ricardo-bruins — W.C. Fields

Published: 2012-01-10 02:31:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1725; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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i will show some of my artwork here.
its all copyright material so if you want to use some of my work please ask me first.

the materials i use are:

1 antique white pastel pencil
handmade paper,antique colour,with jagged scalloped edge

sorry for the bad picture quality, the real artwork looks a lot better. im just crappy at taking pictures
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Comments: 22

02AngelBaby75 [2012-01-10 04:06:24 +0000 UTC]

Lovely!! W.C. Fields cracks me up, I love his negativity. If I could be any one of these old comics, no doubt I'd be him xD I GET him ^^

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ricardo-bruins In reply to 02AngelBaby75 [2012-01-10 04:13:45 +0000 UTC]

yeah i knowhe was great. i just had to get him done now. i wanted to do him for some time now but never got to it.

and i am glad that he turned out the way he did.
i will hang him in my livingroom next to some of my other nice ones.

i dont know what it is but w.c fields always reminds me of that old news/comic paper called punch.

i have some old punch books and just love them .

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02AngelBaby75 In reply to ricardo-bruins [2012-01-10 05:34:00 +0000 UTC]

Hmm.. I've never read Punch before, but I love old comics so I'm up for anything!!

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spaniard12 [2012-01-10 02:37:50 +0000 UTC]

Great work it is like looking at an old photo, beautiful to look at.

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ricardo-bruins In reply to spaniard12 [2012-01-10 02:42:21 +0000 UTC]

thank you! that is what i aim for in almost all my drawings. that old vintage look.

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spaniard12 In reply to ricardo-bruins [2012-01-10 03:01:28 +0000 UTC]

love your style man, im still learning been loving the pincel for tow years do it as i hobby.

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ricardo-bruins In reply to spaniard12 [2012-01-10 03:15:27 +0000 UTC]

ive just looked at your stuff and you have talent for it man. ive seen that you have the same clint eastwood version that i have mad and i must say i like your version a lot.

i am also still learning(you will always be learning things when you paint or draw or do other creative things)

i just like you did is mostly as a hobby(i have done some other things for people )

but now i am going to put my stuff out there and go big with it.

currently there is an exhibition going on with some of my work. and i will keep doing exhibitions... and who knows maybe even sell stuff later on(not sure if i really want to sell my work... i like it the way it is now)

but i will get my own website up and i will promote my stuff more.

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spaniard12 In reply to ricardo-bruins [2012-01-10 03:29:29 +0000 UTC]

Good on you,thank you for your comment means alot coming from such a gifted artist hope to see your work on gallerys and exhibitons.
Thats what is so great about these site,you get to talk to other artists and share tecknics and ways of doing things, and seen other styles.

Just join DevianArt tow days ago.excuse my writting and spelling as i speak it well but my writng skills are not so good,im originally from spain madrid,i have been living in Australia for 30 years.

Ihave started to do potraits of people well known to others, but love to do original stuff one day very soon.

Love to have you as friend on DeveanArt to follow your work and style.

Thank you for your time

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ricardo-bruins In reply to spaniard12 [2012-01-10 03:40:09 +0000 UTC]

sure it would be great to have you as a friend.

and its always great to see each others things.

we can always learn from it.

i also do lots of famous people but i also do lots of my own stuff

but the best way to get attention is to do things people know and like.

but no matter what happens always make sure that you do what you want to do. dont let people tell you what you can and cannot do.
and always be true to your style. work how you want to work and not how people want you to do things.

your style is what makes you unique and original.

never forget that my friend.

i also do things how i want to do them.

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spaniard12 In reply to ricardo-bruins [2012-01-10 03:47:40 +0000 UTC]

soon ill be uploading tow pieces one is a painting in acrlic of john wayne and the other is one pencil sketch of him too,gave it to my bother in law a fantic for john wayne.

Will take the photos and upload very soon.

Thanks again cant wait to see what you come up with.

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ricardo-bruins In reply to spaniard12 [2012-01-10 03:55:39 +0000 UTC]

oh great im looking foreward to your stuff.

most of the time i am doing two drawings a day and put them on deviantart the same day. sometimes i make 3 or 4 drawings in one day(like today. i have made michael chiklis ,w.c.fields and princess leia today)

i always try to put at least 2 drawings on deviantart every day.(sometimes i am not able to do that... but i will at least upload 6-9 every week)

i have done 201 drawings in 4 months time.

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spaniard12 In reply to ricardo-bruins [2012-01-10 04:05:17 +0000 UTC]

wao,i have put my work from tow years ago, still have to put tow ore three and some are new ones but will take me along time to do because of the diteal in volve.
All your work is it pencil and charcol only ?????
ill let you in a little secret people in these site go cracy for retro like 1930,1940 notice it with the tow pieces that i have the car and the woman, might do some new ones.

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ricardo-bruins In reply to spaniard12 [2012-01-10 04:18:33 +0000 UTC]

not all my work is charcoal and white pastel.

i do have some colored pastel drawings.

and i have done some inked drawings
also some airbrush stuff on cars and some paint stuff on furniture

but for some reason i just love the black and white charcoal stuff the most.

same with photographs and movies. i love black and white stuff.

and what you say about that old stuff from the 30s and 40s being popular... i know!
its also what i love the most myself

that is why i do so many old movie stars. i just love the old days and many people seem to like them.

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spaniard12 In reply to ricardo-bruins [2012-01-10 04:27:31 +0000 UTC]

Have a look at my fav from Hello-tuesday so we don make the some ones jajajaja.
im going to drop every thing to do one of them don knw haw long it will take me will see.

im a big fun to of the same theme and i notice you have some from starwars love it.

I was searching to get inspired for my nest drawing just faound it.
Hello-tuesday and you can use all her materiall amazing colleting all those photos.

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spaniard12 In reply to spaniard12 [2012-01-10 02:40:16 +0000 UTC]

I have been seen your great works, and i can see your very own personal style of interpreting what you see amazing.

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ricardo-bruins In reply to spaniard12 [2012-01-10 03:20:41 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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DeathLee28 [2012-01-10 02:36:49 +0000 UTC]

this is amazing

i don't care about the quality

i wondered who this amazing gentleman was cause i only knew of Chaplin, Buster Kenton, the three stooges, and Laurel and Hardy

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ricardo-bruins In reply to DeathLee28 [2012-01-10 02:49:29 +0000 UTC]

w.c.fields played in several comedy movies he started around the early 1900s i believe up till the 40s. i believe he died right after the war.

you could know him from the movies alice in wonderlands or david copperfield.

but he did a lot of great stuff.

its a shame that the picture doesnt show my drawing as it is when you see it in real life.

maybe i need to set the pixel quality lower or something.

anyway its good enough quality to show here and i am glad that people like you like what i did.

thank you!

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DeathLee28 In reply to ricardo-bruins [2012-01-10 02:51:40 +0000 UTC]

like it? i LOVE it

your welcome

your gallery gives me some strange feeling like if i was going back to their time period its amazing^^

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ricardo-bruins In reply to DeathLee28 [2012-01-10 02:55:08 +0000 UTC]

wow thank you!!!

that is exactly what i tried to do!
i want to give my stuff that old vintage feel . you know like those old photographs... a bit damaged but still great to look at.

or like its pages from an old book or something like an old western wanted posted.

that kind of old vintage feel

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DeathLee28 In reply to ricardo-bruins [2012-01-10 03:01:15 +0000 UTC]

i agree with the photographs

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ricardo-bruins In reply to DeathLee28 [2012-01-10 03:07:08 +0000 UTC]

well again thanks.

its great to hear that people like what i do.

ive always been holding back my stuff because i dont like putting myself in the picture.... but i thought it was time to get my stuff out for people to see.

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