Saints-Of-Ravens — |VERTWICK SHORE| Jude Baldwin

#1920s #application #newengland #shore #vertwick #vertwickshore #africanamerican #lovecraftian #rpgroup
Published: 2019-05-17 19:48:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 1023; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Name: Judith Clementine Baldwin

Nickname: Jude | Judy (rare)

Age: 33

Gender: Female | She/Her
Height: 5'8"

Occupation: Farmer - Co-owener of C.C.'s Market & Butchery


+ Compassionate | + Nurturing | + Optimistic | + Honest | + Reliable
- Bashful | - Apprehensive  | - Guarded | - Particular  


Judith is a native of Delaware where her family made their living from farming and selling their harvests. At the age of 10, she began aiding her grandparents gather vegetables, fruits and grains. When she grew older, her father and uncles taught her the ins and outs of the business. Early mornings her mother would wake Judith up to help load the trucks for transporting produce to the town markets before getting ready for school. Some days were missed due to her going on those trips. She mostly kept around her father or uncle, who told stories of their first trips to the market and experiences afterwards. Judith would also man the station, making sales with buyers whenever the adults had to be away necessarily. While by herself, she met and befriended a young man named Cassidy Watkins, whose parents were also selling goods at the market not too far from where her station was. Judith was cautious of him at first since she kept to herself as her father instructed. After talking and plenty of joke on his end, she warmed up to Cassidy. He introduced himself immediatley to her father and uncles soon after they returned. After getting the proper introductions between the adults, it was approved Judith and Cassidy getting to know each other. He'd show her around the rest of the market, meeting vendors he acquainted with in the past. The two had gotten close with every trip and stayed in touch outside the markets, writing letters then via telephone once Judith's family managed to purchase one. When they both graduated high school, Cassidy brought up the idea of the two of them going into the food market business together. Judith was unsure about it but he convinced her that they can raise the money needed to go off on their own. Years passed as they juggled college, jobs and saving but by the time the two were in their late twenties, their financial goal was realized. They packed up, said goodbyes to their familes and set off up north.

Searching for a place to settle down proved difficult and most times disheartening. Either the cities were too expensive or rual towns just didn't have the desired space or had no need of another market. They were close to giving up if it had not been for a townsperson telling them about a port town on the coast called Vertwick Shore. It was remote and kinda gloomy, but could hold promise. And promise it did. It wasn't much but they managed to get decent sized building to lease not too far from town square. The place underwent some rennovating to an extent and before long C.C.'s Market & Butchery was ready to open. Beginning business started off rocky as town citizens didn't deal with outsiders too much. Eventually customers rolled in. Two and half years have passed, gloomy Vertwick begrudgingly accepted these two into its clammy embrace. In turn, Judith and Cassidy could finally call it home. Lately, the Market's been ran solo by Judith. Cassidy's out of commission due to being in a boating accident. All of what could be recalled was the two were out fishing then all of a sudden water started waving then kicked up to harsh waves. Their boat lashed about and the rest was... well the rest she couldn't remember after that point. There was a huge wave. Loud screaming with something else? She did feel water but that's it. Judith woke up in the Hospital of Saint Mary. Doctors said she was found on the beach with pieces of their boat scattered about. Cassidy was found laid out among the rocks and in intensive care. She had a nasty wound on her thigh, like a gashing or hard scrubbing, which was speculated she might have been caught between some rocks before being swept to shore. Now, business hours were cut down with her caring for her friend as well as her own health. 



   9 - Strength

   11 - Dexterity

   5 - Intelligence

   6 - Perception

   4 - Luck

   7 - Charisma

Points: 200

Since the accident, Jude walks with a limp
- She grows a clemetine tree at home
- She hears hushed voices on occassion
- Goes to the beach where she was found for some reason...
- Likes listening to jazz
- Goes fishing on the pier
- She very worried about Cassidy but hides it well 

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Comments: 9

godheads [2019-05-21 02:40:22 +0000 UTC]

hello,,, hello i look at her str and dex and i want to kiss her

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saints-Of-Ravens In reply to godheads [2019-05-21 16:57:41 +0000 UTC]

heehee~ She's a thoroughly working woman. Years of farming have definitely paid off

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SuperTiti09 [2019-05-20 18:14:25 +0000 UTC]

hi Jude!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saints-Of-Ravens In reply to SuperTiti09 [2019-05-21 15:39:25 +0000 UTC]

She says hello lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tortaleenie [2019-05-18 03:29:38 +0000 UTC]

i want her to HOLD ME

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saints-Of-Ravens In reply to tortaleenie [2019-05-18 17:08:14 +0000 UTC]

She HOLDS YOU gently 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheTubich [2019-05-17 20:24:05 +0000 UTC]

Awesome job   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saints-Of-Ravens In reply to TheTubich [2019-05-17 23:21:56 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheTubich In reply to Saints-Of-Ravens [2019-05-18 00:06:09 +0000 UTC]


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