2013-05-10 13:16:14 +0000 UTC]
Hmm... Jah. Seda küll... Aga ikkagi. I want it. I want to own a copy of it. I want to play it. ._.
Yeah. -.-
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Si3art In reply to CmdShepardN7 [2013-05-10 13:51:19 +0000 UTC]
Tead, äkki ostangi. 8D
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SSAfroPat In reply to ??? [2013-05-08 16:38:59 +0000 UTC]
When i spoiled myself MGS4...ç_ç I will not spoil myself Rising! Anyway impressive job!
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Si3art In reply to SSAfroPat [2013-05-08 16:44:14 +0000 UTC]
It looked so interesting... Absolutely everything. And then the hand. doesnt. stop. cliking. on links. Guh, seriously. Shouldn't have spoiled MGS4, but I still think it's one of the best sneaking games ever.
No spoling!
Hah. Thank you!
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