Comments: 56
Rina-ran In reply to ??? [2012-05-24 04:41:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you kindly. :3
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DeathInTheReaper [2012-02-28 21:55:13 +0000 UTC]
lol Nothing more fun than getting tangled in a string and unable to get out of it. XD I think this is cute! Also the stairs don't look so bad. The perspective is only partially off.
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Rina-ran In reply to DeathInTheReaper [2012-03-05 03:25:21 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I should of used a more realistic reference (I used a 3D screenshot it turned out. ><; I could barely tell!)
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DeathInTheReaper In reply to Rina-ran [2012-03-06 01:29:25 +0000 UTC]
lol Oh I hate that. Sometimes I see digital stuff that I can't tell is real photo or not. D8
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MLeth [2012-02-12 14:08:49 +0000 UTC]
Is she a cyclops? : O
Cute though xD
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Rina-ran In reply to MLeth [2012-02-13 02:45:21 +0000 UTC]
No, she totally doesn't have another eye (closed) hidden behind her hair and his cheek. lol
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Wonderland-Cupcake [2012-02-06 04:51:35 +0000 UTC]
I always love the way you do expressions ^_^ And Vexe just looks so adorable!
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Eve-Tora In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-08 14:21:46 +0000 UTC]
I need to rp with you and other people from the Order. :< (Hopping subjects.)
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Eve-Tora In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-06 01:39:12 +0000 UTC]
=3 -Special.-
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Eve-Tora [2012-02-04 23:32:02 +0000 UTC]
o////o ........
Omg.. I love this. >///<
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marlylubsaxel [2012-02-04 16:56:56 +0000 UTC]
Ary-Cat wants to be caught too~ ;~;
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Rina-ran In reply to marlylubsaxel [2012-02-04 21:46:11 +0000 UTC]
Ha ha...guess she'd have to fall first.
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marlylubsaxel In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-06 18:04:08 +0000 UTC]
Oh she does...all.the.time >:C
...what a klutz ._.
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Star-Shiine [2012-02-04 06:08:09 +0000 UTC]
this is to cute! Great work on this rina!
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Star-Shiine In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-05 16:42:27 +0000 UTC]
No, it was a pleasure to see something this cute! *Loves catgirls and Nobodies*
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FreedomKnight [2012-02-04 05:59:42 +0000 UTC]
Quite adorable. At first I couldn't tell Vexe was a catgirl - the pose does a good job of hiding the usual evidence.
Rather clever way to trip up a catperson, as well. I like the idea~
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ryupichu [2012-02-03 23:21:06 +0000 UTC]
aww so romantic
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Rina-ran In reply to ryupichu [2012-02-04 05:08:37 +0000 UTC]
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ryupichu In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-04 05:20:16 +0000 UTC]
lol at least i like it though
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iruke [2012-02-03 21:28:48 +0000 UTC]
ffff bix stop making me like you
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Rina-ran In reply to iruke [2012-02-04 05:08:20 +0000 UTC]
It's all part of the plan~
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iruke In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-04 19:04:26 +0000 UTC]
well its working
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Rina-ran In reply to grimnexas [2012-02-04 05:08:04 +0000 UTC]
As far as I know. I haven't seen it happen once. XD
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grimnexas In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-04 05:29:21 +0000 UTC]
Lol, I could have sworn that Dra told me she actually did a couple times....though I could be wrong about that :3
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ABShii [2012-02-03 19:14:51 +0000 UTC]
It'll be worse than the trash compactor..~
That aside, this turned out absolutely gorgeous~ *w* Stairs~ Skies~ Vexe's eye~ I love the shading on everything. The wall and floor too. *w*
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Eve-Tora In reply to ABShii [2012-02-06 15:01:01 +0000 UTC]
D: I am innocent in all this.
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ABShii In reply to Eve-Tora [2012-02-06 22:00:57 +0000 UTC]
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Rina-ran In reply to ABShii [2012-02-04 05:07:42 +0000 UTC]
I wonder what that will be...
So happy with Vexe's eyes. I hate doing stairs... ><;
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Rina-ran In reply to Foxshu [2012-02-04 04:53:59 +0000 UTC]
Bix isn't really evil. He's got his loyalties, but is mostly neutral.
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Foxshu In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-04 09:18:02 +0000 UTC]
Oh, guess I was really mistaken x3
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FayteZephyr [2012-02-03 17:33:49 +0000 UTC]
This is UNGODLY adorable... u made Vexe look soo pretty <3 <3 <3 <3 (not that she wasnt in the first place), and iv never seen Bix look that (i wanna say tender?) with anyone other than Dra XD
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Rina-ran In reply to FayteZephyr [2012-02-04 04:53:28 +0000 UTC]
Tender is a good word. Yeah, he doesn't show that to many people.
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FayteZephyr In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-04 05:00:48 +0000 UTC]
apparently its really just Dra and Vexe XD
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FayteZephyr In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-04 05:50:36 +0000 UTC]
lolz u got a list there?
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Rina-ran In reply to FayteZephyr [2012-02-04 21:28:53 +0000 UTC]
Yes. *holds up post-it note*
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FayteZephyr In reply to Rina-ran [2012-02-04 21:33:31 +0000 UTC]
*huggles Teddy Bear* will u read it to me?
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