Published: 2009-01-27 23:35:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 15692; Favourites: 406; Downloads: 1596
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The Kaku fanart I was talking about(Psst! Join the #OnePieceVillains club!)
Yamazaru Kaku: Mountain Monkey Kaku. In case you don't remember, 「やまざる」 is what the people of Water Seven called Kaku due to his ability to leap from building to building without a scratch.
CP9 FTW! Look at my nubby gallery pls, ty
It's done with a different coloring style than I usually do cause I'm still experimenting and exploring the new ways I can color using tablets, being new to them and all 8D;
I tried a lot harder with details on this than on most other pictures, but in the end I still got lazy so it's not perfect either. Again, I might revise it in the future. Right now I'm about to work even harder trying to draw a scene with the full Strawhat Crew, still in planning stages 8D;
Thanks for looking <3 ONE PIECE LOVE
-edit- Changed that grotesque foot a little bit, LOL.
-editedit- Please do not modify or use this artwork anywhere without asking permission first, thanks.
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Comments: 107
goosegoblins458 [2015-03-24 22:49:35 +0000 UTC]
Liked him better when he was good, when he became bad it completely changed the way I looked at him. great artwork
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WHATisYOURobsession [2014-01-03 10:09:38 +0000 UTC]
This picture makes me feel like he's reaching for me...I hug you Kaku!!! People are all saying "there's not enough love for Kaku" but trust me...as a fangirl, I love him enough for two hundred women... I mean it's to the point that I see him in every man wearing a black cap and black shirt, to the point that I want to find a man with a long nose and marry him. I sleep with a giraffe blanket, drink from a giraffe cup...ya it's bordering obsession. There is so enough Kaku love in this world-I got this covered ha. Giraffe pillow? Yes please. Giraffe hoodie? I'll take that. Giraffe any and everthing else? Socks, shirt, apron, etc. Don't mind if I do. Kaku plushie? I will blowtorch your face to get it from you. Ya......gonna shut up now.
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Noriko-Chan15 [2012-07-05 13:17:00 +0000 UTC]
Aaaaaaaw, Kakuuuu! OwO i love him so much, hes my favorite CP9 member! OwO And i love the pic! =^.^=
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WHATisYOURobsession In reply to Noriko-Chan15 [2014-01-03 10:11:56 +0000 UTC]
*High-fives your face with my keyboard* You're a freaking genius!!!! You have to be a genius to love Kaku!!! jjn faejnbg;kjanbqnk vamekb KAKUUUUU!!!!!! Sorry I haven't slept well in three days and I'm a little hyper. But freak yes Kaku is awesomeness.
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Flurffy [2012-01-24 05:11:31 +0000 UTC]
Kaku was my favorite CP9 member. He was cute in a weird way, plus I don't think he was really crazy/evil like the others... Well, Blueno was kinda sane too.
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IhanaMaalari [2011-12-04 09:38:33 +0000 UTC]
Man, that part made me sad.
WHY ARE YOU A VILLAN, KAKU... I'd have been ok with ANYONE else. Anyone at all. WHY?
But then there was a teeny redeeming moment. Just long enough for a collective "AWW EVERYTHING IS SORT OF OK" and then he died.
Grr. But Zoro killed him, and Zoro is awesome... CONFLICT ARGH.
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candydoodlz [2011-06-16 15:11:41 +0000 UTC]
today i woke up a little sick and tired but after finding this my whole day has been made thank you
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inishii [2011-02-03 03:28:23 +0000 UTC]
If there was a better looking 'wow' emoticon, I'd totally post it. :/
So it will just be letters: Wow <: +fav
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pupumeteor [2010-12-09 17:32:05 +0000 UTC]
I love the coloring of this painting : D
I luv camera's view of this pic too !!!!
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StardustLotus [2010-01-30 22:49:45 +0000 UTC]
Woah I love Kaku and he turned out so good here Especially the city is so cool!! Great job on all the details here <3
And I love that outfit on Kaku XD
Awesome picture of him <3
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fkh10 [2010-01-30 07:01:45 +0000 UTC]
ur artwork i so beautifulll! I love whn people draw characters that arent prt of the op crew, good job! and the colors! >___👍: 0 ⏩: 0
C-Conztantine [2010-01-29 20:52:17 +0000 UTC]
I love your picture! Best picture of Kaku EVER
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MoonNeko [2010-01-27 03:14:41 +0000 UTC]
I remember seeing this pic in your sig on AP, but I didn't know you had a DA account xD I have ALWAYS loved this Kaku pic, soo sooo amazing *___* Makes me reminisce about CP9 times x3
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Marikuishiyutaru [2009-08-25 07:57:47 +0000 UTC]
Very good job >3<
You did Kaku very well, I love him, and this piccu ~
*jumps away*
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HanaAsagi [2009-08-05 20:49:22 +0000 UTC]
Whoa!! Nice colors!
Though I've been trying to draw KAKU,
I couldn't do well. Awesome.
カクが、飛んでいるー! かっこいい!
now I add my favorites. thank you nice ONEPIECE!
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Wolfie166 [2009-07-27 19:59:09 +0000 UTC]
My second favourite One Piece character. Kaku is so funny and awesome!
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Aedua [2009-04-15 11:23:18 +0000 UTC]
Yamazaru, LOL! Franky called him that, right?
BTW, nice picture
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Ferdverel [2009-02-28 22:32:34 +0000 UTC]
Uwaaah, you are made of awesome. This picture is made of awesome. There's just so much awesomeness, it's oozing out of your fingernails. oAo;
It's so beautiful~! >w<;; I love the way you color and use perspective. *bows loow*
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ashleighvestia [2009-02-19 02:05:19 +0000 UTC]
I love the way you colored it without a 'lineart' I guess you could say...always my favorite way to cg...and this is way amazing!
The bio on the origin of his name was a nice touch haha ;3 I love things like that... Oh Oda, you are suuuucchhhh a genius!
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olafpriol [2009-02-17 12:47:29 +0000 UTC]
Wow, this is simply beautiful, I love the light vibrant feel it has to it ^^
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katthekat [2009-02-17 04:53:07 +0000 UTC]
I love it! And Kaku
This picture is good and I must fav! XD
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Sephirona In reply to katthekat [2009-02-17 06:15:32 +0000 UTC]
Thanks :'D
Thanks for the fave too *w*
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Sephirona In reply to MilkMao [2009-02-16 22:39:16 +0000 UTC]
Yeeee :'D
Thanks for the fave <33
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Maiira-is-MY-name [2009-02-15 23:53:47 +0000 UTC]
Kaku is love.
I like the perspective on this one. The wind-ruffled clothing is well-done too. It makes me wanna go flying with him.
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Sephirona In reply to Maiira-is-MY-name [2009-02-16 01:10:09 +0000 UTC]
Kaku is indeed love 8D
Thanks :'D It was pretty hard, I've never drawn any perspective stuff before this either so it's not perfect yet ;w; Baww.
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Zenon1293 [2009-02-10 04:51:40 +0000 UTC]
Awwww~! Kaku-chan~! X333 He's totally the best CP9 in my opinion. And he's such a brilliant character. I wish he'd return to Galley-La. You can tell he totally wants to. ;.;
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Sephirona In reply to Zenon1293 [2009-02-10 17:14:59 +0000 UTC]
Lolol yess :'D I like Rob Lucci a bit more, but that's just me. Kaku rocks though<3
I hope CP9 plays a part on the future of One Piece as well. If you've read the latest chapters, of course. 8)
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Zenon1293 In reply to Sephirona [2009-02-11 02:14:13 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. I'm hoping they do, too. ^^ Now that Lucci's back in commission, things should be interesting.
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Strangerataru [2009-02-10 00:12:16 +0000 UTC]
Kaku is just a fun character...though suddenly I imagine a plummeting giraffe creating a massive hole in one of the W7 canals.
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Sephirona In reply to Strangerataru [2009-02-10 17:15:30 +0000 UTC]
*w* Yess... Yamazaru kirin. LOL.
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MonkeyDomi [2009-02-09 20:27:26 +0000 UTC]
Wow, really love how it's so bright! Lovely angle too~
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Sephirona In reply to MonkeyDomi [2009-02-09 22:26:47 +0000 UTC]
Thanks :'D
Thanks for the fave too 8D
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