SebSil β€” Lone Stick........?

Published: 2008-02-11 10:34:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 702; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 18
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Description Bah i need out!!! (of pakie)
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Comments: 46

InanimateSickBoy [2009-01-16 03:23:17 +0000 UTC]

very very very nice shot

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SebSil In reply to InanimateSickBoy [2009-01-16 03:24:32 +0000 UTC]

ohh yeahhh
thanks for that

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InanimateSickBoy In reply to SebSil [2009-01-16 03:25:54 +0000 UTC]

your welcome

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alysonhart [2008-09-07 10:56:48 +0000 UTC]

Nice effect, so cute!

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SebSil In reply to alysonhart [2008-09-07 10:58:31 +0000 UTC]

Haha this pics never got a cute before, thanks heaps

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alysonhart In reply to SebSil [2008-09-07 11:07:58 +0000 UTC]


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Vynnx [2008-02-15 07:31:13 +0000 UTC]

There's aomething about this pic I really like - it's soothing or something idk. Great pic!

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SebSil In reply to Vynnx [2008-02-15 07:32:51 +0000 UTC]

well thats always great to know
glad you like it

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rachiesmif3 [2008-02-14 17:21:58 +0000 UTC]

that's awesomely beautiful. Love the reflection.

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SebSil In reply to rachiesmif3 [2008-02-15 07:00:09 +0000 UTC]

much appreciated, its always good to hear people say that about me pics
luckly i took this pic 50 meters from my front door

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rachiesmif3 In reply to SebSil [2008-02-18 17:39:16 +0000 UTC]

oh and you must have a spectacular view from your window ^-^

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SebSil In reply to rachiesmif3 [2008-02-19 05:54:11 +0000 UTC]

well first its really dry and boring, then u got a couple o lakes
its a nice place, great for pics but then it just gets boring

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rachiesmif3 In reply to SebSil [2008-02-19 13:33:23 +0000 UTC]

I suppose if you see it everyday you would get used to it.

But some things I see everyday just get more and more beautiful. Like my gorgeous horses! ^-^

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SebSil In reply to rachiesmif3 [2008-02-20 06:52:04 +0000 UTC]

Yeah u can say that
that would be cool to own horses, ive only ridden them twice in my life and both times was hilarious
wouldent mind having another go though

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rachiesmif3 In reply to SebSil [2008-02-21 09:28:23 +0000 UTC]

haha did you find it hard to stay still? It's actually easier to stay on the faster you go! Just build up a good speed and you'll be well away. lmao

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SebSil In reply to rachiesmif3 [2008-02-21 09:35:32 +0000 UTC]

haha actualy the first time i was 10 and in chile, i was told to dig my heels in but no matter how hard i did it hardly moved, not cool at all.
the second time was a couple o years ago, this was more fun cos my horse and this other horse wanted to have a go at each other so they were attacking each other, very fun
but i found out riding a horse is very uncomfortable for a dude

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rachiesmif3 In reply to SebSil [2008-02-21 16:15:01 +0000 UTC]

haha so my friends tell me.

When I worked with horses (just the good bits, no mucking out only riding ) me and this guy used to be on horseback for upto 4hours at a time. It was great, riding all over the villages. I miss that. But my mate used to moan he was uncomfortable! lol

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SebSil In reply to rachiesmif3 [2008-02-22 06:28:38 +0000 UTC]

haha, that sounds like great fun
i know a guy that owns like 25 horses, just went to the states to compete, repersented australia, and hes making a fair bit o $$
dont know exactly what he does with the horses, just think he rides them around and gets judged.
actualy i think hes in the states now.....

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rachiesmif3 In reply to SebSil [2008-02-22 09:58:52 +0000 UTC]

He has a good life then I wanna compete in jumping but I'll not go to that extreme. Not out of the country. lol

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SebSil In reply to rachiesmif3 [2008-02-22 10:31:34 +0000 UTC]

yeah id imagine that would be hard to do but the money aint to bad
id be infertile by the time im 50

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rachiesmif3 In reply to SebSil [2008-02-18 17:38:42 +0000 UTC]


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ALMahaya [2008-02-14 13:07:06 +0000 UTC]

nice shot
i wish i can take like these photos

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SebSil In reply to ALMahaya [2008-02-15 07:01:43 +0000 UTC]

haha, well i like to think im lucky
i take atleast 100 shots every shoot and a couple gotta turn out desent
keep it up

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shadowsan1 [2008-02-12 23:34:39 +0000 UTC]

the sky is amazing! i love the way you captured it, and i really like the reflection.
awesome picture.

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SebSil In reply to shadowsan1 [2008-02-13 05:37:02 +0000 UTC]

thanks heaps for that
sadly i dont like it all that much, i didnt find much interesting with it, but who am i to complain?
glad u like it

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xXIcigoXx [2008-02-12 12:12:32 +0000 UTC]

Cool!!!! agreeing with ablackdeath why cant I get the good photos!!!? (well I guess Australia is more beautiful then Sweden -_- )

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SebSil In reply to xXIcigoXx [2008-02-13 05:41:30 +0000 UTC]

well its because ive got a brand new lake next to my house
and i highly doubt sweden is more beautiful, ill go and check one day

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xXIcigoXx In reply to SebSil [2008-02-13 07:01:29 +0000 UTC]

haha XD
So theyΒ΄ve built a lake? O___o

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xXIcigoXx In reply to xXIcigoXx [2008-02-14 14:51:13 +0000 UTC]

haha, never herd of people building lakes before (well some build ponds...) O___o

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SebSil In reply to xXIcigoXx [2008-02-14 09:13:03 +0000 UTC]

yeah new houses been built so they thought 4 lakes will look good

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Tollefsen In reply to xXIcigoXx [2008-02-12 16:55:23 +0000 UTC]

Well, where in sweden you live?
Im from Norway I can take many picture like that, not with the sticks but other nature stuff who we find here in Scandinavia ^^

Nice photo sebby : p

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xXIcigoXx In reply to Tollefsen [2008-02-12 17:16:40 +0000 UTC]

Well I live in Stockholm... And at this time of year the sky is gray, so I only get boring photos *sigh*
But of course in the summer you can get some great pics ^____^

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Tollefsen In reply to xXIcigoXx [2008-02-12 20:37:44 +0000 UTC]

Oh, im comming to stockholm with my class. when the school season is over xD

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xXIcigoXx In reply to Tollefsen [2008-02-13 06:59:18 +0000 UTC]

XD for how long? Well you can get some great pics here, but not right now because of the whether so I hope itΒ΄s better when you and your class comes here ^____^

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xXIcigoXx In reply to xXIcigoXx [2008-02-14 15:56:08 +0000 UTC]

haha XD
WeΒ΄ll try XD

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Tollefsen In reply to xXIcigoXx [2008-02-14 15:22:15 +0000 UTC]

Haha, Well its in the summer lol. so hope you swedish people will help us with the wheater : p

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Trudeperl [2008-02-12 10:41:48 +0000 UTC]

Last night's sunset, great shot, but where is pakie?

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SebSil In reply to Trudeperl [2008-02-12 10:51:28 +0000 UTC]

pakie is short for pakenham, a suburb east of melbourne.
some people get it mixed with pakistan, but i aint never going their
glad u like it too

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Trudeperl In reply to SebSil [2008-02-15 02:50:20 +0000 UTC]

Sorry tried to answer the other day but computer spat it, i thought it was pakenham but didnt know it was on the river. devonport is on the river too, boring place but pretty enough for fotos.

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Trudeperl In reply to Trudeperl [2008-02-15 09:39:28 +0000 UTC]

Tassie, where the Spirit of Tas. births from the Melbourne run.

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SebSil In reply to Trudeperl [2008-02-15 06:53:49 +0000 UTC]

well if u wanna get technical, its a whole bunch of lakes
but im sure it dosent make a difference
now where is devonport, never herd of it

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kashleyb2 [2008-02-12 01:32:54 +0000 UTC]

are you kidding? i wish that i could live someplace where amazing pics were just jumping into my hands at the rate yours keep coming!

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SebSil In reply to kashleyb2 [2008-02-12 05:27:49 +0000 UTC]

u never really hate it untill u live it
nah its good its just that theirs nothing new and far too many pics are the same,
glad you like them though

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ablackdeath [2008-02-11 10:38:39 +0000 UTC]

Asshole! Why can't I get the good photos?!?

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SebSil In reply to ablackdeath [2008-02-11 11:06:13 +0000 UTC]

cos i got my mojo going YEAH!!!!

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ablackdeath In reply to SebSil [2008-02-12 09:34:56 +0000 UTC]


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