Selective-Yellow — RariDash day 2 and 3

Published: 2012-10-05 02:30:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 4466; Favourites: 74; Downloads: 0
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Description Technically today is RariDash Day 4, but I'll be missing another one later because I think I'll just spend a day coloring these instead.

But at least I can give some crappy sketches. Up top we have the picnic idea, where it seems Rainbow is embarrassed to admit that it was her idea. Probably for Hearts and Hooves day. this and the tea party may or may not appear in my final HC thing. wings how do i draw them

The vague comic at the bottom, though, is and look it's angsty! I haven't really worked out the dialogue, but basically Rainbow pulled out the bubbly in celebration of something [Rainbow getting in good with the Wonderbolts and Rarity getting good with the Canterlot crowd or something].
It's late and they both get pretty tipsy and Rarity decides that this would be a good time to drunkenly ramble about how much she's liked Rainbow since she saved her at the YFC, which at this point would have been a year or two or so ago.
Rarity kisses her, but quickly pulls away thinking she's made a huge mistake and isn't thinking clearly because of the wine/cider/whatever and runs off to her room in spite of Rainbow's attempts to tell her that it's okay. Rainbow decides to give her space, feeling guilty that they've been living together for a good amount of time and even though Rainbow is starting to form her own feelings for Rarity, she never even noticed that Rarity has liked her for that long.

Their manes are all a mess because it's late and they're drunk, but now I think it looks like they've coming off of a huge make out secession xD;;

anyway yeah if anything I wanna color the comic eventually.
ponies not mine, etc
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Comments: 35

FreezingShock [2012-10-05 14:33:51 +0000 UTC]

Very nice, for what is RariDash without a little conflict? Or a lot of conflict.

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Selective-Yellow In reply to FreezingShock [2012-10-06 01:10:03 +0000 UTC]

True, I'm sure they would butt heads rather often. Not as much as AppleDash but still xD

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friendofvampires [2012-10-05 10:34:15 +0000 UTC]

I dunno about raridash.... I do like appledash, and pinkiedash is ok, but i don't know if i'd ship rarity and dashie, is there a fic i can read?

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BlackBeWhite2k7 In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-05 14:37:50 +0000 UTC]

I've wrote this before, so excuse me if it seems like I'm copypasting but...

It’s actually not as implausible as some people make it out to be.

They never really hated each other. In fact, judging from “Sonic Rainboom” Rarity understands Dash better than most would think, given they both know what it’s like to have big goals in life and not always feel good enough to achieve them.

Dash saved her life twice, and was actually the first to apologize to Rarity in “Dressed for Success”. In fact a lot of the scenes people point out in which Dash isn’t to happy in her company can be explained by Dash, just not being into the same thing, nor having much patience. That doesn’t mean they can’t have a deep friendship. She has that same issue with her other friends.

You could also say they have similar character flaws. They can both be vain, but are good at heart and make the right choices in the end for the most part. Plus between AJ and Dash, I imagine Dash to secretly care more about how she looks and enjoy some pampering, striking some cute common ground between her and Rare.

I don’t find it too absurd, either, that Rarity would have at least a little crush on her savior, nor do I think Dash would find Rarity unattractive.

I think a mature, assertive Mare, like Rarity (Or Applejack) would be good for Rainbow dash, given she can keep her ego in check, without being hurtful, but also encourage her to do better. To bring some direction into her life, and better her as a person.

Secondly, Rarity’s trade involves complimenting the pony form and anatomy. Rainbow Dash, being an athlete, exemplifies physical perfection. I could see her being at least mildly intrigued. Wouldn’t be too difficult for a lovely mare like Rarity to get Dash’s attention either if she made a move.

Raridash also just has a lot of the same “opposites attract” charm as Rarijack, but with a touch of the “classy vs. electric” charm of the Octavia/Scratch ship, making it extra appealing, IMO.

There are several instances that a friend of mine, called freezingshock brought up. To quote…”In Dragon Quest they were just hanging out and were apparently planning to have dinner together. In Sweet and Elite, there is this little scene in which Rarity hides behind Rainbow for protection and later she uses things she learned by conversing with Rainbow to impress the Canterlot elite, showing us that they do converse and that Rarity finds their conversations interesting enough to pay attention and remember. And in Sonic Rainboom (again), Rarity was the one who insisted they had to go to Cloudsdale to be there for Rainbow, and she even volunteered to be the test subject for Twilight’s flight spell. In Read It and Weep, Rarity was there along with Pinkie to watch Rainbow fly, and she was clearly having a good time. In Ponyville Confidential, Rarity is very into the idea of having Rainbow join them in the spa. And there’s probably quite a few other moments I forgot about. They’re definitely friends, no doubt about it.”

They have spend time together, it's just yet to be the focal point of any given episode since Rainboom (Arguably Dashes best ep)

So the connection is there, and there’s a lot of deep empathy, and parallels between these two that totally validates this ship

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friendofvampires In reply to BlackBeWhite2k7 [2012-10-05 23:28:44 +0000 UTC]

i admit the plausibility, but many of the ships i mentioned are also plausible, rainbowpie definatly have a connection, and appledash is plausible when you look at their competitions against each other as something that could easily change into a deeper relationship, however the main reason i haven't done this ship is that i haven't read any fics about it. i know it's not the most fair way, but i tend to judge ships through A: plausibility and B: their fics. there are few i'm dead set against, like trixieXtwilight, CelestiaXDiscord, and any Guilda ship, and the main reason is that they require an enormous ammount of fabrication of events to make them happen, which i don't approve. I look forward to exploring this ship and thank you for your response.

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BlackBeWhite2k7 In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-06 01:06:05 +0000 UTC]

I wrote a fan fic a bit of a while back, AND there is quite a few good ones that you can find, here, [link]

I suggest "the time we have now" and "third times a charm" although the latter can be a little lengthy.

I think the best part about this ship and it's fics is that the challenge in writing it actually inspires writers to try harder and ultimately do better then when given a more popular ship. It makes its all the more worth it.

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FreezingShock In reply to BlackBeWhite2k7 [2012-10-07 13:13:57 +0000 UTC]

That's what a friend of mine said as well. The fact that people look down on this ship to such a degree and often seem to regard it as a crack ship forces authors to put much more effort into showing how the relationship comes to be and why it would work, while more popular ships often seem to take such things for granted.

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friendofvampires In reply to BlackBeWhite2k7 [2012-10-06 01:31:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, i'll look into it

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BlackBeWhite2k7 In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-06 02:32:50 +0000 UTC]

Sure. Glad to help. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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friendofvampires In reply to BlackBeWhite2k7 [2012-10-06 02:35:31 +0000 UTC]

let me finish my flutterdash fic, and i'll be right with it

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BlackBeWhite2k7 In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-08 03:48:22 +0000 UTC]

So what did you think?

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friendofvampires In reply to BlackBeWhite2k7 [2012-10-08 10:32:22 +0000 UTC]

It's good, now i have to make it work in my ship world

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FreezingShock In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-05 14:31:11 +0000 UTC]

RainbowPie is much more than just ok.

But back on topic, there are very few good RariDash fics, so you really do have to search for a bit. A story I personally really enjoyed was Favors . It's a shame it was never uploaded to FiMFiction.

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friendofvampires In reply to FreezingShock [2012-10-05 23:20:18 +0000 UTC]

my only problem with rainbowpie is that i ship appledash, and i like to have unconflicting ships
and thanks for the fic, i'll be sure to read it

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FreezingShock In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-07 13:12:36 +0000 UTC]

That's basically my problem with RariDash. Great ship, but a Dash who's busy making out with Rarity can't make out with Pinkie.

And you're welcome.

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friendofvampires In reply to FreezingShock [2012-10-07 22:01:43 +0000 UTC]

it made me accept the ship well, and i now do flutterdash as well XP damm these good aurthors

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Selective-Yellow In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-05 12:05:00 +0000 UTC]

It's not a pairing that gets a lot of fics, but the group has a small handful [link]

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friendofvampires In reply to Selective-Yellow [2012-10-05 23:21:23 +0000 UTC]

huh, i'll definatly look at these, thanks a bunch
(secretly judges ship through fics)

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Selective-Yellow In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-06 00:11:31 +0000 UTC]

It's not really my business, but since you admitted it to me I'll ask, why through fics? Why not just what people have to say about why they ship them, or even just through how you feel the characters match up? A horrible fanfic doesn't make a pairing horrible, nor does a good fanfic make a pairing good. Like for me..the BEST pony fanfic in the world could be a PinkieDash or FlutterDash and I still wouldn't ship them, while the worst could be a RariDash and it would still be my OTP.
I don't mean to pry I just.. I've never heard that before.

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friendofvampires In reply to Selective-Yellow [2012-10-06 01:15:23 +0000 UTC]

i'm an excessive reader, and while a bad fic doesn't lower my opinion, a good one does make me accept the ship more. i do also judge with plausibility, like i don't ship Trixie X Twilight, because it's almost impossible. It's like a readers short circuit, good fic = better opinion

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FreezingShock In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-07 13:01:50 +0000 UTC]

In that case, have you read The Games We Play ?

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friendofvampires In reply to FreezingShock [2012-10-09 00:46:44 +0000 UTC]

in 6 chapters now

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FreezingShock In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-09 09:52:37 +0000 UTC]

Very glad to hear it. ^^ I personally consider it to be the greatest fanfic ever written.

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friendofvampires In reply to FreezingShock [2012-10-09 20:06:24 +0000 UTC]

i'm in 13 and it's a great story, but the barb in the hook is I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHO'S MARE DO WELL

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FreezingShock In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-09 21:42:00 +0000 UTC]

Heh, I actually knew who Mare Do Well was in advance. It didn't really detract from the story though, as it was interesting to see why Mare Do Well did what she did. But glad to you're enjoying it.

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friendofvampires In reply to FreezingShock [2012-10-10 00:03:33 +0000 UTC]

yea, don't tell me, i want to find out, but i think pinkie

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FreezingShock In reply to friendofvampires [2012-10-13 08:50:07 +0000 UTC]

No intention of telling you. I don't think the mystery aspect is the story's best part, but spoiling it without reason is just silly. Just keep reading.

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friendofvampires In reply to FreezingShock [2012-10-13 11:52:01 +0000 UTC]

i finished. and i was RIGHT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! i thought it was pinkie all along, but i was so confused by the envy thing, but i was right!

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BlackBeWhite2k7 [2012-10-05 03:45:20 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god...I'm absolutely about to cry if things don't get resolved ;_;

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Selective-Yellow In reply to BlackBeWhite2k7 [2012-10-05 04:42:29 +0000 UTC]

Spoilers it pretty much gets solved the next day, so no worries xD

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BlackBeWhite2k7 In reply to Selective-Yellow [2012-10-05 04:43:51 +0000 UTC]

^_^ This really did make a rough day at work all the more worth it. Really touching.

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KHwhitelion [2012-10-05 03:45:10 +0000 UTC]

They ARE cute.
I'm not sure what to think of mane six shipping, but I do love seeing Raridash art :3

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Selective-Yellow In reply to KHwhitelion [2012-10-05 04:42:08 +0000 UTC]

Haha thank you c: Means a lot, 'cause I know you like your ScootaDash <3

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Drawing-Stars-02 [2012-10-05 03:10:03 +0000 UTC]

Adorable 8D

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Selective-Yellow In reply to Drawing-Stars-02 [2012-10-05 04:38:29 +0000 UTC]


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