Sami06 — Shut Up!

Published: 2014-09-04 18:39:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 11573; Favourites: 531; Downloads: 0
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Description Polychromo  + Pastell
about 30x40cm

O totaly failed in his tattoo ... but .. actually it's not so bad X'D ... I haven't found the undo button ... damn you, traditional media XD

pls check the steps here: fav.me/d7xxntv

PS can someone explain me why this thumb link don't want to work ? look -->
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Comments: 43

Anolee [2014-12-04 21:05:59 +0000 UTC]

(Is this canon?)

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Pikahopp [2014-09-26 19:07:15 +0000 UTC]

That tattoo!   

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Clareesi [2014-09-26 11:25:16 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful work! Yes, the lack of ctrl-z in traditional media is a bitch ^^!

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Drizzerey [2014-09-23 16:01:21 +0000 UTC]

featured this in my journal

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BellaLoona91 [2014-09-11 11:27:18 +0000 UTC]

wow it looks great! I love the tattoo 

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TheGhostOfGilgamesh [2014-09-10 03:10:28 +0000 UTC]

I cannot wait until this happens in the comic.  (If this happens in the comic).  Soon I hope, though from recent events, I'm guessing not anytime soon

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Sil-Coke [2014-09-09 23:35:13 +0000 UTC]

Ich mag einfach deine Art Küssen und Zärtlichkeiten zu zeichnen. Sie wirken nicht so, weiß nicht, wie ich es am besten ausdrücken soll, gewollt, oder auf Biegen und Brechen. Deine Wirken meist sanft und zart. Real und sinnlich. Du hast wirklich eine Gabe dafür Moment einzufangen und sie rüber zu bringen.
Lieben$wert ist einer meiner Lieblingsmanga geworden, allein wegen deines tollen Zeichenstils. Der Story natürlich auch, aber zu erst war es deine Zeichnung, die mich ansprach.

Ich hoffe nur, dass der Manga nicht irgendwann abgebrochen wird. Ich würde ihn gerne komplett in meinem Schrank stehen haben.

Wirklich Respekt! *like*

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norali [2014-09-09 00:33:07 +0000 UTC]

adorable, I love this couple far too much. wonderful as always!

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Arivina [2014-09-08 14:38:28 +0000 UTC]

  so lovely! You're so awesome!   

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PaintFairy [2014-09-07 02:08:52 +0000 UTC]

After looking at the step by step, I'm really curious about your process, I know you broke it down, but I'd love to just sit and watch you draw, its fascinating

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MonicaLikesGiraffes [2014-09-06 16:04:51 +0000 UTC]

Omg this is perfection!! I love it so much!!!

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LostbunniesofWendy [2014-09-06 02:51:39 +0000 UTC]

The tatoo is awesome as your imagen!

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aes012912 [2014-09-06 02:03:43 +0000 UTC]

This is great! But I gotta know what story the other comments are referring to?  

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PaintFairy In reply to aes012912 [2014-09-07 02:07:18 +0000 UTC]

Sami06's comic, which is freakin' awesome

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monkeyluver199 [2014-09-06 00:12:02 +0000 UTC]


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Fhyrr [2014-09-05 23:46:36 +0000 UTC]

Spoiler Alert. T_T Haha!

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shiori-summer [2014-09-05 22:17:33 +0000 UTC]

Die Farben auf dem Bild sind voll schön und allgemein ist das Bild voll schön. Ich mag es :3

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CountryChic7 [2014-09-05 18:43:39 +0000 UTC]

I really like this drawing.

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Horrika [2014-09-05 17:01:35 +0000 UTC]

thumbnail links funktionieren eigentlich nur wenn man premium member ist soweit ich weiß...

und normalerweise reicht es dann, die so zu posten:

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Sami06 In reply to Horrika [2014-09-05 17:14:57 +0000 UTC]

ja genau das funzt ned... im edit modus erscheint das mild, aber sobal gespeichert siehst du nur den text wie oben...
ich will kein premium member werden... bin doch so schon pleite ;___;

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Horrika In reply to Sami06 [2014-09-07 22:45:24 +0000 UTC]

dann arbeite weiter mit links
das reicht doch

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Asahi-sensei [2014-09-05 07:51:19 +0000 UTC]

(i think if you don't make that happen one day you'll have hundreds of angry fangirls on your back.... you're doomed now xD ) 

very well colored and draw (i keep forgetting the past form of the verb to draw, please forgive me) 

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KrystalKlearBlue [2014-09-05 03:46:25 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I thought this was the next page at first! (Wait it's not is it... @_@)

This is really awesome and cute though! Daimon is so sexy! XD

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Arcalian [2014-09-05 03:06:57 +0000 UTC]

yes shut up and kissssss and then other things hahaha

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Kawino [2014-09-05 00:42:21 +0000 UTC]

Amazing .

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DarkerEve [2014-09-05 00:32:58 +0000 UTC]

That's just freaking Cute and sexy, awesome kiss scene.

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historianGirl [2014-09-05 00:32:51 +0000 UTC]


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QuirkyBrainiac [2014-09-05 00:19:13 +0000 UTC]

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Shen-fn-Woo [2014-09-04 22:04:12 +0000 UTC]

What would be absolutely amazingly funny, is if you used only those 3 colored pencils to make that drawing....  XD

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Aleynia [2014-09-04 21:24:13 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaww, this is beautiful!

Hey Crystal, if he's a bad kisser, beat him with a stick.

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LadyCamafeo [2014-09-04 21:08:22 +0000 UTC]

No! Sami! no! definitelly you leave us like that with that last page and now you post this? you're playing with my feels!! xDDDD  

In other ways, I love the way you give color with pencils, they look great!

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Sami06 In reply to LadyCamafeo [2014-09-04 21:16:42 +0000 UTC]

oh goood X'D I'm sorry XDDDDDD ;D
I made this for a convention next weekend so I have to do it now XD

you make me so much laughing  XD

Thank you so much dear

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katzuia [2014-09-04 20:55:15 +0000 UTC]

Amazing work !

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Sami06 In reply to katzuia [2014-09-04 21:16:53 +0000 UTC]

thank you ^w^

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AkiaWalker [2014-09-04 19:02:11 +0000 UTC]

Is this what's going to happen on the next page? - 3 -

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Sami06 In reply to AkiaWalker [2014-09-04 19:48:47 +0000 UTC]

naaah not really X'D 

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AkiaWalker In reply to Sami06 [2014-09-04 22:02:01 +0000 UTC]

Way to burst my bubble. ಠnಠ

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PunkMikeTaylor [2014-09-04 18:54:34 +0000 UTC]

Das Tattoo sieht geil aus ja! XD
I love it <3
Cute couple x3

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Sami06 In reply to PunkMikeTaylor [2014-09-04 19:48:55 +0000 UTC]

hui danke XD

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EliaPigeon [2014-09-04 18:52:08 +0000 UTC]

love it!

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Sami06 In reply to EliaPigeon [2014-09-04 19:49:01 +0000 UTC]

thank you ^^

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WMieczkowska [2014-09-04 18:40:22 +0000 UTC]

OMG AWESOME! I love it!!    

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Sami06 In reply to WMieczkowska [2014-09-04 19:49:17 +0000 UTC]

yay thank you

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