Saekira — [MysMe OC] Hye-Rim Park | Profile

Published: 2018-10-26 21:14:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 2643; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 5
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Thanks to my dear friend Sinbad-no-Bouken I finally got my shit together and created an OC for Mystic Messenger. I already have Hye-Rim for a few months, but never uploaded her till now. Idk why tho, lol.
I had so many Mystic Messenger OCs, but none of them sticked with me. I wanted an OC who is different than all the ones I've seen - and a badass one too because I have a weakness for them, ahem.
I don't know what to say anymore. Her bio will take me forever to write out because of all the story ideas I have for her. Seriously, that's way too much and I am already scared to write it down.

I talked with a few people about Mystic Messenger today so I thought I could finally upload my girl before I forget it again
You're not allowed to use my OCs or art in any way, shape, or form.
Moreover you're not allowed to review my OCs without my permission!

Hye-Rim Park and Art © Saekira
Mystic Messenger © Cheritz
Background picture © Kiyopan

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Comments: 25

Goldstargirl [2019-01-05 14:52:25 +0000 UTC]

I'm finally commenting on stuff so sorry for the spam-// 

Hye-Rim has such a nice design, I'm in love with her hair like, it's so pretty?? And also because it's a hair color you don't see often and it totally compliments her overall look, her outfit is totally badass I love the hacker omg I also like how she's an underground hacker AND a university student. I think it's cute that she likes seas monsters, I can't wait to see more of her and her bio ovo

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morg-san [2018-12-22 18:09:42 +0000 UTC]

mystic messenger hell always has such lovely ocs, such as yours

let me just say hye-rim's hair is astounding. her color pallet looks so cool, and i really like the shading for it. i really do like the shading for it as well. and i like the dice earring that is hiding by her hair, it is a lovely detail

her outfit is also really nice. i like the shirt underneath her jacket, i think it looks really cute, and it really matches. her jacket is really simple, but detailed too. the brown pockets really match tbh. her little gloves are really nice as well, and it makes her look the part of a hacker

for some reason, hackers are usually really intriguing to me in mystic messenger. like seven, for example. hye-rim already looks the part of a skilled hacker, and i'm curious about how she used to be when she was a hacker. and i see she is paired with Seven, and I'm already interested

overall, i'm really interested in this babe and i hope to see more of her

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bakawomans [2018-10-27 13:55:54 +0000 UTC]

Her earring is such amazing thing, I love such things till death sorry not sorry
At first I saw her appearance with Kiyo's part of your Art Trade so I waited for her character sheet. I'm glad to see it finally! *-*
*can't stop staring at her hair 'kay it seems like I have kinda guilty pleasure to green haired OCs *
Also her outfit is completely super cool! Maybe I love it even more 'cause I'm a huge fan of white color, buuuuut it's just W O W anyway.
Also I'm very curious about her and 707's relationships. Is there any info about it?

Yepp actually I read all info you gave me about your precious children but I need some time for to comment it all properly

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saekira In reply to bakawomans [2018-10-27 16:37:18 +0000 UTC]

Ah, finally someone who noticed her earring! I am glad you like such things! I love them too to be honest ;w;
Yes, it took me a long time to upload it even though it was drawn a long time ago. I don't know why I'm like this
And I am happy you like looking at her! I love green hair too and I always wanted a green-haired OC, but never made one until now ♥
Aksjdjdsk I enjoyed designing her outfit. I'm glad you like it too. It means a lot to me dear ;v;
I also love that color! Especially when it has a nice contrast!
I still need to write their relationship out, but if you like I can tell you about them! I am happy you are interested ♥ However, it would contain spoilers. Would that be okay or not?

Take all the time you need! I will wait patiently c:

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bakawomans In reply to Saekira [2019-03-15 01:06:09 +0000 UTC]

I don't mind read spoiles so YOHOO, I'll wait for it ;v;

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megu--san [2018-10-27 13:06:45 +0000 UTC]


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Saekira In reply to megu--san [2018-10-27 16:33:42 +0000 UTC]


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megu--san In reply to Saekira [2018-10-27 18:01:53 +0000 UTC]


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mokiiro [2018-10-27 00:44:09 +0000 UTC]


I love her OOF I like her spunk and she looks great! Her hair color is really nice ; A ; 
she can step on m e anyday

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saekira In reply to mokiiro [2018-10-27 11:13:29 +0000 UTC]


Thank you so much, honestly I'm happy you like her design that much! It took me forever to come up with her
I'm also glad you like her hair! I rarely go for colorful hair, but I'm happy I was brave enough to do it this time.

That's such a compliment omg-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mokiiro In reply to Saekira [2018-10-28 00:21:22 +0000 UTC]


You're welcome!! <3 It was so worth then omg x'D
Colorful hair is always so fun t o go for tbh but I'm happy to see that you got the courage to try it out! 

LOL yes like oof I'll be ready for he r

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Saekira In reply to mokiiro [2018-11-03 17:20:46 +0000 UTC]

I miss it so much to be honest

I agree with you! Colorful hair can look super nice and pretty. I'm happy I got more courageous with it.
Thank you for saying that!

She's on her way

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mokiiro In reply to Saekira [2018-11-05 04:29:41 +0000 UTC]

tbh same even though I lost sleep for these wonderful characters LOL

I'm glad you did too! She's very beautiful! UwU and she looks great next to Saeyoung too! I would love to learn more about her if you're okay with sharing ;;w;;
You're welcome!! >w<


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Saekira In reply to mokiiro [2018-11-06 16:59:36 +0000 UTC]

Same here, I can relate so much

Thank you once again! I am really happy to hear that ;w;
And I am also glad you think she'd look nice next to Saeyong! That's such a cute compliment-
Of course~ I still didn't finish writing her bio (because I am scared that I'll mess it up haha), but I can still tell you more about her via discord or note if you like?
You can also ask me if you want to know something specific and I'll gladly answer! I'm honestly happy about your interest ;7;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mokiiro In reply to Saekira [2018-11-06 23:04:32 +0000 UTC]

I’m here thinking like “oh no they’re probably trying to call me to ask if I ate or not” lol xD

you’re welcome!! >3< yes yes! I like how their different hair colors clash with each other :’ D
omg no worries!! (I feel on the scaring you’ll mess up part haha) but that would be amazing! discord would be best tbh I’ll send you a DM! <3
aHH I WILL!! I’ve got some questions to ask so I’ll let you know in the DMs x3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jixelioz [2018-10-26 23:32:58 +0000 UTC]

ohmygod she is gorgeous, literally 
her outfit and everything matches her so much 
and omg her hair is just goals
i love her already

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saekira In reply to Jixelioz [2018-10-27 11:22:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! ❤ I'm happy so many people like her design because it was such a struggle.
Seriously, I appreciate your lovely compliments a lot!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jixelioz In reply to Saekira [2018-10-27 23:01:31 +0000 UTC]

your welcome!! well you did a great job with it!! 

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ani--baka [2018-10-26 22:28:00 +0000 UTC]


It's been forever since I've seen an OC from that fandom, and your new babe looks A M A Z I N G

Cyan's hair is definitely the most eyepopping part. I don't see green haired OCs, and she just fits so much. It has volume too. HUGE fan of that outfit as well.

I think her occupation as a hacker is interesting, since it kinda contrasts with MM's concept.

Overall, this waifu is great!! who is she paired with though?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saekira In reply to ani--baka [2018-10-27 11:17:55 +0000 UTC]


Same here tho tbh :'D I'm glad you like her appearance! She is not that new though - I just never uploaded her, ahem.

Thank you so much for saying that. It means a lot! I am usually too scared to try crazier hair colours, but I'm glad I did it this time.
Seriously, thank you! I feel very proud now because I came up with the outfit without any references etc. lmao

That's good to hear ;A; I actually have many ideas for her. As for example she will be more an antagonist at first

Ani, you make me blush once again. How dare u
She is shipped with 707 I know many ship with him, but I can't help but love him so yea WHATEVER

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HeyItsTeiLee [2018-10-26 22:00:51 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I love the hair~
Her name is also pretty! It has a pretty meaning, no matter how you write it! Lol, I'm sorry just over here studying Korean... ripp
You make me want to make an OC now, lol.
I have a Korean OC but she's not Mystic Messanger. She's a/my character in a story I'm writing.

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Saekira In reply to HeyItsTeiLee [2018-10-27 11:23:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you once again ❤ I'm glad you like her hair and name!
Finally someone who says something about her name, lol.
And yes, I paid attention to the meaning when I searched for Korean names! I'm glad you like this one.
Korean is awesome so I cannot blame you
Do it! Create one ewe
Sounds cool though~

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HeyItsTeiLee In reply to Saekira [2018-10-27 15:52:35 +0000 UTC]

No problem! ^^
Lol, I've never seen that name before so I actually had to go and refresh my memory.
I do too! Though sometimes it's hard to find an arcuate meaning for name - especially in Japanese.
Honestly it is. It's a tad bit hard but nothing too I can't do.
Maybe I will! I'll let you know if I do!
She is. Her name is Choi Ji-Yeon (or Jiyeon).

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Kiyopan [2018-10-26 22:00:02 +0000 UTC]



ICH FREU MICH SO, DASS DU SIE ENDLICH MAL HIER ZEIGST! Und noch mehr freue ich mich, dass du mein Bild vom AT auf das Profil gepackt hast <33333 *schniefischnief*

Du hast aber recht, sie ist wirklich anders im Vergleich zu anderen MysMes OCs. Und das gefällt mir sehr <3

Ich freu mich schon auf ihre Bio huehuehue        

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saekira In reply to Kiyopan [2018-10-27 11:25:55 +0000 UTC]

Ja, nach 484954 Jahren habe ich sie endlich hochgeladen ö w ö

Und es freut mich, dass du dich freust?! LIKE REALLY.
Yes, ich fand, dass das gut hineingepasst hat. Außerdem liebe ich das Bild viel zu sehr ;w;

Freut mich sehr, dass zu hören ❤ Ich hab mir Mühe gegeben sie von der Masse abzuheben

Hoffe es wird dir gefallen 

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