Published: 2010-09-07 03:12:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 59618; Favourites: 783; Downloads: 0
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This piece is very special to me, since I was able to hold a pencil I've been drawing Ninja Turtle stuff. I can guarantee I wouldn't be the artist I am today if the TMNT, and my Mom (She's the one who got me the comics) had been around.Since I'm going to the GDC, I want my portfolio to blow these developers away so I can get a job finally. I hope this and some other re-designs will do it. This is my take on Rocksteady, if you don't know who Rocksteady is I suggest you stop looking and this and read some TMNT lore.
This is the final illustration, I have concepts, Sketches and his accessories which will fill up the book I take with my art in it.
Jimmy Johns
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Comments: 73
RastloserRubin [2021-10-08 03:40:57 +0000 UTC]
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tandoori669 [2015-03-19 09:03:38 +0000 UTC]
Dude hes got a Wu Tang Clan belt buckle. savage great touch
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kwakedoutproductions [2013-11-26 16:41:09 +0000 UTC]
Freak'n love it!... Like the WU belt buckle...
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Erockbrox [2012-08-26 07:22:42 +0000 UTC]
I thought the Wu Tang was just slightly out of place, but I guess realistically speaking if you were to take a street punk and turn them into a rhino, then yeah sure Wu Tang would be there.
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BlackroseSariaSan [2011-09-15 03:59:15 +0000 UTC]
OMG! Please PLEASE PLEASE consider drawing April O'Neil!
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KrimeFyta In reply to BlackroseSariaSan [2014-04-02 00:55:17 +0000 UTC]
You totally should. Let's see your April O' Neil, man!
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grey-zero-000 [2011-04-23 04:15:55 +0000 UTC]
i remember him having an AK and grenades or maybe that was just one of the games, at any rate it is great
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PrinceZarbon [2011-03-30 00:38:18 +0000 UTC]
Now right here is my most favorite character ever in TMNT history.
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ogphat [2011-03-16 22:52:35 +0000 UTC]
AWESOME....love the fact that you know he listens to hip hop(wu-tang) that was great you sir are now one of my favorite DA artist
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Caniban-Amgin [2011-02-23 19:53:18 +0000 UTC]
That is too Legit 2 Quit yo...!!!
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supersalt32 [2011-02-22 08:55:13 +0000 UTC]
freaking amazing how good this is!!! Plus the Gwar and Wutang is an interesting choice!!!
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SharpWriter In reply to supersalt32 [2011-02-23 07:23:17 +0000 UTC]
Hail the Crimson blur, violence has arrived!
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Dynamoe [2011-02-18 04:48:49 +0000 UTC]
Yep, should have had this type version in the flicks!
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Jekell [2011-02-17 01:01:57 +0000 UTC]
AMAZING!! Wish I was this proficient in photoshop. Well done.
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CharNobyl [2011-01-24 03:41:28 +0000 UTC]
I sincerely hope his other knuckles say 'DTH' or, perhaps a bit easier (if more literate), "DIE."
Regardless...Jesus Christ, man. This is awesome on levels that I can't even fully comprehend. Easy fav. If this doesn't get you a job, then I call conspiracy.
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MaliBurns [2010-12-30 17:45:04 +0000 UTC]
awesome rhino!
But is that a regular cigar in his mouth or is he truly down with the Wu therefore its stuffed with "bud"? <-- Serious question by the way.......
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MightyGastropod [2010-12-10 03:13:05 +0000 UTC]
THAT is the BEST artwork of Rocksteady I have EVER seen.
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darkmane [2010-10-02 17:37:14 +0000 UTC]
I am blown away, everything is so well done. The details and realism are mindblowing....excellent!
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abelbus [2010-09-22 23:33:17 +0000 UTC]
hello I love your work, I want to learn to draw pictures of this style so as you've managed to do?, would like to learn with a tutorial or something, thanks ... greetings
pardon my bad English I'm from Spain
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mallettepagan0 [2010-09-12 02:00:38 +0000 UTC]
Wow, this is amazing! I really think that yes, this WILL blow GDC away once they see this in your portfolio. I love the textures you used. This brings back soo many great childhood memories. I was a big Ninjara/Raph fan. XD
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SharpWriter In reply to mallettepagan0 [2010-09-12 02:13:19 +0000 UTC]
Thanks madam, I hope so. Mikey is the best turtle btw.
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