Published: 2007-02-18 01:20:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 16577; Favourites: 655; Downloads: 206
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Kairi from Kingdom Hearts.* ATTENTION PLEASE *
Years ago I had posted all my drawings without copyright, but they were stolen many, many many times...
So I decided to remove my arts, apply a watermark on all drawings, and post them again.
For this reason, you can find this and other drawings without watermark, around the web.
But this drawing is MINE. I HAVE DRAW THIS!!
I'm very tired of saying this every time... So, I write it here.
Thanks to all those who reported thefts, I appreciate so much your support.
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Comments: 96
Yunakani [2012-05-06 14:56:21 +0000 UTC]
the look on her face kind of reminds me of Black Widow - just that look that says 'touch me and i will snap your wrist' kind of look - I LOVE IT!
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MishBecca [2011-03-19 06:24:37 +0000 UTC]
wow she looks great, you made her look more her age with her first style. love it!
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Quetzalcoatl360 [2010-12-02 05:21:15 +0000 UTC]
I love it.
She looks like a real person.
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genesys-the-hedgehog [2010-11-11 16:25:14 +0000 UTC]
This drawing is just stunning.
Stolen or not, I love it.
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RoseofMay-x [2010-07-29 23:32:32 +0000 UTC]
I really love this drawing, the way it is delicate and simple.
You've got an awesome gallery, you've been improving though out the years.
I have re-made this artwork [link]
Of course it's nowhere close to yours.
Thank you
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SaraFabrizi In reply to RoseofMay-x [2011-01-25 12:21:20 +0000 UTC]
I've seen! Nice work, I really like it! ^^
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azure-requiem [2010-05-17 03:35:51 +0000 UTC]
~ wow. tetsuya nomura would be proud. seriously. you really stuck to his style. i really dig it when people do that.
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riotfaerie [2009-12-25 16:26:11 +0000 UTC]
I love the lineart for this. And the colouring is really nice.
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Byhuldra [2009-09-10 11:02:04 +0000 UTC]
I just found a stolen one and reported it. Nice drawing.
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Byhuldra In reply to SaraFabrizi [2009-11-10 10:51:05 +0000 UTC]
No problem. ^^ (The stolen one's removed now, BTW)
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seredemia [2009-07-10 16:19:26 +0000 UTC]
this is beautiful!! i prefer her with short hair rather than her long one...
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hayner-l0ver [2009-06-10 02:12:55 +0000 UTC]
I'm so happy I found the real artist of this piece of awesome artwork!
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SaraFabrizi In reply to hayner-l0ver [2009-06-10 20:04:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much!
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eosXnox [2009-05-18 22:08:35 +0000 UTC]
nice work as always. don't you hate it when people take credit for work that you have worked your heart on? -///-
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SaraFabrizi In reply to eosXnox [2009-06-06 23:22:50 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. Yes, I HATE people who steal rawings, but I continue to draw because I love to draw... and I'm a better person than their.
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eosXnox In reply to SaraFabrizi [2009-06-08 21:55:30 +0000 UTC]
no, no you're very welcome amen to that! .,_., you took the words right out of my mouth, couldn't of said it better. that's right, because you know who you are & aren't we all here to pursue our passions? :]
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Suffering-Angel [2009-04-24 20:04:55 +0000 UTC]
Looking at pictures like this, I can't help but laugh in the face of people that tell me her and Aqua don't look alike
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RoxaSora714 [2009-04-24 02:18:59 +0000 UTC]
Wow! Kairi looks truly amazing in this pose! Awesome job!
PS: This guy on You Tube was saying that he drew this same picture and saying that it's his. If you wanna know who it is it's this guy (well the video where he claims that he drew the pic): [link] He even entitled it "Kingdom Hearts Drawing by Me!" [If you didn't know that already.]
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SaraFabrizi In reply to RoxaSora714 [2009-04-25 23:09:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much!!
Yes i know this video, and this guy is a thief. I hate people like him, but he is not the first and will not be the last... this makes me angry, but I look forward.
I am an artist, he is an idiot.
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RoxaSora714 In reply to SaraFabrizi [2009-04-25 23:13:40 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!
Yeah, it looks like he printed the picture anyways.
That is so true!
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FISSATYNEKH [2009-01-03 21:25:27 +0000 UTC]
N & X:Ciau Sarina! Infatti ci pareva strano! Avevamo già visto questo disegno girare per certi siti! Ma che fregatura! è proprio un peccato! Ed è proprio per questo che ti preghiamo di dirci come hai fatto a mettere la scritta SARINA! Così non si potrebbe, appunto, rubare un disegno e spacciarlo per proprio! E' una vera ingustizia! Soprattutto per chi ha ideato il disegno, per chi ci ha messo CUORE nel farlo e si è impegnato anke con tutto se stesso!! Purtroppo le persone al mondo non sono tutte corrette come lo siamo noi!
N: e giΓ ... ma che ci si puΓ² fare?
X: Mi.. anzi, ci dispiace molto! Allora la proxima persono che vediamo che spaccia questo disegno per suo penseremo anke noi a fargli una bella strigliata!
PS: i tuoi disegni sono troppo belli!
Un'altra cosina^^ puoi venire a sbirciare la nostra galleria... i disegni sono ankora poki ma è perkè siamo nuove iscritte (T__T)
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FISSATYNEKH [2009-01-03 21:23:52 +0000 UTC]
N & X:Ciau Sarina! Infatti ci pareva strano! Avevamo già visto questo disegno girare per certi siti! Ma che fregatura! è proprio un peccato! Ed è proprio per questo che ti preghiamo di dirci come hai fatto a mettere la scritta SARINA! Così non si potrebbe, appunto, rubare un disegno e spacciarlo per proprio! E' una vera ingustizia! Soprattutto per chi ha ideato il disegno, per chi ci ha messo CUORE nel farlo e si è impegnato anke con tutto se stesso!! Purtroppo le persone al mondo non sono tutte corrette come lo siamo noi!
N: e giΓ ... ma che ci si puΓ² fare?
X: Mi.. anzi, ci dispiace molto! Allora la proxima persono che vediamo che spaccia questo disegno per suo penseremo anke noi a fargli una bella strigliata!
PS: i tuoi disegni sono troppo belli!
Un'altra cosina^^ puoi venire a sbirciare la nostra galleria... i disegni sono ankora poki ma è perkè siamo nuove iscritte (T__T)
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SaraFabrizi In reply to FISSATYNEKH [2009-01-04 00:20:30 +0000 UTC]
Vi ringrazio siete molto gentili!!! ^^ Bè non bisogna scoraggiarsi, nemmeno di fronte a certe brutte persone... Certo che passo a vedere la vostra galleria!!
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FISSATYNEKH In reply to SaraFabrizi [2009-01-04 20:41:31 +0000 UTC]
N & X: In effetti hai ragione! MAI SCORAGGIARSI!
Xiahko: EEEH... nel corso della vita ce ne saranno tante di persone schifose come queste U.U
NEXVALINA: e giΓ ...
N & X: Comunque grazie per aver visitato la galleria! E' ancora un pΓ² povera ma speriamo di riempirla come si deve!^^ THANK YOU
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Namine1023 [2009-01-01 04:46:39 +0000 UTC]
Would if someone drew that but said that they saw it on the internet and drew it but gave the credit to you
I know how you feel
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SaraFabrizi In reply to XxDarkMousyxXx [2008-12-28 13:26:54 +0000 UTC]
This is my draw. Some people stolen me it. But i'ts MINE. I am tired of saying this every time. My style is unmistakable, watching my other drawings, first to speak.
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XxDarkMousyxXx In reply to SaraFabrizi [2008-12-28 21:23:52 +0000 UTC]
I know the person who did draw this. I can get the exact copy. It was drawn about 3 years ago.
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SaraFabrizi In reply to XxDarkMousyxXx [2008-12-29 16:29:34 +0000 UTC]
Oh my god -.- Well, this person is a liar. I designed this many years ago, and I removed from deviantART because people have stolen it. Then I returned with the copyright in all my drawings, because this does not happen more.
Ask this person to show you the original, I am just curious. Don't you see that is my stile? this person that you say has my same style?! Let me see her deviantART account. I want to see it -.-
I am a real artist, and I know this is made by me. ...however I do not have to waste time with these unfounded accusations, so believe what you want....
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XxDarkMousyxXx In reply to SaraFabrizi [2008-12-30 01:53:06 +0000 UTC]
Im sorry then. Please accept my apology.
It was...childish of me, to even worry about this so much.
Forgive me.
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TrollKingIzzy In reply to SaraFabrizi [2008-08-30 13:23:42 +0000 UTC]
its OK it's is really cool
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