Published: 2013-10-13 19:28:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 10037; Favourites: 332; Downloads: 120
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OMG after so long Q7Q I'm so sorry for the unactivity QAQ
A Collab with my 2 friends Chaosdrawer and tantchen
Chaosdrawer did Yang (the one on the left) tantchen made Blake (the one in the middle) and the background was also done by her >u< and I did Weiss (the one on the right ;u; )
I got a new version of sai and sort oflost all my brushes |D I'm really realy Not happy withmy coloring T_T I hope to get the hang of it soon though ;u; and oo all the laces are hand made xD
There will most likely be a picture of Ruby in the future xDI like rubys design the most but since we where 3 and ruby is the leaderit was more fitting to draw these 3 >u< also the red string and the rose petals are an allusion to ruby >u<
Uhm well ;u;
Hope you like it <3 i'll try to be more active ;7; and finish my commissions TuT
rwby by Β© montyoum
Art by <3
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Comments: 141
RimaPichi In reply to ??? [2016-08-12 07:54:04 +0000 UTC]
Naww thanks <33
i'll tell my friends too ehehe >u<
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RimaPichi In reply to Winterfrost321 [2015-04-05 15:44:50 +0000 UTC]
eheh thakns >//u//<
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Enaria [2014-02-25 22:32:37 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful collab ! *w* I love your version (Weiss) ! >//o//<
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RimaPichi In reply to Enaria [2014-02-25 23:01:59 +0000 UTC]
Naww thank you so much >7<
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RimaPichi In reply to SibArtsmen [2014-01-20 23:05:51 +0000 UTC]
ehe glad you like it >u<
Nowhere yet xD i'll draw her onday though
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SibArtsmen In reply to RimaPichi [2014-01-22 23:27:41 +0000 UTC]
You should make all for yourself. That would be amazing. Which of team RWBY is your favorite
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SibArtsmen In reply to RimaPichi [2014-01-21 05:11:38 +0000 UTC]
Why do all their faces look different. Weiss's face looks the best to me
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RimaPichi In reply to SibArtsmen [2014-01-21 19:18:21 +0000 UTC]
uuh because each character was drawn by another person |D
drew yang drew Blake and i drew Weiss~~
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BeIIPaws [2013-11-30 22:26:52 +0000 UTC]
the only one missing is Ruby XD
I like Weiss the most in this pic ^w^
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RimaPichi In reply to BeIIPaws [2013-12-01 12:56:58 +0000 UTC]
yah xD since I and silly both like ruby the most we left her out xDD
daww thanks <33
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SimoneTouhouloid [2013-11-03 21:32:32 +0000 UTC]
This is what got me into RWBY, and I thank you for that xD
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RimaPichi In reply to SimoneTouhouloid [2013-11-11 23:08:56 +0000 UTC]
really? : DD that makes us happy xD
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AppleNeen [2013-10-25 14:35:11 +0000 UTC]
Omg Rwbyyyyyyy...so viele tolle Fanarts ΓΌberall, und das ist nur eine davon. ;u;
Habt ihr alle drei richtig klasse gemacht, wΓΌrde ich nie hinkriegen *O*
Willkommen unter den Lebenden, obwohl du noch lebendiger hier bist als ich
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RimaPichi In reply to AppleNeen [2013-10-29 23:14:43 +0000 UTC]
yah <3
Daww danke ;//u//; Ich werds ihnen ausrichten xD
ach was ;u; Ur awesome ;u;
haha xD
i'm a zombie now : D
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Akatessen [2013-10-21 02:22:05 +0000 UTC]
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Meiryuki [2013-10-18 02:38:52 +0000 UTC]
Ah what a great collab! *A*
You three all did such a great job wahhh
The black backgrounds contrasts the characters really well especially Rose!
The red petals is also a nice touch C:
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RimaPichi In reply to Meiryuki [2013-10-21 19:13:49 +0000 UTC]
Daww glad you think so <33 and thnak you so much ;//u//; <333
Rose.. isn't on this picture though xD
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RimaPichi In reply to StarlightCrystalz [2013-10-17 20:01:34 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much QuQ
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StarlightCrystalz In reply to RimaPichi [2013-10-18 04:09:15 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome! XD
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Nanami-Yukari [2013-10-17 06:51:48 +0000 UTC]
Look at all this beauty! *A*
Great job all three of you <3
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RimaPichi In reply to Nanami-Yukari [2013-10-17 20:03:16 +0000 UTC]
Daww thank you so much Q//u//Q
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Mii-Chiiro [2013-10-16 15:59:31 +0000 UTC]
you made weiss look amazing~<3 and i love how it flows through and through
but i wish you had drawn ruby
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RimaPichi In reply to Mii-Chiiro [2013-10-17 20:04:19 +0000 UTC]
Thank you ;u; glad you like it <3
i will draw ruby eventually <3 I love her design the most xD
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Treasures-Of-Wisdom [2013-10-15 23:15:46 +0000 UTC]
Once again, I can tell which is yours on sight, and once again frankly I think yours is the best (it looks the least distorted--the ones on the left and in the middle kind of look like their faces are flattened; the left one's fingers look sketchy, and the middle one's look gnarled). The only thing I'll say about yours, which is otherwise excellent, is that the really bright lighting kinda makes some details a bit hard to make out.
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RimaPichi In reply to Treasures-Of-Wisdom [2013-10-17 21:31:47 +0000 UTC]
Hmm what does look disorted on them all? >u< (we'd like to improve)
I'm bad at shading white and still letting it look like white TuT
But thanks <3
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Treasures-Of-Wisdom In reply to RimaPichi [2013-10-18 17:09:57 +0000 UTC]
Really I think one of my big issues with the left and middle characters (yours is fine here) is that they just don't look elegant to me. There is just something very ... rough-looking about the way their bodies as a whole look. This extends to the left character's hair, which doesn't look smooth to me at all (instead it looks like several clumps instead of lots of individual strands), and while I don't necessarily mind distinct black outlines in themselves, the left character's outlines seem to be very thick, especially on the knuckles and waist. I'm also not a fan of the lopsided belt. As for yours, sweet Rima, I think it's excellent! Her arm could maybe be a bit thicker, though.
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RimaPichi In reply to Treasures-Of-Wisdom [2013-10-19 19:05:11 +0000 UTC]
But blake and yang (the characters they drew) both aren't very elegant. They sort of are the cool ones... Weiss (the one i drew) is supposed to look more elegant than them xD
And that's a matter of styles i guess >u< I used to do clumps too xD And lines really depend on the style as well >3<
So you just don't seem to like their art styles xD Also the Yang has a loopside belt, that's not the artists fault xD it would have looked the same if i had to draw yang...
And thanks c: i'm glad you like mine though xD
Arms are hard... TuT
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Treasures-Of-Wisdom In reply to RimaPichi [2013-10-20 00:21:01 +0000 UTC]
Fair enough, sorry ^_^ I figured the belt was just an artistic choice (those don't seem very functional to me).
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Treasures-Of-Wisdom In reply to RimaPichi [2013-10-18 16:59:51 +0000 UTC]
As I said, the ones on the left and middle, in a way, look like their faces are flattened, and especially for the person on the left, I have something of a pet peeve when I see eyebrows going over someone's hair (unless it's in a visual novel or something, and that's a measure put in in order to make expressing various character emotions easier).
Basically I think your own characters have not had problems with drawing their faces so that they look round (roughly spherical), whereas I think the other two characters' heads sort of look like they lack depth.
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RimaPichi In reply to Treasures-Of-Wisdom [2013-10-19 18:56:02 +0000 UTC]
They both put a lot more shados on it than me though. So the one with the flattest face is actually mine |D
and i do eyebrows over the hair too TuT
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Treasures-Of-Wisdom In reply to RimaPichi [2013-10-20 00:25:07 +0000 UTC]
With regard to the shadows and the depth, I personally don't see it that way, but I appreciate your responding to me either way!
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ZeroKrishna [2013-10-15 01:26:55 +0000 UTC]
Love it! I like the one on the right the most, probably cause it was done by you. Not saying the other artists are bad, but I was instantly drawn to the one on the right. XD
Keep it up, you guys are great!
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