Published: 2010-10-28 15:41:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 894; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 3
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whoaaaa it's my first Alice's fanarti love her sooo much, and i hope i make it well, what do you think abot my fanart? please tell me
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Comments: 21
PhantomLatte [2011-07-02 05:34:05 +0000 UTC]
Thats really pretty!
I love how the clocks look!<3
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ohprocrastinator [2010-11-14 03:05:22 +0000 UTC]
backgroundnya.... gimana bikin backgroundnyaaaa
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rumifalcon In reply to ohprocrastinator [2010-11-14 05:04:38 +0000 UTC]
itu gampang kok re! keliatannya ribet, padahal mah simpel!
jangan mewek lah....hahaha
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ohprocrastinator In reply to rumifalcon [2010-11-17 00:48:23 +0000 UTC]
hahahahh tapi aku pengen mewek gimana dong jiakakakakak
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rumifalcon In reply to ohprocrastinator [2010-11-17 01:11:34 +0000 UTC]
janganaannn dong! nanti dicium eilif loh...HAHAHAHHAHA *slaped
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ohprocrastinator In reply to rumifalcon [2010-11-17 01:13:15 +0000 UTC]
hihihi nggak apa apa koook asal jangan ketauan rie aja~
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rumifalcon In reply to ohprocrastinator [2010-11-17 02:34:08 +0000 UTC]
waahhhhh bererti iree mau dicium eilif dong! hahahahahahaha
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ohprocrastinator In reply to rumifalcon [2010-11-23 09:25:58 +0000 UTC]
jiakakakka mau mau aja dicium bishie mah
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rumifalcon In reply to ohprocrastinator [2010-11-24 14:19:31 +0000 UTC]
hahahahaha bishie dana banci XDD *digaroteilif
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ohprocrastinator In reply to rumifalcon [2010-11-27 00:13:16 +0000 UTC]
jiakakakaak gimana sih dikau jelekin oc sendiri
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rumifalcon In reply to ohprocrastinator [2010-11-28 01:20:48 +0000 UTC]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA iyaa daripada ocku dijelekin orang laen, mending kujelek2in sendiri XD *dasargila
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ohprocrastinator In reply to rumifalcon [2010-12-24 02:29:02 +0000 UTC]
ahhahaha iya sih si fire juga pas mantap banget *apaan tuh
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rumifalcon In reply to ohprocrastinator [2010-12-25 04:45:42 +0000 UTC]
haha kayak nama acara di trans7 itu :3
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becksatiger [2010-10-28 15:42:54 +0000 UTC]
That's really good - I like her pose and hair x3
The clocks are pretty snazzy and the colouring's awesome
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rumifalcon In reply to becksatiger [2010-10-28 15:45:38 +0000 UTC]
thank you
emm how do i call you, anyway?
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becksatiger In reply to rumifalcon [2010-10-28 15:53:27 +0000 UTC]
Beccie ^^
Should I call you Rumi :3?
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rumifalcon In reply to becksatiger [2010-10-28 16:00:18 +0000 UTC]
ok beccie
haha yes, as you like actually
hopefully we can be a good friend ^^
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becksatiger In reply to rumifalcon [2010-10-28 16:46:28 +0000 UTC]
That'd be AWESOME! <3
Your art is beautiful ^^
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rumifalcon In reply to becksatiger [2010-10-29 10:10:40 +0000 UTC]
thanks a lot , i really happy you can enjoy my art XD
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