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Published: 2016-01-06 17:58:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 1745; Favourites: 57; Downloads: 47
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I've sculpted a bit more, and completed the back leg, and also put in the first bit of hair, its still not quite done and needs alot of work in some areas, yet I'm still quite happy with the resultsDid all of the hair in an about 5 hour live stream, a step up from what used to take me 2 weeks, is now taking me hours. Had a pretty decent number of people watching, which is always cool, better than the usual 2 or 3 that show up XD
Tried a couple new things as well with the hair, making it a bit more cohesive than I usually do it.
Made with Blender and Photoshop (Photoshop for just a tiny bit of post, hair is completely 3D)
Render Information:
- Sculpt has 2.4 million quads, and 4.9 million tris
- Hair has at least 15 thousand strands or more, each parent had 50-250 children on them.
- Took 13 hours to render at 50 samples, at default render settings, on a 2.4 ghz 8-core laptop CPU, using only 4 cores, and 8 gigs of RAM.
Things Left to do
- Lets just say... alot: More characters, more hair, more sculpt, more lightsabers, more smoke, more scenery, more.etc.jpg
Take Virtual doughnut for reading this far, and don't forget to STAY AWESOME!
Related content
Comments: 23
Aschenstern [2017-07-15 08:27:29 +0000 UTC]
amazing <3
Tell me can you give me a tip: after finishing the sculpt what is the best way ro proceed if you want to animate the modl?
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Shastro In reply to Aschenstern [2017-07-16 03:24:21 +0000 UTC]
After you finish sculpting in order to animate you have to retopologize the mesh, a great setup for this can be found at this link: youtu.be/2hEHtKH55Us beyond that just look up retoplogy tutorials and you can find out the proper info. In general, a mesh is sculpted, retypologized, textured, rigged, then animated.
Basically, retopology reduces the quad count of a mesh and makes it reasonably UV unwrappable.
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Aschenstern In reply to Shastro [2017-09-29 22:02:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! You cant imagine how much you have helped me.
I was literally looking everywhere for some short, precise description of the workflow - and you gave it to me!
Thank you!
I hope one day you will make tutorials. I would love it so much!
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Aschenstern [2017-04-30 08:21:30 +0000 UTC]
Wow...i wish you would do a tutorial, you are literally blender god!! I love your works!!
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Shastro In reply to Aschenstern [2017-05-08 23:30:48 +0000 UTC]
Haha, there are many who are vastly better at it than me
Thanks so much! I do plan on doing more tutorials... eventually....
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Aschenstern In reply to Shastro [2017-06-21 14:45:42 +0000 UTC]
Hardly, you are amazing!
I am looking forward to them!
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Shastro In reply to NoradTwo [2016-01-28 03:04:26 +0000 UTC]
XD I heard it somewhere and had to use it!
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Des-the-Dragon [2016-01-16 23:38:21 +0000 UTC]
Shastro, this is gorgeous!
I love the texture done on her skin/plating; looks very bug-like and that matches her design perfectly.
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Shastro In reply to Des-the-Dragon [2016-01-18 00:09:44 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much, only more to come from it. Gotta build the rest of the scene, should have some more renders up in a few hours or so
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EqDBot [2016-01-15 18:20:12 +0000 UTC]
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madcomputerscientist [2016-01-09 19:43:31 +0000 UTC]
So pretty!
The sharp horn, the teeths and flickery tongue, and hair and slobber and shimmery carapace! So cool!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
ChronoTrickle [2016-01-06 20:53:44 +0000 UTC]
This keeps getting more impressive with each step!
I'd suggest posing the right leg a bit differently - right now both legs kind of overlap and it looks like there's only one leg in total.
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Shastro In reply to ChronoTrickle [2016-01-09 23:29:39 +0000 UTC]
Definitely gonna see about adjusting that leg, might be tricky though, the armature was applied absentmindedly like a week ago XD
Thank you
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ChronoTrickle In reply to Shastro [2016-01-10 00:19:51 +0000 UTC]
Well, you can always change the camera position/rotation slightly instead, to show the other leg a bit more. That's probably the easier way as well.
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AeridicCore [2016-01-06 18:15:04 +0000 UTC]
Dat hair shader makes me jelly.
Time to abandon SFM and learn Cycles.
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Shastro In reply to AeridicCore [2016-01-06 18:17:50 +0000 UTC]
Cycles is the shiz meng
Though if you do ever legit start learning blender and cycles, lemme know and I can give lots of links to great learning sites and resources
Though its actually a pretty simple hair shader, blender recently got an addition that makes it so easy it feel like cheating.
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AeridicCore In reply to Shastro [2016-01-06 23:37:05 +0000 UTC]
Ye, I started investigating into Cycles already, so if you have any good tutors (esp. on lighting, AO and materials), i will appreciate it.
Hair's not my only feature, I'm more into composition and color schemes. I guess I should start getting all my SFM stuff (scenebuild models etc) into Blender asap. I was pissed with SFM's lighting limitations already, and now when new drivers do not support Source AO... Screw this 10-years engine.
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Shastro In reply to AeridicCore [2016-01-16 18:23:15 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for late reply.
I think I'll just unload almost all the thinks I have.
Check through em all, and in particular www.creativeshrimp.com
First I'd say there are two pony group resources that you can go to for advice : my-little-3d.deviantart.com/ and the group me and a few others created on google plus plus.google.com/u/0/communitie… there you can find quite a few people who are all willing to give critique and advice.
And here is the links:
Usefull Blender Tutorial Links!
-Blender Guru - Over 190 videos covering various topics.
-Blender Cookie - Costs money, but extremely extremely valuable
-Blender HD
-CG Geek
-33 Assorted Blender Tutorials
- Blend Tuts
- Blender's Official Tutorial Page
- Blender's Official (PAID) Tutorial Page
- Gleb Alexandrov's Awesome Blog/ Tutorial Hub - THIS ONE IS SO GREAT! It might not have sheer volumes of content but it'll give you alot more than blender knowledge, It can help you get inspired!
- Blender Sushi
- Chocofur - Check Out the Shading Tips and Advice Here!
Blender Resources
- Blend Swap - Get Loads of models here, even MLP Ones.
- The Official Blender Artists Forum - Go here for more Blender Specific Feedback and Critique!
- CG Textures - This One will benefit any CG artist
- Pixabay - This website has loads of high quality free images, that don't have any licences attached to them whatsoever you could go sell these on the street as your own work and it would be legal (but please don't)
Other Useful Site(s):
- Level Up - This is a general art help website that has some great podcasts.
And lastly for many more links that I've missed check out this amazing Blender artist's personal collection of useful links: Creative Shrimp.com/resources
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AeridicCore In reply to Shastro [2016-01-16 19:07:39 +0000 UTC]
Wow, that's a lot of info. I will look through all of this after I finish Dashie, thanks.
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storm-flash [2016-01-06 18:00:54 +0000 UTC]
i seriously have nothing to say about this ... just WAW
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Shastro In reply to storm-flash [2016-01-06 18:18:30 +0000 UTC]
, Glad its looking good so far
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