#anime #manga #pinkhair #zombie #rosuuri #gakkougurashi #yukitakeya #school_live
Published: 2015-08-21 14:35:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 26060; Favourites: 2019; Downloads: 0
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I doodled Yuki Takeya from Gakkou Gurashi (School-Live)!You guys have to watch/read this because it's so good. Don't let the moe art style of the show fool you!!! > < !!
Well, I did the sketch last week but ahhh got really busy with work _(:3
I would also like to draw the other girls and turn this into a set but... I have to finish the Love Live and Gekkan Shoujo print set first. weeps;;
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Comments: 112
artist-always [2016-09-11 19:30:44 +0000 UTC]
This brings up sad memories of the show. really good drawing!
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Sahisaro [2016-08-26 12:04:33 +0000 UTC]
Dammit man you have too much good arts :3 Subscribe!
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OmegaBeastGodzilla [2015-10-30 01:55:17 +0000 UTC]
I love it!!.is a nice job!! congratulations Rosuuri!!
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MonkeyMonkeyLady [2015-10-25 01:40:33 +0000 UTC]
Girl: Do u even want to be with me forever?
Boy: No
Girl: Do u even like me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would u cry if i walked away?
Boy: No
She heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes
The boy grabbed her arm
Boy: Your not pretty...your beautiful
Boy: I dont want to be with u forever...I need to be with u forever
Boy: I dont like u...I love u
Boy: I wouldn't cry if u walked away......I would die if u walked away.
Boy Whispers: Plz stay with me
Girl: I will...
*Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they loves u
*Something good will happen to u at 1-4pm
*Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!
*Get ready for the shock of your life!
*If u dont post this to 5 other comments... You will have baD luck in relationships for the next 10 years
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tomoyukkin [2015-10-06 19:12:21 +0000 UTC]
omg, i would love if you draw the rest of the girlss qwq
//especially kurumi, altho all girls are hella pretty.
but this anime, i loved it ~ we need a second season uvu
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An-ANIME-fan [2015-09-16 14:40:13 +0000 UTC]
that anime took a really dark twist halfway through the first episode!! (really pretty btw)
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ProfessorLenah In reply to An-ANIME-fan [2015-09-17 11:18:17 +0000 UTC]
recommended it to a friend , she said she loved it
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An-ANIME-fan In reply to ProfessorLenah [2015-09-17 16:02:03 +0000 UTC]
It is really good!!
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ProfessorLenah In reply to An-ANIME-fan [2015-09-17 16:12:30 +0000 UTC]
haha , just watched ep1 and it freaked me out , the "sweet dreams" tho , reminds me of dreaming mary ghfdcx
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An-ANIME-fan In reply to ProfessorLenah [2015-09-17 18:14:30 +0000 UTC]
yeah!! Is that from steven universe? is it really good , Im thinking about watching it, should I?
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ProfessorLenah In reply to An-ANIME-fan [2015-09-17 18:28:02 +0000 UTC]
me too!! I Might watch it now the fanbase is HUGE And very popular!!
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An-ANIME-fan In reply to ProfessorLenah [2015-09-17 20:49:43 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! Im trying to (if my school gets out of my way and stops giving me homework ) and yeah the fanbase is VERY HUGE! !
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ProfessorLenah In reply to An-ANIME-fan [2015-09-18 07:53:23 +0000 UTC]
It's vacation time in my school , So i get to watch Steven!! Yayzies!!
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An-ANIME-fan In reply to ProfessorLenah [2015-09-18 15:52:48 +0000 UTC]
you're lucky!! I've got tests starting already
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ProfessorLenah In reply to An-ANIME-fan [2015-09-18 15:55:24 +0000 UTC]
After vacation i have tests
So sawd
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An-ANIME-fan In reply to ProfessorLenah [2015-09-18 16:02:24 +0000 UTC]
Must be awful!! that'd be most of your holiday revising
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Aviviya [2015-09-12 04:18:04 +0000 UTC]
You seem to always be so good
at crazy angles and perspectives with
your art. A horrible weakness for me.
I'll have to check it out, never heard of it
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AceLemigain In reply to Aviviya [2015-09-14 01:51:16 +0000 UTC]
omg you have to watch it *cries*
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DekomoriSanae [2015-09-06 04:33:39 +0000 UTC]
¿Vive en español ? pienso que la vi en mexicania antes
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michizu [2015-08-28 10:00:41 +0000 UTC]
Is Love Live/School Live any good? I haven't watched anything since Sailor Moon Crystal ended ;-;
So cute! I love the Light Novel kinda lighting. xD
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akisegu12 In reply to michizu [2015-08-29 08:42:20 +0000 UTC]
I think School Live is different from Love Live, not sure though !
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S4U1 [2015-08-27 00:47:54 +0000 UTC]
My only hope is that she does not go full Yangire.
She is to lovable for that.
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UsagiYogurt [2015-08-26 12:46:16 +0000 UTC]
Aw, so cute! I love the soft and warm colouring.
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Latiasrojo99 [2015-08-25 14:56:26 +0000 UTC]
This is adorable <3
Ahhh I need to watch this anime ;;
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RaiiningStars [2015-08-24 23:45:58 +0000 UTC]
amg this looks amazing ;;v;;!!!!! ur such ana amzing artist ;;A:;!
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Mitchtab [2015-08-24 01:51:28 +0000 UTC]
pretty much my reaction to the show:
"aww, what a cut little anime about...wait, is that blood? Oh, that girls dead... aaaaaand there's zombies, well, sh1t hit the fan quikcly didn't it?"
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SomeDandyGuy [2015-08-23 03:44:59 +0000 UTC]
Who doesn't love the schizophrenic cat hat girl
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Tiffanyiscool [2015-08-23 03:29:35 +0000 UTC]
Great angle.
The anime's going really god right now.(lining up good with the manga)
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EmilyDoesStuff In reply to Constat [2015-08-22 19:49:11 +0000 UTC]
I Recommend You To Watch The Show.... I Promise It's Safe...
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