#baby #bean #bestboy #boy #gray #green #grey #human #ilove #love #male #nay #omikron #pretty #shadow #sic #wings #yay #zacharie #zayden #lotofwings #ohgoditwaspainful
Published: 2019-06-14 21:51:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 619; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Edit: Fixed some stuff on the ref which was bothering me + added some more details to the extra outfit
Edit 2: Added a new outfit made just for the omikron meetings + fixed some tiny stuff!
So meet Shadow! Also known as Zacharie Gavitt. And was known as Zayden Grenedale.
Shadow was born as an omikron. A species which can be considered "dragon-like". Dragon-likes are not welcomed in Faecrest as demons and angels feared, that the strong dragon species may overthrow them. And omikrons? They knew nothing about them. So the thought of the dark grey humanoids being as strong as dragons didn't exist without any reasons.
Any village or bigger city was a forbidden place. For the young, left alone boy, it sounded too interesting. As he was a half-blood omikron, it was safer for both him and his parents to leave him in the tribe, where the others would take care of him. They'd teach him how to change between human and omikron form, how to use his blood magic and wings properly. But there was no time for that; the curiousity in the eight years old boy won. He planned this for a while now. He sneaked out when nobody was watching and left without a second thought. He never had strong connections, the only people that were close to him was his cousins, Rize and Maes.
Shadow reached the outer skirts of one of the biggest cities in Faecrest, known as Redacet. He hid in the dark allies, waiting for the sun to rise.
The new world enthralled him. So many new places, new people, new possibilities. It promised such a different life... Suddenly, he heard two unknown voices.
A couple was passing by. He got slightly scared; if they see him like this, he can say goodbye to everything. So he changed into his human form.
Every omikron has one or three body parts, that they can't change. Shadow, as a half-blood, only had one: The wings. Just to make things worse, not one pair of wings. He had three. Luckily, the wing joints can move into any direction, so after a bit of suffering, he managed to fold it into a cape-shape. When he was still in the tribe, he sew a cover for all six wings, because he knew he'd have problems with hiding it.
The couple was talking about ways they could get recognition. They already did a few charity events and helped people in need, but still nothing. They were desparate to get more money and hoped that they can get donations for a good cause. So when they saw the now pale boy, they thought of the next big thing; adoption. A lonely child on the street. But not any child, a child with dignity. The cape made the dirty and scared kid into someone who showed they have potential to be an aristocrat. He was just born into the wrong family. And Shadow couldn't agree more.
Next day, he was already someone else, someone he never dreamed to be; a human. A well-known and rich human in a wealthy family. He wasn't Shadow anymore, he was Zayden Grenedale. He finally felt truly happy, and not just for a moment.
The Grenedale family gained recognition and money donations. They even got trade deals with the vamlire counts, which was and still is, a great honour.
Zayden's life was better than ever. He got a few friends and later on, he even fell in love with a girl, Celia Sharon Vivilli. The parents were highly for the relationship, as it would've been a great deal for both the Grenedales and Vivillis. He was only seventeen when they pushed him to propose to her. Ceila was happier than every, Zayden... Zayden too.
But that year had more to give.
When an omikron turns seventeen, they turn into an official adult. They have more blood than usual, so they can bless their weapon with it. It's a ritual, which makes an youngling into a real adult.
Zayden never went trough this ritual. Too much blood would mean he can't keep up with his human form. So he was terrified when the day of his seventeenth birthday came. He tried to postpone it, but the others wanted to stick to the date. He had no other choice than trying to survive that party.
The feared morning came.
He was feeling nauseous and nervous the whole day. When the guests arrived, he noticed dark spots on his skin, which were quickly growing bigger. And when he noticed that his nose was already bleeding, he just paniced.
He tried to hide.
The bathroom seemed like a good option.
He was bending above the sink, trying to wash down all the blood from his slowly, almost completly grey skin. He was slightly bleeding from his right wrist and heavily from his wings and mouth. His fear only grew bigger when he realized, he forgot to lock the door. But of course, it was late. Someone already found him.
As omikrons weren't accepted in the city, the person called the police instead of the ambulance.
Few hours later, he was already sitting in court. They took him in, as he did nothing wrong, other than being a member of a species who were not welcomed. There was no law against them, but as it was a pretty big deal, it spread like wildfire in Redacet. Everyone knew about the omikron and wanted him gone as fast as possible, and the law was their only legal option.
Zayden knew nothing will be the same again.
Suprisingly enough, his trial went good and despite the conditions, he was acquitted.
Ceila was waiting outside for him. She was worried for her fiancé. When she saw him walking out in one piece, she felt at ease.
They ended up at Ceila's place; Zayden was scared of what will his parents think of him, so he didn't really want to go home. He was relieved, especially when it turned out that his future wife wasn't scared of him or his species. But when he started feeling drowsy, he knew there was something wrong.
He woke up in a dark, damp room. His back was burning under one of his wings, but when he tried to reach and figure out what's the cause of the problem, he felt something cold pulling his hand back.
Then the blinding lights turned on.
He met the gaze of a brown haired man, who called himself a "scientist". He went on explaining Zayden why is he here, but the omikron was more focused on the person next to him.
The betrayal hit him hard. He was furious, but figured, screaming would just make things worse. So he just stared in complete silence.
From that day on, he was trapped. Imprisoned. It turned out, the burning he felt was a fresh number tattoo; his new name. 0321. He wasn't a human nor an omikron anymore. He was just a test subject.
He promised himself, he won't reveal all the secrets of his species as that's why they keep him there. The omikrons should stay as mysterious and hidden as before.
It wasn't easy as the tests weren't merciful; they mainly tried to figure out how strong the species is, which involved weapons, different magic types, sometimes even animals. After these, he was just thrown back to his cell to rest for a few hours, rarely for a few days so he could heal. He could have used his faster healing ability to feel better, but as he didn't want to reveal it, he decided to suffer.
He got the physically power to break free. But he was shattered mentally. He lost everything and was stabbed in the back from someone he loved.
Did he even love her?
He had a lot of time to think back to those years where he was considered a human.
He realized a few things.
Like how his feelings for Ceila weren't love, he just wanted to make his parents proud with finding a good trade partner and making a long lasting deal... which would've been finalized with a marriage.
Or like how stupid he was for not realizing this earlier.
Or like how idiotic leaving the tribe was.
He had so many regrets and no chance to fix any of these.
Then, a visitor came. No other, than Ceila Sharon Vivilli.
When she saw Shadow, she broke into tears. She told him how much she missed him and how stupid she was for being so easily manipulated into bringing him here. They had a small talk, which mainly consisted of Shadow asking questions and Ceila replying.
This is how he got to know, that the Grenedale family was gone.
As he won the case at the court, the higher powers didn't want him to be still on the loose.
So they framed him with murder.
It was a great situation as it was easy to remove Shadow from sight and at the same time, make people fear omikrons even more.
He was shook. Ceila just made it worse.
She started it quietly after a bit of silence; she began to talk about how much she misses him and how badly she loves him. Which just made the already agitated man to lash out. He told her the bitter truth, without any kind words, which made her cry. But she didn't give up.
The tension was rising and the whole thing ended with Shadow throwing his engagement ring at her and bluntly telling her that he never wants to see her again.
It wasn't one of his greatest choices in life. Especially when he got to know, a few weeks later, that she committed suicide.
Years went by, nothing new happened. More tests, more wounds, more troubled thoughts.
But after two more years passed, he couldn't stand it any longer. He gave up on thinking about how he can fix his past life, which will never be the same. So he got himself together and broke one of the bars.
It wasn't as easy as he imagined; cameras and guards everywhere. So to distract them, he just helped and released some other creatures who were locked up in there. Then he ran as fast as he could.
This was the point, when he finally put an end to Zayden Grenedale. He accepted himself as he was and tried to start a new life.
But not alone, of course.
He went back to the tribe, where people were shocked to see him here and alive. The news of an omikron appearing in Redacet spreaded like wildfire, even in the tribes. He stayed for a few days, in hope of seeing his only relatives again. Soon, Rize and Maes showed up in the tribe. They regularly went out and came back for a day or two, hoping they would see Shadow again. Thanks to the Alpha, who made the green eyed man stay, they could finally reunite.
They couldn't been happier too see each other. After the touching meetup, they decide to say goodbye to the tribe and start a life at a new place; Roseria.
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Comments: 8
ShadowMahBoi In reply to Pookadook4 [2019-06-18 08:05:49 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Pookadook4 In reply to ShadowMahBoi [2019-06-18 21:30:56 +0000 UTC]
This ref is amazing, honestly aa! <33
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
ShadowMahBoi In reply to Pookadook4 [2019-06-18 22:49:23 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad you like it ;;;; And him too ;;
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Pookadook4 In reply to ShadowMahBoi [2019-06-21 20:21:32 +0000 UTC]
Of course I do!! He's a radical boye <33
👍: 0 ⏩: 1