Saoiru — Her World

Published: 2009-04-22 05:24:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1004; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 22
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Description Uploaded a day late, because I made the mistake of checking my messages first, and got intimidated by all the art that was so much better than mine OTL
I don't really like how this turned out :/ The only thing I'm satisfied about is her dress haha~ ....Usually, there's a lot of stuff in tide pools, but I got a bit lazy |D That and I wasn't sure what else is in them >>;;

So uh...Drew this, because I've been finding myself wishing I could go back to the good old days, back when I was still unaware of the real world, and everyday was filled with fun. I remember back when I used to live in North Carolina, my mum would take me to these beaches, and while everyone else was off collecting seashells/tanning etc, the main attraction for me would be the tide pools And I still love them.

Ahaha~ Wow, it's so full of mistakes, now that I look again. OTL OTL OTL

Lame....story prelude thing.

And categories never fail to confuse me 8B

Edit: BTW. That girl's not meant to be a 4-yo me haha she's just someone random I threw in to set the theme.

Second Edit: OH GAAAAAAAAAH. -just realized it looks horrible on some moniters- I dunno how to fix it, though ;n; B-but if you use a laptop, tilt your screen back so it's almost flat?? That seems to help. OTL

Edit THREE: (OTL) She does have an eyebrow. and even an eyelid. -should've made her hair lighter.
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Comments: 23

RikRedwolf [2009-07-12 22:07:27 +0000 UTC]

it looks great ;o!

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Saoiru In reply to RikRedwolf [2009-07-21 20:55:50 +0000 UTC]

FFF so sorry for the late reply D8>

Thank you so much~!

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RikRedwolf In reply to Saoiru [2009-07-21 21:38:16 +0000 UTC]

you';re welcome

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jezaica-kitsune [2009-06-21 18:33:28 +0000 UTC]

this is such a pretty picture!

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Saoiru In reply to jezaica-kitsune [2009-06-21 20:17:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! :'D

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jezaica-kitsune In reply to Saoiru [2009-06-22 15:38:36 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome!

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Ya-Ha666 [2009-05-09 03:41:12 +0000 UTC]

simple...but beautiful... i love it XD

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Saoiru In reply to Ya-Ha666 [2009-05-09 05:19:48 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhhhh thank you so much! ;m;

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Ya-Ha666 In reply to Saoiru [2009-05-09 11:33:58 +0000 UTC]

your welcomee XD

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Nuzai [2009-04-25 00:46:02 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I'm not one to get nostalgic (EVER), but this really made me miss the good old days! It reminded me of a field trip in 1st grade that we took to Alkai Beach; we looked in the tide pools there too. 8'D

Back on topic, OMG TSAKI. Your style is seriously evolving, and you're getting so much better! <333 Not that you weren't awesome before, but yougetthepoint ;D

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Saoiru In reply to Nuzai [2009-04-26 23:12:44 +0000 UTC]

ROFL. Buh. Back then, it was all fun and no stress...STRESS STRESS STRESS ARGH.

Anyway, wahhh thank you ;u; XD

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llifi-kei [2009-04-24 00:12:55 +0000 UTC]

Aww, I really like the concept behind this piece, it's so sweet The texturing you used is cool, and her hair is so shiiiny... *__* Nice work!

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Saoiru In reply to llifi-kei [2009-04-26 23:13:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ;o;

I used one of Photoshop's default filters, since I feel I'm too inexperienced to use an actual texture well xD

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syncaidia [2009-04-23 01:31:53 +0000 UTC]

Aww this is really cute...but at the same time really sad. If I could relive my childhood again, I would! >^<

The girl looks adorable, and she has the same hair as me hehe. I love how you did the puddle too, it looks really deep as if it's another world (was that your intention?)

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Saoiru In reply to syncaidia [2009-04-23 03:15:27 +0000 UTC]

Same here ;n; If I could go back and revisit, I would, but I wouldn't just set life on repeat and continue an endless loop of my childhood

I dunno why, but I really like that hair style |D I plan on cutting my hair that way when it grows out long enough~

Sort of (: I wanted it to look like the water...was sort of like a barrier. Like you could see through it, but couldn't enter. But the girl could, since her feet/leg was in it I-I still suck at explanations OTL Mm...Kind of like how adults can see that a child's in their own world, but they can't enter.

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fatedartist [2009-04-22 23:55:08 +0000 UTC]

I think its cute even though you don't like it... I love the texture the best. I SOOO can't wait to see moar art.

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Saoiru In reply to fatedartist [2009-04-23 03:07:52 +0000 UTC]

ROFL Thanks C:

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thesweetlife [2009-04-22 10:43:08 +0000 UTC]

its simple and beautiful
I really like it

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Saoiru In reply to thesweetlife [2009-04-22 22:32:54 +0000 UTC]

I was trying to go for a soft, simple look, I'm glad I could get it through |D

Thank you very much!

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Mizuhiki [2009-04-22 07:22:02 +0000 UTC]

I think it's pretty durn great! I just love the picture. very soft and pastel-y!

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Saoiru In reply to Mizuhiki [2009-04-22 22:34:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

I wanted a sort of textured look, so it's like...it's in the distance, and sort of faded around the edges, like a memory C:

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dArkeRiaNnE [2009-04-22 06:38:24 +0000 UTC]

so dreamy

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Saoiru In reply to dArkeRiaNnE [2009-04-22 22:33:12 +0000 UTC]

M-maybe I daydream a bit to much?? |D;;;

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