#halloween #seamonster #monstersmash #halloween2018
Published: 2018-10-07 08:07:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 6394; Favourites: 119; Downloads: 16
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ENGLISHDay 7 - Aquard (Sea Monster)
"Aquard is a kind of mixture of several marine animals the size and shape of a man, a horrible monster of origin, it is rumored by several sailors, saying that it appears breaking into the ships that sail through the Pacific Ocean to kill their navigators, Probably to avenge humans for polluting their waters or to avoid fishing and to protect underwater life.It is not known exactly its origin, some say that this beast arose from the lost city of Atlantida, others say that it is the result of A mutation by polluted waters and others say it is a result of the emergence of all life that came from the ocean millions of years ago.At any rate, Aquard left the surface for the first time to end a greater threat that could endanger its waters. "
- High voltage: Aquard uses his eel tail to electrocute his rival.
- Bubble Protector: Aquard spits out of his mouth a huge bubble that leaves his opponent locked, and then with his tentacles hits his opponent and being in the bubble before it explodes, bounces with the screen doing strong damage with each rebound.
- Swirl: Aquard is launched against his opponent as a torpedo while spinning with the force of a whirlpool.
Special move - Atlantic Tsunami: With the strength of Poseidon, Aquard invokes an erotic Tsunami that attacks his opponent with several sea creatures ramming him.
Finisher moves:
- Aquatic tomb: Aquard generates an incredibly deep puddle,then a giant tentacle take the oponnet and after smashing on the ground, jumps along with the puddle, and then shows how Aquard swims towards the deepest and darkest of the sea with his opponent drowning, and before that both disappear in the dark, you can see how the opponent dies.
- Shark Attack: No matter what surface it is on, Aquard jumps to the ground inside as if it were water, sticking out his dorsal fin he starts swimming in circles near his unconscious opponent, until he suddenly appears behind, he takes it from a fierce bite and it takes it to the bottom, where drowned screams are heard, bubbles come out and the "water" suddenly stains with blood.
- Basic
- Revenge of the shirmps (Crustaceo)
- Creep of the Deep (Abyssal)
- Royal swamp (Prince frog)
Character made by rizegreymon22 (I mean) not to use without my permission.
Día 7 - Aquard (Monstruo marino)
"Aquard es una especie de mezcla de varios animales marinos del tamaño y forma de un hombre, un horrible monstruo de origen, se rumorea por varios marineros, diciendo que aparece irrumpiendo en los barcos que navegan por el océano pacifico para asesinar a sus navegantes, probablemente para vengarse de los humanos por contaminar sus aguas o para evitar la pesca y proteger a la vida submarina. No se sabe exactamente su origen, unos dicen que esa bestia surgió de la ciudad perdida de la Atlantida, otros dicen que es el resultado de una mutación por aguas contaminadas y otros dicen que es un resultado del surgimiento de toda la vida que provino del océano hace millones de años. Sea como sea, Aquard salió por primera vez de la superficie para acabar con una amenaza mayor que podría poner en peligro sus aguas."
- Alto voltaje: Aquard usa su cola de anguila para electrocutar a su rival.
- Burbuja protectora: Aquard escupa de su boca una enorme burbuja que deja encerrado a su rival, y después con sus tentáculos golpea a su oponente y estando en la burbuja antes de que estalle, rebota con la pantalla haciendo fuerte daño con cada rebote.
- Remolino: Aquard se lanza contra su rival como torpedo mientras gira con la fuerza de un remolino.
Movimiento especial - Tsunami atlántico: Con la fuerza de Poseidon, Aquard invoca un erorme Tsunami que embiste a su oponente con varias criaturas marinas embistiéndolo.
Movimientos finales:
- Tumba acuática: Aquard genera un charco increiblemente profundo, toma a su oponente por el cuello con su tentáculo, salta junto con el al charco, y acontinuación se muestra como Aquard nada hacia lo mas profundo y oscuro del mar con su oponente ahogándose, y antes de que ambos desaparezcan en la oscuridad, se puede ver como el oponente muere ahogado.
- Ataque de tiburón: No importa en que superficie esta, Aquard salta hacia al suelo dentro como si fuera agua, asomando su aleta dorsal empieza a nadar en círculos cerca de su oponente inconciente, hasta que de repente aparece detrás, lo toma de un feroz mordisco y lo lleva hasta el fondo, donde se escuchan gritos ahogados, salen burbujas y el "agua" de repente se tiñe de sangre.
- Básico
- Venganza de los mariscos (Crustaceo)
- Terror de las profundidades (Abisal)
- Pantano real (Principe rana)
Personaje hecho por rizegreymon22 (Osea yo) no usar sin mi permiso.
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Comments: 13
SDrockwells [2021-01-26 07:03:02 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
UltimateGamer64 [2018-10-07 14:14:34 +0000 UTC]
I Wonder How Will You Make Alternate Skins For Slenderman.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
UltimateGamer64 [2018-10-07 11:12:16 +0000 UTC]
Didn't He (Or She) Used To Have Squid Hands???
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
DCM1302 In reply to UltimateGamer64 [2018-10-08 00:03:58 +0000 UTC]
They're inside the claws.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Dukurow In reply to BulbaFriend [2018-10-07 12:49:24 +0000 UTC]
“Sailors take warning, ladies and gentlemen! We have ourselves a new addition to the roster who hates the fishing industry with a passion that runs as deep as the ocean and claws that aren’t just for show! With Aquard in the ring, y’all can be sure that the briny blue is about to
ecome the briny red! Go forth, demon of the depths, and avenge every seafood meal ever consumed!”
Comment meant for .
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BulbaFriend In reply to Dukurow [2018-10-07 13:52:30 +0000 UTC]
Those claws are just for attracting mates!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Thunderboi06 In reply to BulbaFriend [2024-11-13 05:37:50 +0000 UTC]
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